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File metadata and controls

116 lines (82 loc) · 2.98 KB


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What it is

Htopml is a mix between htop and html as it provide ways to watch the system or you app in html with a lightweigt server. The main idea is to provide a light framework to spy some values of your application in a nice way thanks to the nice rending we can to with html/js/svg.

Currently it a more a prototype than a finished product.

Some screenshots

Example on CPU usage :

CPU usage

Example looking on thread bindings thanks to patched hwloc :

Thread binding

Compile and install

If you want to get some nice view of the threads running on the CPUs you can install then patched hwloc (optional) :

	tar -xvf hwloc-1.7.2.tar.gz
	cd hwloc-1.7.2
	patch -p1 < ../extern-deps/hwloc-1.7.2-0001-Add-native-svg-support.patch
	./configure --prefix=$HOME/usr
	make install
	#put it in your .bashrc if you want to keep it
	export PATH=$HOME/usr/bin:$PATH

First you need to compile and install

	mkdir build
	cd build
	../configure --prefix=$HOME/usr --with-hwloc=$HOME/usr
	make install

or using directly cmake :

	mkdir build
	cd build
	cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/usr -DHWLOC_PREFIX=/home/sebv/usr
	make install

Usage as daemon

You can use htopml as daemon to watch the system :

	#then connect with your browser onto http://localhost:8080

Load into app

If you wanto to watch a particular application for example to track its memory usage over time you can use :

	htopml [htopml-options] my_app [app-options]
	#then connect with your browser onto http://localhost:8080

Using plugins

You can create your own plugins or see some examples into plugins directory. Htopml provide a small kind of DSL to define your plugins and generate the C++/html/js code for you for some basic cases, see the examples to get the semantic of the files.

To build a plugin :

	htopml-generate my_plugin.xml

Then you use it at runtime with :

	htopml --plugins=./ my_app

Usage of proxy

If you use slurm, you can use the htopml-slurm-proxy command to select which process you want to look on, it will automatically setup and ssh relay with port forwarding to look on it and you can switch from one to another into the console (need to push it into the web GUI).

Licence & status

It is currently a draft prototype so don't expect miracles.

It is distributed under CeCILL-C lincence. But CAUTION, the web GUI used for the charts and this library is OpenSource (CC) only for personal and non-commercial use, in other cases, look on their site.