- Dutch localized strings
- Portuguese (pt-br) localized strings
- SoundCloud.Request api property is now private
- Remove unused SoundCloud.Error cases
- Remove @MainActor from
async wrapper methods - Add public init for
- SoundCloud instance no longer has stored/published properties
- Italian, Japanese localized strings
- Search API's all have limit parameters
- Page has empty static var
- Swift 5.9 switches as statements
- Remove NSObject inheritance from SoundCloud instance
- Spanish, Arabic localized strings
- APIs
- loadUsersImFollowing
- getTracksForUser
- getLikedTracksForUser
- follow + unfollow user
- search tracks, playlists, users (artists)
- generic page of items (for paginated responses)
- like + unlike playlist
- Translation errors
- User avatar url uses large image size
- Track.genre has to be optional
- French, German localized strings
- ASWebAuthenticationSession doesn't throw anymore if user cancels
- timeStringFromSeconds displays hour when exactly an hour (00:00 -> 1:00:00)
🔨 Swift tools version 5.9⭐️ 📦 KeychainSwift 20.0.0
🔨 Swift tools version 5.8 📦 KeychainSwift 20.0.0