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1394 lines (876 loc) · 54.8 KB

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1394 lines (876 loc) · 54.8 KB

Changelog - 更新日志


This changelog has the following 7 types of updates, each of which is represented by 7 different colors
此更新日志有以下 7 中类型的更新内容,分别用 7 中不同颜色来表示

  • 🟢 Added - 新增
  • 🔴 Removed - 移除
  • 🟡 Changed - 变更
  • 🔵 Optimized - 优化
  • 🟣 Fixed - 修复
  • 🟠 Deprecated - 弃用
  • 🟤 Refactored - 重构

🔖 3.0.0.beta1

🕓 Release Date: 2024-05-17

🟢 Added - 新增

  • The docstrings for a portion of the code has been added

  • Added the animation class MoveItem to move items on the canvas
    增加了动画类 MoveItem 来移动画布上的 Item

  • The animation base class Animation adds the initialization parameter derivation to control whether the parameters of the callback function are derived
    动画基类 Animation 增加了初始化参数 derivation 来控制回调函数的参数是否求导

  • The subpackage color adds the module colormap to speed up the conversion of color names to their corresponding RGB codes
    子包 color 增加了模块 colormap 来加速颜色名称到其对应 RGB 码的转换速度

  • The subpackage color adds the functions contrast, convert, blend and gradient to complete the color processing mechanism
    子包 color 新增函数 contrastconvertblendgradient 来完善颜色处理机制的功能

  • The subpackage style adds the module theme to control the overall theme of the application
    子包 style 新增模块 theme 来控制应用程序整体的主题

  • Added method disabled to the widget class to disable it. If a style with a disabled state is defined in the stylesheet, the defined style is used, otherwise the style in the disabled state is automatically generated based on the current style (color to background color conversion by a factor of 0.618)
    小部件类新增方法 disabled 来使其处于禁用状态。若在样式表中定义了禁用状态的样式,则会使用定义的样式,否则根据当前样式自动生成禁用状态的样式(色彩向背景色转换 0.618 倍)

  • The widget RadioButton has a new initialization parameter default to control its default state
    小部件 RadioButton 新增初始化参数 default 来控制其默认的状态

  • Experimental support for color strings in RGBA format has been added to the Color subpackage
    颜色子包新增对 RGBA 格式的颜色字符串的实验性支持

🟣 Fixed - 修复

  • Fixed an bug where the animation classes MoveWidget and MoveComponent were not moving objects to the correct position when they were called repeatedly
    修复了动画类 MoveWidgetMoveComponent 在被反复调用的情况下无法将对象移动到正确位置的问题

  • Fixed an bug where the animation class ScaleFontSize did not scale the font size correctly
    修复了动画类 ScaleFontSize 无法正确缩放字体大小的问题

  • Fixed and enhanced a bug with the centering function of container widgets such as Toplevel
    修复并增强了容器小部件 Toplevel 等在居中功能上的问题

🔵 Optimized - 优化

  • Optimized the way to get the style file, the widget can set a relative name to reduce the amount of code, and the relative name starts with a decimal point

  • The theme mechanism is optimized, there is no longer a need to write a tag in the style file, and the mapping relationship between the color parameters of the item and the keywords of the style file can be written in the definition of Shape, so as to reduce the redundant content in the style file and improve the compatibility between the style files
    主题机制优化,样式文件中不再需要写出 tag,可在 Shape 的定义中写明 Item 的颜色参数与样式文件关键字的映射关系,以此缩减样式文件中的冗余内容,提高各样式文件之间的兼容性

  • Optimized the appearance of some widgets

  • Improved cross-platform compatibility

  • Improved 3D submodule compatibility with the new version of tkintertools
    提高了 3D 子模块对新版 tkintertools 兼容性

  • Change the constants FONT and SIZE to dynamic values, so that font modifications can take effect globally
    将常量 FONTSIZE 改成动态取值,便于字体修改可以全局生效

🟡 Changed - 变更

  • The animation class Gradient no longer converts an empty color string to black when it accepts it, but simply throws an exception
    动画类 Gradient 在接受空颜色字符串时不再将其转化为黑色,而是直接抛出异常

  • The implementation code for the 3D subpackage has been moved from file three/ to file three/
    3D 子包的实现代码从文件 three/ 移动到了文件 three/

  • The submodule style has been changed to the sub-package style and its contents have been reorganized
    子模块 style 变更为子包 style,其内容进行了重新的整理

🔴 Removed - 移除

  • Remove the useless class from the submodule images of the subpackage standard
    移除子包 standard 的子模块 images 中无用的类

  • Remove the function color from the color subpack (There are other better implementations)
    移除颜色子包中的函数 color(已有其他更好的实现)

🟤 Refactored - 重构

  • Some of the code has been refactored

🔖 3.0.0.alpha7

🕓 Release Date: 2024-05-05

🟤 Refactored - 重构

  • Introducing a pure Python-based third-party module, darkdetect, to implement theme dynamic following system and multi-OS dark theme support
    引入纯 Python 实现的第三方模块 darkdetect,以实现主题动态跟随系统以及多操作系统暗黑主题的支持

  • Added text class widget

  • Fixed a few bugs and added a lot of content to the framework
    修复些许 bug,框架内增加大量内容

  • Some basic dialogs have been added

🔖 3.0.0.alpha6

🕓 Release Date: 2024-04-30

🟤 Refactored - 重构

  • The framework has been further upgraded to allow you to build widgets for complex elements

  • A lot of bugs have been fixed, and a lot of content has been improved within the framework
    修复大量 bug,框架内完善大量内容

  • The animation sub-module has been added to build high-precision and complex animations

  • Color gradient animations are added to widgets, and special animations are added to some widgets, such as switch switches

