xiaominfc TeamTalk(主要参考):https://github.com/xiaominfc/TeamTalk
1.安装使用centos 7 1611版本及以上
> yum install -y epel-release
2.安装git(版本控制工具)、wget(http下载)、gcc/gcc-c++(c++编译器) 、unzip(zip包解压)
> yum install -y git wget gcc gcc-c++ unzip
> yum install -y mariadb-devel mariadb-server
> yum install -y redis
> 或者
> cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ && wget http://mirrors.aliyun.com/repo/epel-6.repo && sudo yum install -y redis && sudo service redis start
$ cd /home
$ mkdir -p repo/github && cd repo/github
$ git clone [email protected]:xmcy0011/TeamTalk.git
cd /home/repo/github/TeamTalk/server/src/ && chmod 777 *.sh # 赋予脚本执行权限
./make_hiredis.sh # 编译redis
./make_protobuf.sh # 编译protobuf
./make_log4cxx.sh # 编译日志组件
./make_mariadb.sh # 安装mariadb和头文件(其实上面yum已安装了,但是还有遗漏)
# 编译im,version 后面是版本号
# 安装包在../im-server-2020.10.27.tar.gz
> ./build.sh version test
> cd /home/repo/github/TeamTalk/auto_setup/mariadb/ && chmod +x *.sh && ./setup.sh install
#在这里会提示修改 MariaDB 的 root 密码
#请确保设置为 12345(如果不是,进入mysql执行:set password for root@localhost = password('12345');)
#即确保和 dbproxyserver.conf 和 /home/repo/github/TeamTalk/auto_setup/mariadb/setup.sh 文件里的保持一致。剩下的 MariaDB 的设置可以都按照默认的来(一路回车)。
Enter current password for root (enter for none): 【直接回车】
Set root password? [Y/n] y
New password: 12345
Re-enter new password: 12345
Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] 【直接回车】
Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] 【直接回车】
Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] 【直接回车】
Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n]【直接回车】
# 输出如下结果代表成功
ttopen.sql existed, begin to run ttopen.sql
run sql successed.
create database successed.
以下操作二选其一(如果不熟悉,请关闭防火墙): 1.关闭防火墙
> systemctl disable firewalld.service # 防火墙默认开机不启动
> systemctl stop firewalld.service # 防火墙关闭
名称 | 类型 | 端口 |
login_server | http | 8080 |
msg_server | tcp | 8000 |
msfs_server | http | 8700 |
file_server | tcp | 8600 |
push_server | tcp | 8500 |
> systemctl enable redis # 开机启动redis
> systemctl start redis
> systemctl enable mariadb # 开机启动mariadb
> systemctl start mariadb
mysql -u root -p12345
show databases;
use teamtalk;
INSERT INTO IMDepart (`id`, `departName`, `priority`, `parentId`, `status`, `created`, `updated`) VALUES ('1', '测试', '0', '0', '0', '1546410063', '1546410063');
INSERT INTO `teamtalk`.`IMUser` (`id`, `sex`, `name`, `domain`, `nick`, `password`, `salt`, `phone`, `email`, `avatar`, `departId`, `status`, `created`, `updated`, `push_shield_status`, `sign_info`) VALUES ('7', '0', 'gaozz', '0', '高真真', 'abe84781319bd8222792f124245429f8', '1952', '', '', '', '1', '0', '1548215851', '1548215942', '0', '');
INSERT INTO `teamtalk`.`IMUser` (`id`, `sex`, `name`, `domain`, `nick`, `password`, `salt`, `phone`, `email`, `avatar`, `departId`, `status`, `created`, `updated`, `push_shield_status`, `sign_info`) VALUES ('8', '0', 'hanmm', '0', '韩梅梅', 'd4e546771dd30d75076b928326947df1', '4650', '', '', '', '1', '0', '1548215935', '1548215948', '0', '');
INSERT INTO `teamtalk`.`IMGroup` (`id`, `name`, `avatar`, `creator`, `type`, `userCnt`, `status`, `version`, `lastChated`, `updated`, `created`) VALUES ('1', '测试群', '', '7', '2', '2', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `teamtalk`.`IMGroupMember` (`id`, `groupId`, `userId`, `status`, `created`, `updated`) VALUES ('1', '1', '7', '0', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `teamtalk`.`IMGroupMember` (`id`, `groupId`, `userId`, `status`, `created`, `updated`) VALUES ('2', '1', '8', '0', '0', '0');
- 解压到/data目录
$ cp /home/repo/github/TeamTalk/server/im-server-test.tar.gz /data
$ cd /data
$ tar -zxvf im-server-test.tar.gz # 解压
- dbproxyserver,确保数据库和redis配置正确
$ cd /data/im-server-test
$ vim db_proxy_server/dbproxyserver.conf
#确认:teamtalk_master_username=root, teamtalk_master_password=12345
#确认:teamtalk_slave_username=root, teamtalk_slave_password=12345
- msg_server,修改监听IP
$ vim msg_server/msgserver.conf
# 修改:IpAdr1 为 运行机器的 IP 地址, ifconfig,如果是公网,则配置公网IP
# 修改:IpAdr2 为 运行机器的 IP 地址, ifconfig,如果是公网,则配置公网IP
- 同步依赖库
$ chmod 777 *.sh
