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SAS Viya Infrastructure Resource Kit (VIRK) - Pre-installation Playbook


This playbook verifies and optionally performs many of the tasks that are required to prepare the environment for a typical SAS Viya deployment.

Use this playbook to prepare for a deployment of SAS Viya 3.2.

Prerequisites for Running the Pre-installation Playbook

Before running this playbook, take the following steps:

  • Install Ansible. Version 2.2.1 or later is recommended.
  • Make sure that the user has sudoers privileges.
  • Be aware that the playbook makes modifications to the system unless it is run with the --check option.
  • The base inventory file that VIRK provides contains only localhost and will only run on the machine where it was installed. To run the playbook on multiple machines, you can update the inventory file to include additional hosts. See the Ansible Documentation for instructions.

Running the Playbook

To run the playbook, execute the following command:

ansible-playbook viya_pre_install_playbook.yml -i inventory

Useful Optional Arguments

  • --check: Executes a "dry run" of the playbook. Runs the playbook without making changes to the system. Any modules that are instrumented to support "check mode" will report the changes that they would have made rather than make them.
  • -v through -vvvv: Lets you increase the verbosity of the script output; -vvvv enables connection debugging.
  • -i <host-inventory-file>: Lets you use a different host inventory file instead of the default /etc/ansible/host file.
  • --tags <tag-name>: Runs only task(s) with specific tag(s).
  • --skip-tags <tag-name>: Skips task(s) with specific tag(s).
  • --list-tasks: Displays all tags in a playbook.


SAS Technical Support does not provide support for the contents of this resource kit. However, you are welcome to submit issues and pull requests in GitHub.

Index of Tags for Requirement Checks within the Playbook

To see a list of tasks that you can run:

ansible-playbook viya_pre_install_playbook.yml -i inventory --list-tasks

Here's an example of running only a specific check or configuration:

ansible-playbook viya_pre_install_playbook.yml -i inventory --tags memory_check

These specific tags run the code that performs the pre-install checks and changes:

  • ping
  • os_name_check
  • os_version_check
  • memory_check
  • cpu_check
  • storage_check
  • third_party_check
  • hostname_length_check
  • yum_cache_config
  • ssh_maxstartups_config
  • required_packages_config
  • selinux_config
  • user_and_group_config
  • ulimit_config
  • network_and_bandwidth_check
  • os_firewall_config
  • ntp_config