  • Some widgets have been improved

🔖 3.0.0.alpha5

🕓 Release Date: 2024-04-16

🟤 Refactored - 重构

  • The framework has been upgraded to allow you to build multi-element widgets

  • A lot of bugs have been fixed, and a lot of content has been improved within the framework
    修复大量 bug,框架内完善大量内容

  • The theme binding method has been changed to improve the degree of automation, free hands as much as possible, and reduce the amount of code for users

  • UI evolution to reduce aliasing and improve clarity
    UI 进化,减小锯齿感,提升清晰度

  • Some standard widgets have been added

🔖 3.0.0.alpha4

🕓 Release Date: 2024-04-05

🟤 Refactored - 重构

  • The 3D submodule of tkintertools 2 was successfully ported to tkintertools 3
    成功将 tkintertools 2 的 3D 子模块移植到 tkintertools 3

  • A lot of bugs have been fixed, and a lot of content has been improved within the framework
    修复大量 bug,框架内完善大量内容

  • Added a theme mechanism that allows two sets of themes that can be switched between light and dark

  • The UI has been updated to provide both Windows 10 and Windows 11 style dark and bright themes
    UI 更新,提供 Windows 10 和 Windows 11 风格的暗黑与明亮两套主题

  • Highly customizable widgets are now available

🔖 3.0.0.alpha3

🕓 Release Date: 2024-02-20

🟤 Refactored - 重构

  • Fixed a few bugs and added a lot of content to the framework
    修复些许 bug,框架内增加大量内容

  • The designer is in development mode

🔖 3.0.0.alpha2

🕓 Release Date: 2024-02-18

🟤 Refactored - 重构

  • Fixed a few bugs and added a lot of content to the framework
    修复些许 bug,框架内增加大量内容

  • Added some widgets

  • The background color of the container widget automatically follows the parent widget

🔖 3.0.0.alpha1

🕓 Release Date: 2024-02-17

🟤 Refactored - 重构

  • The widget framework has been built, the details are not yet completed, and some widgets have been built for testing

  • Customizable widgets are now available

  • Fixed a few bugs and added a lot of content to the framework
    修复些许 bug,框架内增加大量内容

  • Improved Canvas's scaling mechanism
    完善了 Canvas 的缩放机制

  • Added some widgets

🔖 3.0.0.dev9

🕓 Release Date: 2023-02-16

🟤 Refactored - 重构

  • The widget framework is almost complete, and the details are not yet complete

🔖 3.0.0.dev8

🕓 Release Date: 2023-02-15

🟤 Refactored - 重构

  • Container widget tkintertools.Canvas has completed support for tkinter._CanvasItemId, as well as a host of other improvements
    容器小部件 tkintertools.Canvas 已完成对 tkinter._CanvasItemId 的支持,以及其它大量改进

🔖 3.0.0.dev7

🕓 Release Date: 2023-02-04

🟤 Refactored - 重构

  • Container widget tkintertools.Canvas has been adapted to three layouts: Pack, Place, and Grid, with Place being strengthened
    容器小部件 tkintertools.Canvas 已完成对三种布局方式 PackPlaceGrid 的适配,其中 Place 被加强

🔖 3.0.0.dev6

🕓 Release Date: 2024-01-19

🟤 Refactored - 重构

  • The window nesting feature is added under the Windows platform
    Windows 平台下新增窗口嵌套功能

  • Added controls for window border color, title bar background color, and title bar foreground color under the Windows platform
    Windows 平台下新增对窗口边框颜色、标题栏背景色和标题栏前景色的控制

🔖 3.0.0.dev5

🕓 Release Date: 2023-09-26

🟤 Refactored - 重构

  • Basic functions are being refactored...

🔖 3.0.0.dev4

🕓 Release Date: 2023-09-24

🟤 Refactored - 重构

  • Basic functions are being refactored...

🔖 3.0.0.dev3

🕓 Release Date: 2023-09-21

🟤 Refactored - 重构

  • Basic functions are being refactored...

🔖 3.0.0.dev2

🕓 Release Date: 2023-09-21

🟤 Refactored - 重构

  • Basic functions are being refactored...

🔖 3.0.0.dev1

🕓 Release Date: 2023-09-20

🟤 Refactored - 重构

  • Basic functions are being refactored...

🔖 3.0.0.dev0

🕓 Release Date: 2023-09-19

🟤 Refactored - 重构

  • Start a refactoring of the new version of tkintertools 3 to solve the problems that can't be solved in tkintertools 2 and bring more and better features!
    开启全新版本 tkintertools 3 的重构,以解决 tkintertools 2 中无法解决的问题,并带来更多更棒的功能!

🔖 2.6.21

🕓 Release Date: 2024-01-01

🟡 Changed - 变更

  • The class Text in submodule tools_3d was renamed Text3D to distinguish Text in main
    子模块 tools_3d 中的类 Text 更名为 Text3D 以区分 main 中的 Text

🔵 Optimized - 优化

  • Improved Type Hints

🟣 Fixed - 修复

  • Fixed a bug where the parameter proportion of the function color was invalid
    修复了函数 color 的参数 proportion 失效的问题

  • Fixed a bug where the configure parameter of the Switch class was incorrect
    修复了类 Switch 的方法 configure 参数取值错误的问题

🔴 Removed - 移除

  • Animation has removed the color parameter (can be implemented with the callback parameter)
    动画类 Animation 移除了参数 color(可用参数 callback 代替实现)

🔖 2.6.20

🕓 Release Date: 2023-12-26

🔵 Optimized - 优化

  • The pause and resume functionality of the image class PhotoImage is encapsulated in the methods pause and play
    图片类 PhotoImage 的暂停和继续播放功能被封装为方法 pauseplay

  • Optimized the way the PhotoImage class gets the total number of frames of a gif image, and now you can get the total number of frames by method get_total_frames
    优化类 PhotoImage 获取 gif 图片总帧数的方式,现在可以通过方法 get_total_frames 得到总帧数

