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Tests & deploy dev status


Also known as Hajapäästöt kartalla

Project setup

The project requires installation of vue-cli:

npm install -g @vue/cli

To install project dependencies with npm, run:

npm install

To use dev GeoServer, add file .env.local with the following environment variable: VUE_APP_GEOSERVER_URI=http://your-dev-geoserver-address:port/geoserver/paastotkartalla/

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve-dev

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build-prod


Open & run Cypress E2E tests with npm run cypress

Built with

Vue.js & OpenLayers

See Configuration Reference.

Update air-pollutant-map changes to PRTR ui

To update changes that are made in air-pollutant-map to PRTR app, minified build needs to be copied in directory ui/public/air-pollutant-map. Dev-build can be used in local testing. Prod-build needs to be used when changes are published. Build script and copy script are chained for sequential execution. Copy-script requires installation of ncp. To install, run:

npm install -g ncp

Compiles and minifies for development and copies minified file to PRTR ui

npm run build-dev-prtr

Compiles and minifies for production and copies minified file to PRTR ui

npm run build-prod-prtr