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Layered approach for language identification of multilingual documents

Team 11, AlphaDogs

Name ID e-mail Theory Coding Data Writing
Minchul Park 8210695817 [email protected]
Meng-Yu Chung 9208398418 [email protected]
Nithin Chandrashekhar [email protected]
Samual Krish Ravichandran 6334599483 [email protected]


A language is more often comprised of features that extend geographically and social space. Language identification(LangID) plays a key part in many Language Processing tasks that require linguistic assumptions, one of them being machine translation. The major question that needs to be addressed : "Is it sufficient to determine the unknown language with the set of the possible language". This task can be difficult; even for commercial-level translators like Google translate or Bing Translator which often wrongly identify languages that are closely related by script (Wallon and French, Punjabi and Urdu, Hindi and Kashmiri) or lexicon (Devanagari family contains about 120 languages).

Our approach is to find those similar language groups in a systematic way by gradually include specialized identifiers to each language group by taking specific linguistic knowledge into account. This allows us to break down a hard problem of LangID with more than 100 languages into small modularized problems and incrementally improve the overall performance with ease. In addition to this, we also introduce the idea of entropy to determine a discriminative power of each word in a context of LangID. Since entropy is a measure of information contained in a probabilistic distribution, we can use it to distinguish words more useful on LangID task and give more weight on them.

On the other hand, multilingual documents pose a major problem during document translation. Previous works on multilingual identification are done mostly on a document level12 and there have been only a few attempts at identifying multiple languages in a fine-grained way34. Typically, sentence is a minimal text segmentation to maintain monolingual assumption; thus sentence-level granularity is sufficient for the purpose of identifying exact span of each languages in multilingual documents. Hence, the problem is formulated as a sentence-level LangID here.



Our dataset is generated from the Wikipedia corpus. First, we downloaded entire text dump files from the Wikimedia Downloads site and removed irrelevant texts, such as tags or URLs, by using wikiextractor. Then we excluded namespaced pages, as many of those pages are written in secondary languages. We assumed all documents in the corpus are monolingual, although this is not necessarily true.

In order to embrace lexical ambiguity that arises from similar languages, we collected comparable monolingual documents by using interlanguage links, which member of them deals with the same topic in a different language. We randomly sampled sentences from the documents and concatenated them in a sentence level. Sentence sampling have been done in favor of minor languages, in order to guarantee every languages have an adequate size of data.

The resulting dataset contains 20,000 documents of 123 languages, each of them consists of maximum 3 languages and 10 to 15 sentences. Each sentence contains minimum 20 characters. These documents are separated into three sets: 16,000 for training, 2,000 for development and 2,000 for a test.


Since sentence-level granularity is sufficient for most of the multilingual identification, we formulate this problem as a sentence-level LangID task. Unicode text segmentation algorithm is used for detecting sentence/word-level boundary detection.

The system is composed of several components. The first component is a script-level identifier. This component tries to identify a language by using only Unicode script information. We calculate the count of Unicode script for each document and language, and build corresponding vectors based on this information. Then we calculate cosine similarities between language and document vector and select the language that yields the highest score.

V_s = <C(s, script_0), ... , C(s, script_n)> V_l = sum V_si where si in l result(s) = argmax_l cosine(V_s, V_l)

C(s, script_n) is the number of codepoints in a sentence s that belongs to Unicode script n. V_s and V_l are vector representations of a sentence s and a language l. A language l that maximizes cosine(V_s, V_l) is selected as a language of s.

Since Unicode script itself does not provide sufficient information for language identification, the result is supposed to be highly erroneous. The agglomerative clustering algorithm is used for finding a cluster structure that minimizes the error between clusters by mergeing clusters in a greedy way. Documents in each cluster are subject to the next LangID task.

The next stage is a word-level identification. In this stage, we incorporate a concept of entropy for gauging a discriminative power of each word. If we have probability distribution of a certain word over languages, its entropy value should display its informational value on LangID task. For instance, a low entropy value of a certain word means that this word only appears on a small language set, therefore this word should be more valuable for LangID.

E(w) = -sum_l_w(p_wl * log(p_wl)) score(w, l) = c_wl / (E(w) + C_e) score(st, l) = sum_w_st score(w, l) result(st) = argmax_l score(st, l)

p_wl and c_wl is a probability and an occurrence count of the word w appearing in a sentence written in language l. E(w) is an entropy value of a word w. C_e is an entropy coefficient for the purpose of both avoiding division-by-zero and weighting. A language l that maximizes a summation value of c_wl divided by the entropy value of w is selected as an language estimation of s. For this task, only unigram model is used.

For the case of unknown words, we also build a word-level language identifier. In order to discover morphological properties of a corresponding language, we collect every possible substring for all words in each language. Word models are constructed as vectors over these morphological statistics. The models are also augmented by entropy values of each substring.

V_w = <C(w, substr_l0), ... , C(w, substr_ln)> V_l = sum V_si where si in l p_wl = cosine(V_w, V_l) / sum_l cosine(V_w, V_l) c_wl = p_wl / |S_l|

substr_l is a set of all possible substrings observed in the language l. V_w and V_l are vector representations of a word w and a morphological model for language l. We estimate probability distribution p_wl from cosine similarity values. Occurrence count values c_wl are normalized to fit their average to 1. For the sake of efficiency, we limit the number of candidate languages to 5 for each word.