  • The color function no longer manually obtains a gradient with a specified regularity, but instead specifies a control function through the parameter controller
    函数 color 不再通过手动方式得到指定规律的渐变色,而是通过参数 controller 指定一个控制函数

🟡 Changed - 变更

  • The original method of play used for PhotoImage to start playback has been renamed to start to avoid conflicts with the method of play to continue playback
    图片类 PhotoImage 原来用于开始播放的方法 play 更名为 start 避免与继续播放的方法 play 起冲突

  • The constant CONTROL was renamed CONTROLLER

🟣 Fixed - 修复

  • Fixed some incorrect type hints

🔖 2.6.19

🕓 Release Date: 2023-12-17

🟣 Fixed - 修复

  • Fixed a bug where GIFs could not be played
    修复了 gif 动图无法播放的问题

🔵 Optimized - 优化

  • PhotoImage has optimized the mechanism of playing GIFs, and if there is no pre-parsing before playback, it will be automatically parsed during playback
    图片类 PhotoImage 关于播放 gif 动图的机制得到优化,若播放前没有预解析,则会自动进行播放时解析

  • Some codes have been optimized

🔖 2.6.18

🕓 Release Date: 2023-12-10

🟣 Fixed - 修复

  • Fixed a bug where the actual font size of 3D text with the same font size setting was inconsistent in different locations
    修复在不同位置的但字体大小设定相同的 3D 文本的实际字体大小不一致的 bug

🟡 Changed - 变更

  • Class Canvas_3D was renamed Canvas3D, and Class _3D_Object was renamed to _Object3D
    Canvas_3D 更名为 Canvas3D,类 _3D_Object 更名为 _Object3D

🔵 Optimized - 优化

  • Some codes have been optimized

🔖 2.6.17

🕓 Release Date: 2023-12-07

🔵 Optimized - 优化

  • Corrected some incorrect English words

🟡 Changed - 变更

  • The font unit changes from points to pixels

  • Reduced the display position offset of tooltip widgets

🟣 Fixed - 修复

  • Fixed a bug where tooltip widgets could appear in very wrong places

  • Fixed a bug where the widget class Entry was in a non-centered state and the canvas was shrunk, entering an endless loop when entering text, causing the window to not respond
    修复了小部件类 Entry 在非居中状态,且画布缩小之后,输入文本时进入死循环,导致窗口未响应的问题

  • Fixed a bug where widget color properties were sometimes unchangeable

🔖 2.6.16

🕓 Release Date: 2023-12-01

🟢 Added - 新增

  • The ToolTip class has added a delay parameter to enhance functionality
    ToolTip 新增参数 delay 来增强功能

🔵 Optimized - 优化

  • The function askfont has been optimized so that the font selection dialog can now be opened without the need for a parent container widget
    对函数 askfont 进行了优化,现在无需父容器小部件也可以打开字体选择对话框

🟡 Changed - 变更

  • The values of some constants have been modified

🔴 Removed - 移除

  • Removed the function SetProcessDpiAwareness and the constant PROCESS_SYSTEM_DPI_AWARE
    移除函数 SetProcessDpiAwareness 和常量 PROCESS_SYSTEM_DPI_AWARE

🟣 Fixed - 修复

  • Fixed the bug that the font size of the menu bar was abnormal

  • Fixed the bug that images could not be loaded

🔖 2.6.15

🕓 Release Date: 2023-11-26

🟢 Added - 新增

  • A new method for the Animation class is called shutdown to terminate the current animation
    Animation 新增方法 shutdown 来终止当前动画

  • The geometry class Cuboid and the geometry class Tetrahedron of submodule tools_3d have been initialized to increase the degree of freedom in style configuration
    子模块 tools_3d 的类 Cuboid 和类 Tetrahedron 新增一些初始化参数来提高样式配置的自由度

  • The constants TCL, PROPORTION, SEQLENGTH, and NUM are added

  • The color function adds the parameters seqlength and num to enhance the functionality
    函数 color 新增参数 seqlengthnum 来增强功能

🔵 Optimized - 优化

  • The parameter support for the function color has been expanded to support color names such as red, skyblue, and cyan2
    函数 color 的参数支持的范围扩大,可以支持诸如 red、skyblue 和 cyan2 等颜色名称

  • Some functions can be called without the need for a parent widget

🟣 Fixed - 修复

  • Fixed a bug where the function color would get an incorrect result in rare cases
    修复了函数 color 在罕见情况下会得到错误结果的问题

🔖 2.6.14

🕓 Release Date: 2023-11-17

🟢 Added - 新增

  • The CheckButton widget class adds a font parameter to modify its font
    小部件类 CheckButton 新增参数 font 来修改其字体

🟡 Changed - 变更

  • Modify the name of some color constants and the parameters related to some colors

  • The widget class Progressbar is renamed to ProgressBar
    小部件类 Progressbar 更名为 ProgressBar

🟣 Fixed - 修复

  • Fixed the bug that the color of the Switch of the widget class was displayed incorrectly
    修复小部件类 Switch 颜色显示错误的问题

  • Fixed a bug where the initial color of the CheckButton of the widget class would not be displayed immediately
    修复小部件类 CheckButton 初始颜色不会立刻显示的问题

  • Fixed the bug that the text style of the widget class Entry was not updated after calling the method set
    修复小部件类 Entry 在调用方法 set 之后文本样式没有更新的问题

🔖 2.6.13

🕓 Release Date: 2023-11-17

🟢 Added - 新增

  • The submodule tools_3d adds markup text-related functions and corresponding parameters to the class Point: markuptext, markupdelta, markupfont, markupfill, and markupjustify
    子模块 tools_3d 的类 Point 新增标记文本相关功能以及对应参数:markuptextmarkupdeltamarkupfontmarkupfillmarkupjustify

