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This directory contains tools that enable you to run SAS Event Stream Processing in a multi-user environment.

A multi-user deployment deploys the following pods:

  • A Pivotal UAA server
  • The SAS OAuth2-proxy

Service and User Accounts

In order to configure a multi-user deployment, you must have access to the Cloud Foundry uaac command line tool. This is automated using a docker image of this tool and the supplied script uaatool. Note: This script runs a pre-built docker image containing the uaac command line tool. In order to function properly, the docker image needs to be able to access the UAA server via the https://<namespace>.<domain> url. If the hostname <namespace>.<domain> is not publically resolvable via DNS, the following environment variable should be set to set the <namespace>.<domain> to ip-address binding in the docker image.

export DOCKER_ARGS="--add-host=<namespace>.<domain>:<ipv4-address>"

The following instructions create the connection to the uaa server, create an application service, and create a user.

Create a service account (this only needs to be once for a deployment):

     $ ./bin/uaatool -u <namespace>.<domain> -C <uaa username>:<uaa password>  -c

Create a user account:

     $ ./bin/uaatool -u <namespace>.<domain> -C <uaa username>:<uaa password>  -a <username>:<email address>:<password> 

The ./bin/uaatool can also delete an existing user, and list all existing users. The full usage for the script is:

     $ ./bin/uaatool -?
     Usage: ./bin/uaatool
        REQUIRED options for all commands
             -u hostname of uaa server (<namespace>.<doamin>)
             -C <uaa username>:<uaa password>
        create the uaa application client 'sv_client'
        list all users
        add a new user
             -a <username>:<email address>:<password>
        delete an existing user
             -d <username>

The UAA server persists data to the running PostgreSQL database so that it is durable with respect to cluster-wide restarts, provided that the same persitent volume is used.

You need an access token in order to access the metering server or a running ESP server through the curl command. You can query the uaa server for the access token. For example:

[esp-cloud]$ curl -k -X POST '' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -H 'Accept: application/json' -d 'client_id=sv_client&client_secret=secret&grant_type=password&username=USERNAME&password=PASSWORD'

Note: You need only the access token in order to use the curl command to access the metering server or SAS Event Stream Processing projects.