$ ./sync_lib_for_zip.sh
# 手动拷贝一下,db_proxy_server依赖,直接放到系统目录,省事
$ cp /home/repo/github/TeamTalk/server/src/hiredis/hiredis-master/libhiredis.so /usr/lib64/libhiredis.so.0.13
- 启动服务
$ restart.sh all
- 如果成功,则显示:
$ ps -ef|grep _server
root 7471 1 0 16:38 ? 00:00:00 ./route_server
root 7474 1 0 16:38 ? 00:00:00 ./file_server
root 7516 1 0 16:38 ? 00:00:00 ./http_msg_server
root 7520 1 0 16:38 ? 00:00:00 ./push_server
root 7529 1 0 16:38 ? 00:00:00 ./login_server
root 7530 1 0 16:38 ? 00:00:00 ./msg_server
root 7544 1 0 16:38 ? 00:00:00 ./websocket_server
> cat msg_server/log/default.log
> 或者
> tail -f msg_server/log/default.log # 实时查看
- 下载客户端,这里已经编译好了windows版本:百度网盘 提取码:kt6e
- 解压,双击bin/teamtalk.exe
- 点击“设置”按钮,把默认的“http://access.teamtalk.im:8080/msg_server”更改为“http://IpAdr1:8080/msg_server”(LoginServer部署的机器IP,不是MsgServer)
- 输入账号和密码(上面插入了gaozz和hanmm共2个测试用户,密码为123456)
- 点击登录,如果失败,去服务端查看log。主要看login_server,msg_server,db_proxy_server。(tail -f login_server/log/default.log)
名称 | 类型 | 端口 |
login_server | http | 8080 |
msg_server | tcp | 8000 |
msfs_server | http | 8700 |
file_server | tcp | 8600 |
- 查看log,如果没有log。直接./db_proxy_server执行一下,看是否缺少依赖。PS:如果缺少libhiredis.so.0.13,手动拷贝一下
$ cp /home/repo/github/TeamTalk/server/src/hiredis/hiredis-master/libhiredis.so /data/im-server-test/db_proxy_server/libhiredis.so.0.13
$ cd /data/im-server-test && ./restart.sh db_proxy_server # 重启启动db_proxy_server
$ ps -ef|grep server # 查看是否存在db_proxy_server
- 检测redis是否启动,如果没启动。vim /etc/redis.conf,查看监听的端口是否正确。
- 检测mysql是否启动,用户名密码是否配置正确。
./restart.sh db_proxy_server
- 查看login_server的日志和msg_server的日志,以及db_proxy_server的日志。
- 安装nginx
# 安装nginx
$ yum install nginx
$ systemctl restart nginx
$ netstat -anp|grep nginx
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 16843/nginx: master
tcp6 0 0 :::80 :::* LISTEN 16843/nginx: master
# 此时浏览器输入:http://ip:80,如果出现页面代表成功
- 安装php 推荐:
$ yum remove php* # 先卸载旧的包
# webtatic 源
$ rpm -Uvh https://mirror.webtatic.com/yum/el7/webtatic-release.rpm
# 安装php5.6 和 php-fpm 插件
$ yum install php56w php56w-fpm
$ cp /home/repo/github/TeamTalk/auto_setup/nginx_php/php/conf/php-fpm.conf /etc/php-fpm.conf
$ cp /home/repo/github/TeamTalk/auto_setup/nginx_php/php/conf/php.ini /etc/php.ini
$ chmod 755 /etc/php-fpm.conf
$ chmod 755 /etc/php.ini
# 创建目录,存放web文件
$ mkdir -p /var/www/html
# 创建验证nginx配置文件
$ vi /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
server {
listen 8080;
server_name localhost;
location / {
root /var/www/html;
# 默认页增加index.php
index index.php index.html index.htm;
#error_page 404 /404.html;
# redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html
error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
location = /50x.html {
root /var/www/html;
#去掉location ~ \.php$配置节前面的#
location ~ \.php$ {
root html;
fastcgi_index index.php;
# 文件位置修改为/usr/share/nginx/html
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /var/www/html$fastcgi_script_name;
include fastcgi_params;
# 创建测试php页面
$ vim /var/www/html/index.php
$ nginx -s reload #重新载入nginx
$ systemctl enable php-fpm #将php-fpm设置为开启启动
$ systemctl start php-fpm #启动php-fpm服务
$ #浏览器输入:http://ip:8080,如果出现 https://www.cnblogs.com/cnxkey/articles/10685489.html 页面的图片代表成功
> cd /home/repo/github/TeamTalk/auto_setup
> chmod 777 nginx_php/nginx/setup.sh && chmod 777 nginx_php/php/setup.sh # 脚本执行权限
> ./nginx_php/nginx/setup.sh install # 安装nginx
> ./nginx_php/php/setup.sh install # 安装php5.6.6
- 部署发布tt管理web后台
$ yum install -y zip # 安装压缩软件
$ cd /home/repo/github/TeamTalk && cp -rf php/ tt && zip -r tt.zip tt # 打tt.zip的web源码包
$ mv tt.zip auto_setup/im_web/ # 放入im_web下,以便脚本能解压安装
$ cd auto_setup/im_web/
$ chmod 777 setup.sh
$ ./setup.sh install # 发布web包到 nginx /var/www/html/目录下
$ cd /etc/nginx/conf.d/ # 进入nginx配置文件目录
$ vim im.com.conf # 把80改为如8080 # 更改web访问端口
> getenforce
> setenforce 0 ##设置SELinux 成为permissive模式
- 如果启动nginx
$ systemctl start nginx
$ systemctl status nginx # 查看nginx启动状态
$ tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log # 查看nginx错误Log
- 如果要启动php-fmp https://www.cnblogs.com/hnhycnlc888/p/9434309.html
$ systemctl start php-fpm