  • Submodule tools_3d adds a new class Text to implement 3D text that is always facing us (unlike markup text, which has a zoom function)
    子模块 tools_3d 新增类 Text 来实现始终朝向我们的 3D 文本(与标记文本不同,其有缩放功能)

🟡 Changed - 变更

  • The class Switch has been partially refactored from a stand-alone class to a subclass that inherits from the base class BaseWidget, and a number of methods have been added that are compatible with BaseWidget
    Switch 部分重构,由独立类变更为继承基类 BaseWidget 的子类,添加了许多和 BaseWidget 兼容的方法

  • Change the main code file name to to avoid occupying the special file name

🟣 Fixed - 修复

  • Fixed a bug where submodule tools_3d was reversed on Z coordinates, i.e., changing the spatial coordinate system from a left-handed coordinate system to a right-handed coordinate system
    修复子模块 tools_3d 在 Z 坐标上正负颠倒的问题,即,将空间坐标系由左手坐标系改为右手坐标系

🔖 2.6.12

🕓 Release Date: 2023-11-15

🟢 Added - 新增

  • Widget class CheckButton adds parameter tick to change its markup symbol
    小部件类 CheckButton 新增参数 tick 来改变其标记符号

  • The Switch widget class adds parameters color_fill_slider and color_outline_slider to change the appearance of its internal sliders
    小部件类 Switch 新增参数 color_fill_slidercolor_outline_slider 来更改其内部滑块的外观

🔵 Optimized - 优化

  • Drastically changed the format of the docstring to solve the problem that the docstring was displayed out of order on PyCharm
    大幅度修改 docstring 的格式,以解决 docstring 在 PyCharm 上格式显示错乱的问题

  • Remove redundant code

  • Optimized tools_3d submodule code to improve performance by 13.26%
    优化了 tools_3d 子模块代码,提高了 13.26% 的性能

🟣 Fixed - 修复

  • Fixed a bug where when clicking on a widget, the widget behind it would also be triggered

  • Missing symbol '#' for function color return value
    函数 color 返回值缺少符号 “#”

  • Fixed a bug where the canvas of the tools_3d submodule could not use widgets such as buttons
    修复了 tools_3d 子模块的画布无法使用按钮等小部件的问题

  • Fixed a bug where the Switch of the Widget class could not control the Switch by clicking on the inner slider
    修复了小部件类 Switch 点击内部滑块无法操控 Switch 的问题

🔖 2.6.11

🕓 Release Date: 2023-10-17

🔵 Optimized - 优化

  • Optimized the code of submodule tools_3d, introduced built-in module array instead of the underlying list to improve the calculation speed, and improved the overall performance by 11.66% !
    优化了子模块 tools_3d 的代码,引入内置模块 array 代替底层列表来提高计算速度,综合性能提升 11.66% !

🔴 Removed - 移除

  • Removed classes _Point, _Line and _Side from submodule tools_3d
    移除了子模块 tools_3d 中的类 _Point_Line_Side

🔖 2.6.10

🕓 Release Date: 2023-08-12

🟢 Added - 新增

  • Added file and exception classes ScaleArgsValueError, ColorArgsValueError and WidgetStateModeError to provide a description of some exceptions
    新增文件 及异常类 ScaleArgsValueErrorColorArgsValueErrorWidgetStateModeError 以提供部分异常的描述

  • The widget Progressbar adds a indeterminate mode
    小部件 Progressbar 新增不定模式

🟡 Changed - 变更

  • The value of the constant SWITCH_WIDTH is changed from 0 to 60
    常量 SWITCH_WIDTH 的值从 0 更改为 60

  • The parameter width of class Switch was changed from positional argument to keyword argument
    Switch 的参数 width 由位置参数更改为关键字参数

🔵 Optimized - 优化

  • Change the way the output is formatted in all code from the "%" mode to the more efficient f-string mode
    将所有代码中格式化输出的方式由 “%” 方式更改为效率更高的 f-string 方式

  • Optimized type hints for some code

🔴 Removed - 移除

  • Remove the function text and use f-string instead
    移除函数 text,可使用 f-string 来对其进行代替

🔖 2.6.9

🕓 Release Date: 2023-08-09

🟢 Added - 新增

  • Added new widget switch (Switch)

  • Added widget Tip (ToolTip) and all virtual widgets added the parameter tooltip
    新增小部件提示框(ToolTip),且所有虚拟小部件新增参数 tooltip


🟣 Fixed - 修复

  • Fixed an issue where the text class widget called method clear was invalid
    修复了文本类小部件调用方法 clear 无效的问题

  • Fixed an issue where the class Animation automatically determined the parent widget of the widget to be moved
    修复了类 Animation 自动确定待移动小部件的父小部件时出现错误的问题

🟡 Changed - 变更

  • The positional parameter length of class CheckButton was renamed height
    CheckButton 的位置参数 length 更名为 height

🔵 Optimized - 优化

  • Optimized the method wm_geometry of class Tk to accommodate some specially formatted parameters
    优化了类 Tk 的方法 wm_geometry 以适应某些特殊格式的参数

🔴 Removed - 移除

  • Removed class Singleton and function move
    移除了类 Singleton 和函数 move

🔖 2.6.8

🕓 Release Date: 2023-08-03

🟢 Added - 新增

  • If the user's Python includes a PIL library, PIL is automatically invoked when autoscaling images to extend the functionality of the class PhotoImage
    若使用者的 Python 包含有 PIL 库,则在自动缩放图片时自动调用 PIL 来扩展类 PhotoImage 的功能

  • Added class Animation to achieve more efficient, convenient and functional animation effects
    新增类 Animation 来实现更加高效、更加方便和功能性更强的动画效果

