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Sunil Samuel
[email protected]
The Optical-Optimal application is a standalone GUI application that provides the functionality to break up a directory consisting of several subdirectories and files so that they can be written to your optical drive or USB flash drives optimally. Given the following requirements:
- I want to move a folder with several directories and files within it.
- I do not want them to be compressed, so that I can go back to the files and directories any time. That is, I do not want to 'restore' the backup to get to one file.
- I do not want a directory to be broken out into different discs or USB flash drives, I want each directories to be intact and contained within one media.
- I want to pack the disc or USB flash drive as much as I possibly can given the different files and directories. That is, I want to make sure that the capacity of my media is used as much as possible.
- Platform Independent - The application can run on any environment that has Java installed.
- GUI Application - Application is written using JavaFX and hence has a nice Graphical User Interface.
- i18n - The application is written to support every language. Currently, the application supports English, German, and Malayalam. The application can be easily extended to support other languages since it uses the i18n via property files, therefore extending is simple.
- Wizard Controller - The application will provide a set of wizard type pages to get you through the requirements.
This application uses the following technology stack.
- OptaPlanner :: https://www.optaplanner.org/
- BRMS (Drools) :: https://www.drools.org/
- JavaFX :: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/javase-clienttechnologies.htm
- Maven :: http://maven.apache.org
The Optical Optimal application requires that Java 1.8 or higher is installed on your machine. That's it.
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