-## Get started
-Try our [quickstart or demo app](/docs/getting-started/)
-Or choose your favorite [language or framework](/docs/getting-started/get-started-by-framework/)
+## Ready to get started?
-## Apps on Fly.io
-_Fly Launch is app configuration, provisioning, deployment, scaling, and orchestration with our flyctl CLI._
-[Create and manage apps](/docs/apps/)
-[Going to production checklist](/docs/apps/going-to-production/)
-[App config (fly.toml)](/docs/reference/configuration/)
+Step 1: Install `flyctl`
-## flyctl CLI
+brew install flyctl
-_Use the `fly` command to create and deploy apps, control individual Machines, configure networking, and more._
+Step 2: Run `fly launch`
-Install [flyctl](/docs/flyctl/install)
-flyctl is [open source](https://github.com/superfly/flyctl+external)
-## Fly Machines
-_Machines are fast-launching VMs—and the compute engine of the Fly.io platform. Get precise, low-level control of Machines with our REST API_
-Learn all about [Fly Machines](/docs/machines/)
-[Machines API docs](/docs/machines/api/)
-## GPU compute
-_Run GPU workloads on Fly Machines._
-[Fly GPUs](/docs/gpus/)
-## Supporting services
-_Services from Fly.io and our extension partners to help you run your entire stack near your users._
-[Tigris object storage](/docs/tigris/)
-[Supabase Postgres (public alpha)](/docs/supabase/)
-[Upstash for Redis®](/docs/upstash/redis/)
-[LiteFS - Distributed SQLite](/docs/litefs/)
-[Fly Kubernetes (private beta)](/docs/kubernetes/)
-## Networking
-_Networking on Fly.io._
-[Private networking](/docs/networking/private-networking)
-[Public networking](/docs/networking/services)
-[Custom domains](/docs/networking/custom-domain/)
-## Monitoring
-_Explore built-in and custom Prometheus metrics and Grafana dashboards. Live tail and search your app's logs, or ship them where you want them._
-[Fly.io Metrics](/docs/monitoring/metrics/)
-[Error Monitoring by Sentry](/docs/monitoring/sentry/)
-[Logging on Fly.io](/docs/monitoring/logging-overview/)
+## Explore Fly.io by features