  • Added constant CONTROL
    新增常量 CONTROL

🟣 Fixed - 修复

  • Fixed the bug that widgets Entry and Text would report an error when pasting text
    修复小部件 EntryText 粘贴文本时会报错的 bug
    💡 This bug was discovered by 一梦千年

🟡 Changed - 变更

  • Modified the name of the constant FRAMES to FPS
    修改常量 FRAMES 的名称为 FPS

  • The parameter precision of the method zoom of class PhotoImage was changed from positional argument to keyword argument
    PhotoImage 的方法 zoom 的参数 precision 由位置参数变更为关键字参数

🟠 Deprecated - 弃用

  • The function move is about to be deprecated, please replace it with the new class Animation
    函数 move 即将被弃用,请用新类 Animation 来代替

  • The class Singleton is about to be deprecated and singleton mode classes will no longer be available in subsequent releases
    Singleton 即将被弃用,后续版本中将不再提供单例模式类

🔖 2.6.7

🕓 Release Date: 2023-07-06

🟢 Added - 新增

  • The function rotate of the 3D submodule adds the keyword axis to provide the function of rotating around the axis
    3D 子模块的函数 rotate 新增关键字参数 axis 来提供绕轴旋转的功能


  • Class Tk and Toplevel Added keyword arguments alpha, toolwindow, topmost and transparentcolor
    TkToplevel 新增关键字参数 alphatoolwindowtopmosttransparentcolor

🟣 Fixed - 修复

  • Fixed a bug where the class Text would report an error when scrolling with the mouse wheel
    修复了类 Text 在使用鼠标滚轮滚动时会报错的 bug

🔵 Optimized - 优化

  • Optimized some code and type hints

  • Optimized the internal implementation of the functions translate and scale to improve performance
    优化函数 translaterotatescale 内部的实现,提高了性能

  • A large number of incomplete docstrings have been modified and improved

🟡 Changed - 变更

  • Change some methods of some classes to protection methods

🔴 Removed - 移除

  • Removed abstract classes and abstract methods

🔖 2.6.6

🕓 Release Date: 2023-07-01

🟢 Added - 新增

  • The classes _Point, _Line, _Side, and Geometry of the 3D submodule all have a new method center that returns the geometric center of the 3D object
    3D 子模块的类 _Point_Line_SideGeometry 都新增一个方法 center 返回该 3D 对象的几何中心

  • Added abstract class _3D_Object as the metabase class for classes _Point, _Line, and _Side
    新增抽象类 _3D_Object 来作为类 _Point_Line_Side 的元基类

🔵 Optimized - 优化

  • Optimized parameter passing in 3D submodules, users do not need to ensure the transitivity of list at all times, and parameters that used to only use the list type are now Iterable type
    优化了 3D 子模块中的参数传递,使用者不需要时刻保证 list 的传递性,且原来只能使用 list 类型的参数现在为 Iterable 类型

  • The way 3D objects are centered in the 3D submodule has changed, which has improved performance and reduced the amount of code
    3D 子模块中 3D 对象居中方式改变,相比原来性能提升了不少,代码量也减少了

  • Corrected some incorrect type hints and improved some missing method comments

  • In the 3D submodule, the distance between two points was originally calculated with the function hypot, and now the function dist is used directly to calculate the Euclidean distance between two points to improve performance
    3D 子模块中原来用函数 hypot 计算两点间距离,现在直接用函数 dist 计算两点间欧几里得距离,提高性能

  • The position display of widgets of class Point has been optimized in the 3D submodule so that it is always at the forefront
    3D 子模块中优化了类 Point 的小部件位置显示,让其始终保持在最前

  • The calculation formula for the camera distance in the 3D submodule has been optimized to improve the performance by a bit
    3D 子模块中相机距离的计算公式优化,提高了一点性能

🟡 Changed - 变更

  • The parameters point1 and point2 of class Point of the 3D submodule and its parent class _Point were renamed to point_start and point_end respectively
    3D 子模块的类 Point 及其父类 _Point 的参数 point1point2 分别被重命名为 point_startpoint_end

  • The parameter origin_color of the class Space of the 3D submodule has been changed to four new parameters, namely origin_size, origin_width, origin_fill and origin_outline
    3D 子模块的类 Space 的参数 origin_color 被更改为四个新的参数,分别是 origin_sizeorigin_widthorigin_fillorigin_outline

🔴 Removed - 移除

  • The classes Canvas_3D and Space of the 3D submodule remove the parameters dx and dy, and the default field of view of the canvas remains centered, i.e. their center is now the original upper-left vertex
    3D 子模块的类 Canvas_3DSpace 移除参数 dxdy,画布默认视野保持居中,也就是说,现在它们的中心位置才是原来的左上角顶点

🔖 2.6.5

🕓 Release Date: 2023-06-17

🟢 Added - 新增

  • The new class Space added to the submodule tools_3d can provide the ability to translate, rotate and scale 3D objects
    子模块 tools_3d 新增类 Space 可以提供对 3D 对象进行平移、旋转和缩放等操作的功能

🟣 Fixed - 修复

  • Fixed a bug where class Cuboid and class Tetrahedron did not add instances to parent class Canvas_3D
    修复了类 Cuboid 和类 Tetrahedron 没有将实例添加到父类 Canvas_3D 的 bug

  • Fixed a bug where an error was displayed when a 3D object appeared behind the camera position
    修复了当 3D 对象出现在相机位置后面时会显示错误的 bug

  • Fixed some incorrect type hints

🔴 Removed - 移除

  • Removed the constant BACKGROUND and no longer qualified the default background color of class Canvas
    移除常量 BACKGROUND 并且不再对类 Canvas 的默认背景颜色做限定

