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✨ Contributors Guide ✨
+Welcome to my 🐍PYTHON VOICE ASSISTANT🐍 project!
We appreciate your interest in contributing.😊
This guide will help you get started with the project and make your first contribution.
+## What you can Contribute?
+**🐞Bug Fixing :**
+Contributors can help by reviewing and confirming reported issues. This includes verifying bugs, providing additional details, and prioritizing tasks for the development team.
+**✨Enhancements :**
+Contributors can enhance the project by implementing new features or improvements suggested by users. This involves understanding requirements, designing solutions, and extending the functionality of the travel website. 🚀
+**📝 Documentation :**
+High-quality documentation is essential for the success of the project. Contributions to the documentation help ensure that users and contributors can understand and use the travel website effectively.
+## 🧾 General Guidelines
+- **Communication**: If you're unsure about a fix or feature, please open an issue or ask questions in the issue’s thread before proceeding.
+- **Documentation**: Make sure to update or add relevant documentation, including comments in the code, if you’re working on a feature.
+- **Testing**: Run tests after implementing your changes and write new ones if necessary. The project uses [testing tool/framework] for verification.
+- **Code Style**: Follow the coding standards outlined in the [style guide](https://docs.github.com/en/contributing/style-guide-and-content-model/style-guide).
+- **Reporting Bugs**:
+ If you encounter any bugs, feel free to report them.
+- **Suggesting Features or Enhancements**:
+ We welcome new ideas and suggestions!
+- **Submitting Code**:
+ Keep your pull requests focused on a single change to make reviews easier.
+- **Commit Message Format**:
+ Use meaningful and descriptive commit messages.
+## Community Guidelines 🤝
+Please follow these guidelines while contributing:
+- Be respectful and considerate towards others.
+- Use inclusive language and foster a welcoming environment.
+- Avoid personal attacks, harassment, or discrimination.
+- Keep discussions focused on constructive topics.
+## Important Guidelines ⚡
+- Contributors should only work on issues that have been assigned to them.
+- Each pull request should be associated with one issue only.
+- No minor text edits should be submitted unless necessary.
+- Unethical behavior, tampering with files, or harassment will result in disqualification.
+- Follow the community guidelines while contributing to ensure a healthy collaborative environment.
+ ![Line](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/85225156/171937799-8fc9e255-9889-4642-9c92-6df85fb86e82.gif)
+ ## How to Contribute?
+- Drop a Star ⭐ in this repo
+- Take a look at the existing [**Issues**](https://github.com/suryanshsk/Python-Voice-Assistant-Suryanshsk/issues).
+- Fork the Repo & create a branch for any issue that you are working on and commit your work.
+- At first raise an issue in which you want to work
+- Then after assigning only then work on that issue & make a PR
+- Create a [**Pull Request**](https://github.com/suryanshsk/Python-Voice-Assistant-Suryanshsk/pulls), which will be promptly reviewed and given suggestions for improvements by the community.
+- **REMINDER: Don't raise more than 2 `Issue` at a time**
+- **IMPORTANT: Don't make any type of `Pull Request` until & unless you get assigned to an `Issue`**
+- Add screenshots or screen captures to your `Pull Request` to help us understand the effects of the changes that are included in your commits.
+Thank you for your contribution!!
+## Contribution Points
+*🏆 Contribution Levels:*
+All the tasks will be assigned various levels based on the complexity of the task and skills required to complete it. Every level will provide you a different amount of Points that is:
+- **🥇 Level 1**: 10 Points
+- **🥈 Level 2**: 25 Points
+- **🥉 Level 3**: 45 Points
+## Development Workflow 📈
+When contributing to this project, please follow these guidelines:
+- Always work on a new branch for each issue or feature.
+- Keep your branch updated with the main repository's master branch.
+- Write clear and concise commit messages.
+- Test your changes thoroughly before submitting a pull request.
+- Keep discussions respectful and constructive.
+## Issue Report Process 🚩
+- Go to the project's issues section.
+- Choose the appropriate template for your issue.
+- Provide a clear description of the issue.
+- Wait for someone to look into it before working on it.
+- Work on the issue only after it has been assigned to you.
+## Pull Request Process 🚀
+- Ensure that your code is self-reviewed before submitting.
+- Provide a detailed description of the functionality or changes made.
+- Add relevant comments in your code, especially for complex sections.
+- Submit your PR using the appropriate PR template.
+Need more help? 🤔
+ You can refer to the following articles on basics of Git and Github and also contact the Project Mentors, in case you are stuck:
+ How to create a Issue
+ Forking a Repo
+ Cloning a Repo
+ How to create a Pull Request
+ Getting started with Git and GitHub
+Tip from us 😇
It always takes time to understand and learn. So, don't worry at all. We know you have got this! 💪
+Show some ❤️ by 🌟 this repository!