Without benchmark/pipeline automation, kepler metrics can be collected by query
function by setting BENCHMARK
and either one of the following time options.
It is recommend to set BENCHMARK name as a part of the pod name such as
to filter the validated results. BENCHMARK name will be also used by the TrainerIsolator to filter the target pods. If the BENCHMARK cannot be used to filter the target pods, the validated results will show result from all pods.
BENCHMARK= # name of the benchmark (will generate [BENCHMARK].json to save start and end time for reference)
PROM_URL= # e.g., http://localhost:9090
COLLECT_ID= # any unique id e.g., machine name
# time value setting
START_TIME= # format date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ
END_TIME= # format date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ
# query execution
DATAPATH=/path/to/workspace kepler-model query --benchmark $BENCHMARK --server $PROM_URL --output kepler_query --start-time $START_TIME --end-time $END_TIME --id $COLLECT_ID
# time value setting
INTERVAL= # in second
# query execution
DATAPATH=/path/to/workspace kepler-model query --benchmark $BENCHMARK --server $PROM_URL --output kepler_query --interval $INTERVAL --id $COLLECT_ID
There will three files created in the /path/to/workspace
, those are:
: raw prometheus query response<COLLECT_ID>.json
: machine system features (spec)<BENCHMARK>.json
: an item contains startTimeUTC and endTimeUTC
# value setting
PIPELINE_NAME= # any unique name for the pipeline (one pipeline can be accumulated by multiple COLLECT_ID)
# train execution
# require COLLECT_ID from collect step
DATAPATH=/path/to/workspace MODEL_PATH=/path/to/workspace kepler-model train --pipeline-name $PIPELINE_NAME --input kepler_query --id $COLLECT_ID
Export function is to archive the model that has an error less than threshold from the trained pipeline and make a report in the format that is ready to push to kepler-model-db. To use export function, need to set EXPORTER_PATH
, and collect date option.
EXPORT_PATH= # /path/to/kepler-model-db/models
PUBLISHER= # github account of publisher
The benchmark file is created query function from step 1.
# export execution
# require BENCHMARK from collect step
# require PIPELINE_NAME from train step
DATAPATH=/path/to/workspace MODEL_PATH=/path/to/workspace kepler-model export --benchmark $BENCHMARK --pipeline-name $PIPELINE_NAME -o $EXPORT_PATH --publisher $PUBLISHER --zip=true
If the data is collected by tekton, there is no benchmark file created. Need to manually set --collect-date
instead of --benchmark
# collect date value setting
COLLECT_DATE= # collect date
# export execution
# require BENCHMARK from collect step
# require PIPELINE_NAME from train step
DATAPATH=/path/to/workspace MODEL_PATH=/path/to/workspace kepler-model export --pipeline-name $PIPELINE_NAME -o $EXPORT_PATH --publisher $PUBLISHER --zip=true --collect-date $COLLECT_DATE