🔖 2.6.4

🕓 Release Date: 2023-06-12

🟢 Added - 新增

  • The class tool_3d submodule Canvas_3D has added the function space_sort to calculate and sort the actual position of space to support the correct display of geometry colors
    tool_3d 子模块的类 Canvas_3D 新增对空间实际位置进行计算和排序的函数 space_sort,以支持几何体颜色的正确显示

🟣 Fixed - 修复

  • Fixed a bug where movement and rotation between points, lines, and sides in the 3D module are out of sync
    修复了 3D 模块中的点、线与面之间移动和旋转不同步的 bug

  • Fixed a bug where class Canvas_3D in the 3D module would be invalid when passing arguments to class Canvas in the original tkinter module
    修复了 3D 模块中的类 Canvas_3D 在传递原 tkinter 模块中的类 Canvas 的参数时会无效的 bug

🟡 Changed - 变更

  • The parameter cfg_3d of class Canvas_3D is changed to 3 specific parameters, namely camera distance camera_distance, picture abscissa deviation dx and screen ordinate deviation dy
    Canvas_3D 的参数 cfg_3d 被更改为 3 个具体的参数,分别为相机距离 camera_distance、画面横坐标偏差 dx 和画面纵坐标偏差 dy

  • In the 3D submodule, the value of the camera distance constant is changed to 1000
    3D 子模块中相机距离常量的值更改为 1000

  • Compatibility changes, because Python 3.7 is about to enter the end-of-life stage, and in order to improve program performance, Python3.7 is not compatible, but Python3.8 is compatible
    兼容性更改,由于 Python3.7 即将步入 end-of-life 阶段,且为了提高程序性能,现无法兼容 Python3.7,但能够兼容 Python3.8

🔖 2.6.3

🕓 Release Date: 2023-06-07

🔵 Optimized - 优化

  • The 3D object implementation varies with the size of the canvas
    3D 对象实现随画布大小变化而变化

  • Make the default value of the corner radius more intelligent, 4 when the system is Windows11, Linux, Mac, and 0 for the rest
    使圆角半径的默认值更加智能,当系统为 Windows11LinuxMac 时为 4,其余情况为 0

  • Added more type hints, especially for overloads

🟣 Fixed - 修复

  • Fixed a bug where the parameter keep would affect the position of class Canvas
    修复参数 keep 会对类 Canvas 的位置产生影响的 bug

🟡 Changed - 变更

  • Set the default value of the parameter keep of the class Canvas_3D in the 3D module to True, i.e. keep the canvas width and height scaled proportionally by default
    将3d模块中的类 Canvas_3D 的参数 keep 的默认值设为 True,即默认保持画布宽高缩放成比例

🔖 2.6.2

🕓 Release Date: 2023-05-30

🟢 Added - 新增

  • Added tkintertools sub-module tools_3d to support drawing 3D graphics
    新增 tkintertools 子模块 tools_3d 以支持绘制 3D 图形

🔖 2.6.1

🕓 Release Date: 2023-05-21

🔵 Optimized - 优化

  • Enhance the cross platform functionality of the module, which can run on the Windows and Linux platform
    提升模块的跨平台性,可在 Windows 和 Linux 平台上运行

  • Optimized reference documentation for classes and functions

  • Improved module compatibility to Python 3.7
    提升模块兼容性,向下兼容至 Python3.7

  • Optimized test files, compatible with different operating systems, and fixed a small number of bugs
    优化了测试文件,兼容不同操作系统,修复少量 bug

  • Optimize the methods of the widget checkbox CheckButton
    优化小部件复选框 CheckButton 的各项功能

  • The class Canvas adds parameters x and y to reduce redundant code
    Canvas 新增参数 xy 以减少多余代码

🟣 Fixed - 修复

  • Fixed a bug where widgets would misalign after calling the method moveto
    修复了小部件在调用了方法 moveto 后会发生错位的 bug

🔴 Removed - 移除

  • Remove Unused Constants SCALE
    删除无用常量 SCALE

🔖 2.6.0

🕓 Release Date: 2023-03-28

🟢 Added - 新增

  • New virtual canvas widget check box: CheckButton

🟣 Fixed - 修复

  • Solve the bug that the Text class set and append methods will not be updated immediately after use
    解决 Textsetappend 方法使用后不会立即更新的 bug

🔵 Optimized - 优化

  • Optimize the parameters of some classes and functions

🔖 2.5.12

🕓 Release Date: 2023-03-20

🟢 Added - 新增

  • Add a image parameter to all widgets to add a background image
    所有小部件新增参数 image 来添加背景图片

🟣 Fixed - 修复

  • Fixed a bug where the move function cannot move a window
    修复了 move 函数无法移动窗口的 bug

🔵 Optimized - 优化

  • Move the binding code of the associated keyboard from class Tk to class Canvas
    将关联键盘的绑定代码全部由类 Tk 移到类 Canvas

  • Optimized some of the code to prevent bugs that shouldn't occur
    优化了部分代码,防止出现一些不应该出现的 bug

🔴 Removed - 移除

  • Deleted function font
    删除了函数 font

🔖 2.5.11

🕓 Release Date: 2023-03-13

🟢 Added - 新增

  • Class Canvas adds parameter keep to extend function
    Canvas 新增参数 keep 以扩展功能

  • Add the tool function SetProcessDpiAwareness to enhance the function
    新增工具函数 SetProcessDpiAwareness 以增强功能

  • New tool function font is added to solve the problem of font size matching DPI level
    新增工具函数 font 以解决字体大小适配 DPI 级别的问题

🟣 Fixed - 修复

  • Fixed the problem of inaccurate Python version requirements. The minimum module operation requirement should be Python 3.11
    修复了 Python 版本要求不准确的问题,模块最低运行要求应为 Python3.11

  • Fixed the problem that the configure method of _BaseWidget cannot get the normal effect when modifying the parameter text to an empty string
    修复了小部件基类 _BaseWidget 的方法 configure 在将参数 text 修改为空字符串时无法得到正常效果的问题