We evaluate our system described using a sentence-level accuracy of the predicted language labels, along with a baseline method of simple dictionary lookup based on word counting.


Due to the length limit, detailed result are uploaded to our Github.

Baseline Without entropy Without word Use all
6.12% 65.06% 89.99% 90.65%

The baseline system has a low performance of 6.12% as shown in the table x. This is an expected result since the corpus has a considerable amount of lexical ambiguity due to the way it is generated.

Greek : el Han : zh Gujarati : gu Armenian : hy Oriya : or Arabic : ar, fa, arz, ur, mzn, ckb, pnb Kannada : kn Devanagari : ne, new, sa, mr, hi Cyrillic : ce, os, mk, be, uk, sah, kk, ba, ky, mn, tg, bg, sr, ru, cv, tt Hiragana, Katakana, Han : ja Myanmar: my Gurmukhi: pa Sinhala : si Malayalam : ml Hangul : ko Georgian : ka Telugu : te Hebrew : yi, he Bengali : bn, bpy Latin : vo Tamil : ta Latin : pl, scn, li, sw, it, nah, wa, ast, lv, ceb, fy, en, ht, sq, sv, mg, yo, fo, lmo, ms, nn, war, oc, sl, ca, de, bs, br, cs, af, ku, ro, la, lb, fi, io, eo, jv, sh, nds, pt, et, hsb, eu, hr, hu, vi, es, is, gd, az, ia, da, vec, ga, nl, tr, tl, lt, uz, gl, sk, qu, nap, min, pms, su, an, cy, sco, id, bar, fr Thai : th Ethiopic : am

The script-level identifier serves its purpose almost perfectly. The table x shows the generated clusters based on the result. In consideration of this identifier's original purpose is to divide the dataset according to their scripts, we can see that this objective is successfully achieved. However, further attempts to recursively cluster languages using same script was not rewarding. It is discussed in the next section in detail.

Script accuracy
Arabic 66.78%
Devanagari 62.04%
Cyrillic 63.84%
Hebrew 94.79%
Bengali 95.49%
Latin 43.40%

The accuracies of word-level language identifiers are described in the table x. While it is extremely challenging to estimate the language solely from a word itself without furthermore context, our result indicates that rather inaccurate estimation can bring performance improvement for LangID task. Although total improvement is marginal because we does not give a huge weight on unknown words, the performance gain on Arabic and Cyrillic languages is noticeable.

word \ sentence 0.1 0.01 0.001
0.1 80.32% 87.69% 90.65%
0.01 80.27% 87.64% 90.60%
0.001 80.23% 87.61% 90.59%

We measured the performance of a sentence-level identifier with various entropy coefficient settings. As described in the table x, the result shows effectiveness of our approach. Using entropy of each word to give weight gives substantial performance gain of 15% and further parameter tuning yields 10% of improvement. While 90% of accuracy is not a very satisfactory result for a language identification task, it is worth to note that we only used unigram feature. Since we initially focused on enabling gradual improvement, we believe this result can be easily improved if the clustering problem is solved.


Our core contributions in this research can be summarized in two parts. The first one is emphasizing a discriminative power of certain features by applying entropy value of each word. The second part is dividing a larger problem into smaller problems by clustering similar languages.

The first part works fairly well. The primary reason is that our dataset has high lexical similarity, it is important to reduce effects caused by less important words. For instance, the word "York" has a very high entropy value, because use of "New York" is so prevalent regardless of languages. We can guess that giving same weight to such words will negatively affect to the performance. In our observation, named entities usually have low discriminative power whereas long adjective/adverbs are opposite. We think future studies of language identification utilizing full dictionary/tag information may yield these kinds of interesting information. Also, investigation of this idea on other classification tasks could be fruitful.

Although clustering for finding similar languages worked almost perfectly on the script level, we realized that a more sophisticated clustering scheme is required for the later stage. While we could find several obvious clusters such as a Serbo-Croatian family (sh, hsb, bs) in the Latin script cluster, our relatively simple algorithm failed to appreciate them. Due to sparseness of minor languages, their characteristics are insufficiently represented in the model. Thus, they are occasionally misidentified in a large set of random languages. This greedy algorithm tries to merge two clusters that can eliminate as many errors as possible in a single step. When the algorithm eventually merges the minor language, then merging based on error rate propagates to all the other languages. In the result, we have a single large set of irrelevant languages. Future works should deal with this problem.

On the other side, we found the surprising result; our relatively simple model using cosine similarity outperformed other sophisticated models by a noticeable margin. While we were not able to present concrete numbers due to the schedule constraint, we initially experimented with some other models including HMM, MEMM and CRF. Our conclusion is that they may not work very well without appropriate understanding of the model, precise tuning of hyperparameters and thoughtful feature engineering.

Also, it is worth to note that many advanced models demand significant computational power, especially in this task mainly due to the huge number of vocabularies. For instance, nltk Naive-Bayes classifier crashed on the full dataset due to OOM error even with 16gb of memory. A five-gram model on CRF generated billions of features which most CRF implementations are unable to deal with and even a three-gram model took 20~30 minutes to train the entire dataset. In the perspective of a problem size, we expect solving the clustering problem stated above can alleviate this computational problem.

References cited

This document contains xxx words.