This sample demonstrates how to:
- Find cameras which support color, depth and/or infrared
- Access cameras in shared mode
- Create and read frames from a FrameReader
- Process input frames pixel by pixel
- Rendering frames to an image element
- Use a DeviceWatcher to monitor when cameras are connected and disconnected
Use the MediaFrameSourceGroup.FindAllAsync method to identify all capture source groups. Each group can offer multiple sources, such as color, depth and infrared. You can inspect the groups to find one that meets your needs, then initialize a MediaCapture with that group.
Set SharingMode to SharedReadOnly when initializing the MediaCapture to access the camera at the same time as another app but without the ability to modify camera settings.
Use the FrameReader class to read frames from a frame source as they arrive.
Note The Windows universal samples for Windows 10 require Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 and Windows SDK version 14332 or above to build.
To obtain information about Windows 10 development, go to the Windows Dev Center.
Windows.Media.Capture.Frames namespace
Client: Windows 10
- If you download the samples ZIP, be sure to unzip the entire archive, not just the folder with the sample you want to build.
- Start Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 and select File > Open > Project/Solution.
- Starting in the folder where you unzipped the samples, go to the Samples subfolder, then the subfolder for this specific sample, then the subfolder for your preferred language (C++, C#, or JavaScript). Double-click the Visual Studio 2015 Solution (.sln) file.
- Press Ctrl+Shift+B, or select Build > Build Solution.
The next steps depend on whether you just want to deploy the sample or you want to both deploy and run it.
- To debug the sample and then run it, follow the steps listed above to connect your developer-unlocked Microsoft HoloLens, then press F5 or select Debug > Start Debugging. To run the sample without debugging, press Ctrl+F5 or select Debug > Start Without Debugging.