🔵 Optimized - 优化

  • Optimize the solution to the adaptive DPI problem
    优化解决适配 DPI 问题的方案

  • Optimized the way font size fits DPI
    优化了字体大小适配 DPI 的方式

  • The canvas widget will be scaled according to the scale of the canvas when it is placed, rather than after it is placed

🔖 2.5.10

🕓 Release Date: 2023-02-04

🟢 Added - 新增

  • Canvas virtual widget base class _BaseWidget Add instance attribute command_ex to extend functions
    画布虚拟小部件基类 _BaseWidget 新增实例属性 command_ex 以扩展功能

  • Function move adds parameter end to enhance function
    函数 move 新增参数 end 以增强功能

  • New method of canvas virtual widget base class moveto
    画布虚拟小部件基类新增方法 moveto

🟣 Fixed - 修复

  • Fixed the bug that the class Tk cannot make the distance between the window and the screen 0
    修复了类 Tk 无法使窗口与屏幕距离为 0 的 bug

  • Fixed the bug that the parameter borderwidth of the widget is invalid when it has rounded corners
    修复了小部件在有圆角状态下参数 borderwidth 失效的 bug

🟡 Changed - 变更

  • The initialization parameters of Tk class and Toplevel class have become more concise
    Tk 类和 Toplevel 类的初始化参数变得更加简洁了

🔵 Optimized - 优化

  • The state change of the canvas virtual widget adds a previous state detection, greatly improving performance

  • The performance of function move has been optimized
    函数 move 的性能得到了优化

🔖 2.5.9

🕓 Release Date: 2023-01-13

🟢 Added - 新增

  • Class PhotoImage new method stop is used to stop the playback of moving pictures
    PhotoImage 新增方法 stop 用于停止动图的播放

🟣 Fixed - 修复

  • Fixed an incomplete parameter bug in the moveto method of the Canvas class
    修复了 Canvas 类的方法 moveto 在参数上不完备的 bug

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes causes multiple widgets to touch at the same time
    修复了有时候会产生多个小部件同时触碰的 bug

  • Fixed parameter error of class PhotoImage
    修复了类 PhotoImage 的参数错误

🔵 Optimized - 优化

  • Optimize codes, simplify some codes and delete redundant parts

🔴 Removed - 移除

  • The redundant parameters minsize and alpha of the Tk and Toplevel classes have been deleted
    删除了 Tk 类和 Toplevel 类的冗余参数 minsizealpha

🔖 2.5.8

🕓 Release Date: 2023-01-12

🟣 Fixed - 修复

  • Fixed a bug that the function move cannot perform the default move mode flat
    修复了函数 move 无法进行默认的移动模式 flat 的 bug

  • Solve the bug that the cursor will flash faster and faster after pasting text for text widget
    解决文本类小部件在粘贴文本后光标会越闪越快的 bug

🔵 Optimized - 优化

  • move function has been optimized to improve applicability, accuracy and speed
    优化了 move 函数,提升了适用性、精度以及速度

  • Canvas class adds compatibility methods coords, move, moveto and bbox to improve the DPI adaptation problem
    Canvas 类新增兼容方法 coordsmovemovetobbox,完善了 DPI 的适配问题

  • Tk Class Add Method wm_minsize, wm_maxsize to be compatible with DPI adaptation problems
    Tk 类新增方法 wm_minsizewm_maxsize 以兼容 DPI 适配问题

  • Optimize the PhotoImage class so that it can be used without globalization
    优化 PhotoImage 类,使之无需全局化,即可使用

  • Overall optimization of code and reduction of code volume

🔖 2.5.7

🕓 Release Date: 2023-01-10

🟢 Added - 新增

  • The move function adds the parameter frames, which can change the number of frames of the animation when moving
    move 函数新增参数 frames,可改变移动时的动画的帧数

  • Tk class adds the adaptation function to screen DPI, which can make the window clearer
    Tk 类新增对屏幕 DPI 的适配功能,可使窗口更加清晰

  • New compatible version and compatible version conversion file

🟡 Changed - 变更

  • Change the function names of functions move_widget, correct_text and change_color to move, text and color respectively
    分别将函数 move_widgetcorrect_textchange_color 的函数名变更为 movetextcolor

  • Corrected some parameters

  • Increase the default frame rate parameter of the move function to 30
    提高了移动函数的默认帧率参数至 30

🔵 Optimized - 优化

  • Optimized the code structure of the color function and the move function to make it more concise
    优化了 color 函数和 move 函数的代码结构,使其更加简洁

🔖 2.5.6

🕓 Release Date: 2022-12-12

🟣 Fixed - 修复

  • Fixed the bug that the singleton mode class (Singleton) could not pass parameters during initialization
    修复了单例模式类(Singleton)在初始化时无法传递参数的 bug

  • Fixed the bug that sometimes the font parameters of _CanvasItemId could not be found when scaling fonts in Canvas class
    修复了 Canvas 类在缩放字体时,有时会找不到 _CanvasItemId 的字体参数的 bug

🟡 Changed - 变更

  • The zoom method of the picture is changed from absolute zoom to relative absolute zoom

🔵 Optimized - 优化

  • Optimized the structure of the PhotoImage class
    优化了 PhotoImage 类的结构

  • All useless codes (TODO marked) are deleted
    删除了所有无用的代码(TODO 标记的)

  • The fractions module is introduced to improve the precision of image scaling and reduce the operation time
    引入了 fractions 模块并提高了图片缩放时的精度且减少了运算时间

🔴 Removed - 移除

  • Canvas class deletes two redundant and overridden instance methods: create_ bitmap and create_ window
    Canvas 类删除了两个冗余的、重写的实例方法:create_bitmapcreate_window

🔖 2.5.5

🕓 Release Date: 2022-12-11

🟢 Added - 新增

  • Added type prompt Self for the self parameter of instance methods of all classes
    为所有类的实例方法的 self 参数添加了类型提示 Self

🟣 Fixed - 修复

  • Fixed the bug that the width and height will not change in some cases when scaling Canvas classes
    修复了 Canvas 类缩放时,宽高在某些情况下不会改变的 bug

🟡 Changed - 变更

  • Modified the access method of Tk class, Toplevel class and Canvas class protection attributes
    修改了 Tk 类、Toplevel 类、Canvas 类的保护属性的获取方式

  • Greatly modified the canvas scaling mechanism, fully adapted to all situations, and accelerated the scaling speed

🔵 Optimized - 优化

  • Optimize the structure of all multiple loops and judgment statements, making the code more beautiful

🔖 2.5.4

🕓 Release Date: 2022-12-08

🟢 Added - 新增

  • A new widget has been added: progress bar(Progressbar)

🟣 Fixed - 修复

  • Fixed the bug that the screen size would be abnormal when creating Canvas of different sizes
    修复了新建不同大小的 Canvas 时,画面大小会异常的 bug

  • Solved the bug that there is no change when the font size is scaled under certain conditions
    解决了字体大小进行缩放时,在某种条件下缩小没有变化的 bug

  • Solved the bug that function move_widget cannot move tkinter._CanvasItemId
    解决了函数 move_widget 无法移动 tkinter._CanvasItemId 的 bug

🟡 Changed - 变更

  • The binding mechanism of associated events has been modified so that Canvas classes can be created at any time
    修改了关联事件的绑定机制,使得 Canvas 类可以被随时创建

🔵 Optimized - 优化

  • Some colors are beautified

  • Optimized some codes in function move_widget
    优化了函数 move_widget 中的部分代码

🔖 2.5.3

🕓 Release Date: 2022-11-27

🟢 Added - 新增

  • Added singleton pattern(Singleton) class for inheritance

  • Add some methods (attributes) of Tk, Toplevel and Canvas to access some attributes that should not be directly accessed
    增加 TkToplevelCanvas 的一些方法(属性)来访问一些不应该被直接访问的属性

🟣 Fixed - 修复

  • Solved the bug that the destroy method of the widget can only delete half of the widgets when traversing
    解决了小部件的 destroy 方法在遍历使用时只能删除一半小部件的 bug
    💡 This bug was discovered by -ShuiGuang-

🔵 Optimized - 优化

  • Canvas class overrides destroy method to be compatible with the original destroy method
    Canvas 类重写 destroy 方法以兼容原 destroy 方法

  • Toplevel class overrides destroy method to be compatible with the original destroy method
    Toplevel 类重写 destroy 方法以兼容原 destroy 方法

  • Some codes of Tk and Toplevel are optimized, and the code amount of Toplevel widgets is greatly reduced
    优化了 TkToplevel 的部分代码,Toplevel 小部件的代码量大大缩减

🔴 Removed - 移除

  • The proportion_lock parameter and its function of Tk and Toplevel are deleted
    删除了 TkToplevelproportion_lock 参数及其功能

🔖 2.5.2

🕓 Release Date: 2022-11-25

🟢 Added - 新增

  • Added mouse style for text type virtual widget

🟣 Fixed - 修复

  • Solved the bug that the set and append methods of text virtual widgets may fail in some cases
    解决了文本类虚拟小部件 setappend 方法某些时候会失效的 bug

  • Solved the bug that the mouse style flickers when the mouse cursor moves over the button
    解决了鼠标光标移动到按钮上时的鼠标样式会闪烁的 bug

  • Fixed the bug that the read parameter of the text box widget failed
    修复了文本框小部件 read 参数失效的 bug

🔵 Optimized - 优化

  • Change the mouse position detection order to further improve the running speed

🔖 2.5.1

🕓 Release Date: 2022-11-23

🟢 Added - 新增

  • Added mouse style for button virtual widgets

🟣 Fixed - 修复

  • Solved the bug that the input prompt position was not aligned after the input box was enlarged
    解决了输入框放大后输入提示符位置没对齐的 bug

  • Solved the bug that text virtual widgets will lose focus after being pasted once
    解决了文本类虚拟小部件粘贴一次后会失去焦点的 bug

  • Fix a few errors in the module documentation

🟡 Changed - 变更

  • Modified the mouse position determination mechanism and improved the running speed

🔵 Optimized - 优化

  • Some redundant codes are deleted to improve the overall running speed

📑 Older Logs - 旧日志


The following logs belong to the ones found from ancient commit records, only date and version number, no specific content... Since I didn't get into the habit of logging before, there are no more detailed logs, but fortunately the version number is inherited 😅
下面的日志属于从远古的提交记录中找到的,只有日期和版本号,没有具体的内容…… 由于我以前没有养成记录日志的习惯,故没有更多的详细的日志了,好在版本号继承了下来 😅

Version Release Date Description
2.5.0 2022-11-21 Upload the package to PyPi 🚀
2.4.15 2022-11-18 Drew and uploaded the first version of the logo
2.4.14 2022-11-14 -
2.4.11 2022-11-13 -
2.4.10 2022-11-10 -
2.4.2 2022-11-05 -
2.4.1 2022-11-03 -
2.4.0 2022-11-02 -
2.3.5 2022-11-01 -
2.3.1 2022-10-25 Added project license (MulanPSL-2)
2.3.0 2022-10-22 -
2.2.4 2022-10-20 -
2.2 2022-10-19 -
1.4 2022-09-21 -
1.3 2022-09-20 -
1.0 2022-09-10 The repository was created and uploaded 🎉
0.2 2022-08-29 Modularize codes gradually
0.1 2022-07-23 Where the dream begins!