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Upgrade Guide

Upgrading from v7.x to v8.0

Breaking Changes

  • The opacity prop of all layers is now default to 1 (used to be 0.8).
  • SimpleMeshLayer and ScenegraphLayer: modelMatrix will be composed to instance transformation matrix (derived from layer props getOrientation, getScale, getTranslation and getTransformMatrix) under CARTESIAN and METER_OFFSETS coordinates.
  • ArcLayer props
    • getStrokeWidth: use getWidth
  • LineLayer props
    • getStrokeWidth: use getWidth
  • PathLayer props
  • PolygonLayer and GeoJsonLayer props
  • H3HexagonLayer props
    • getColor: use getFillColor and getLineColor
  • Tile3DLayer props:
    • onTileLoadFail: use onTileError
  • TileLayer props:
    • onViewportLoaded: use onViewportLoad
  • project shader module
    • project_scale: use project_size
    • project_to_clipspace: use project_position_to_clipspace
    • project_pixel_to_clipspace: use project_pixel_size_to_clipspace
  • WebMercatorViewport class
    • getLocationAtPoint: use getMapCenterByLngLatPosition
    • lngLatDeltaToMeters
    • metersToLngLatDelta
  • Layer class
    • setLayerNeedsUpdate: use setNeedsUpdate
    • setUniforms: use model.setUniforms
    • use64bitProjection
    • projectFlat: use projectPosition
  • PerspectiveView class - use FirstPersonView
  • ThirdPersonView class - use MapView (geospatial) or OrbitView (info-vis)
  • DeckGL no longer injects its children with view props (width, height, viewState etc.). If your custom component needs these props, consider using the ContextProvider or a render callback:

      {({width, height, viewState}) => (...)}
  • The children of DeckGL are now placed above the canvas by default (except the react-map-gl base map). Wrap them in e.g. <div style={{zIndex: -1}}> if they are intended to be placed behind the canvas.

Debugging now removes most logging when bundling under NODE_ENV=production.

Standalone bundle

The pre-bundled version, a.k.a. the scripting API has been aligned with the interface of the core Deck class.

  • Top-level view state props such as longitude, latitude, zoom are no longer supported. To specify the default view state, use initialViewState.
  • controller is no longer on by default, use controller: true.

In older versions of deck, we used to set UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL by default when creating textures from images. This is removed in v8.0 to better align with WebGL best practice. As a result, the texCoords in the shaders of BitmapLayer, IconLayer and TextLayer are y-flipped. This only affects users who extend these layers.

Users of SimpleMeshLayer with texture will need to flip their texture image vertically.

The change has allowed us to support loading textures from ImageBitmap, in use cases such as rendering to OffscreenCanvas on a web worker.

projection system
  • The common space is no longer scaled to the current zoom level. This is part of an effort to make the geometry calculation more consistent and predictable. While one old common unit is equivalent to 1 screen pixel at the viewport center, one new common unit is equivalent to viewport.scale pixels at the viewport center.
  • viewport.distanceScales keys are renamed:
    • pixelsPerMeter -> unitsPerMeter
    • metersPerPixel -> metersPerUnit
  • Low part of a DOUBLE attribute is renamed from *64xyLow to *64Low and uses the same size as the high part. This mainly affect position attributes, e.g. all vec2 positions64xyLow and vec2 instancePositions64xyLow are now vec3 positions64Low and vec3 instancePositions64Low.
    • project: vec3 project_position(vec3 position, vec2 position64xyLow) is now vec3 project_position(vec3 position, vec3 position64Low).
    • project: vec4 project_position(vec4 position, vec2 position64xyLow) is now vec4 project_position(vec4 position, vec3 position64Low).
    • project32 and project64: vec4 project_position_to_clipspace(vec3 position, vec2 position64xyLow, vec3 offset) is now vec4 project_position_to_clipspace(vec3 position, vec3 position64Low, vec3 offset).
  • The shader module project64 is no longer included in and You can still import it from
Shader modules

This change affects custom layers. is no longer registering shaders by default. This means any modules array defined in layer.getShaders() or new Model() must now use the full shader module objects, instead of just their names. All supported shader modules can be imported from

/// OLD
new Model({
  // ...
  modules: ['picking', 'project32', 'gouraud-lighting']

Should now become

import {picking, project32, gouraudLighting} from '';
/// NEW
new Model({
  // ...
  modules: [picking, project32, gouraudLighting]
Multi-view state handling

We have fixed a bug when using initialViewState with multiple views. In the past, the state change in one view is unintendedly propagated to all views. As a result of this fix, multiple views (e.g. mini map) are no longer synchronized by default. To synchronize them, define the views with an explicit

new Deck({
  // ...
  views: [
    new MapView({id: 'main'}),
    new MapView({id: 'minimap', controller: false, viewState: {id: 'main', pitch: 0, zoom: 10}})

See View class documentation for details.

Upgrading from v7.2 to v7.3


  • layer.setLayerNeedsUpdate is renamed to layer.setNeedsUpdate() and the old name will be removed in the next major release.
  • Previously deprecated Layer class method, screenToDevicePixels, is removed. Use utility methods instead.


  • ScreenGridLayer: support is now limited to browsers that implement either WebGL2 or the OES_texture_float extension. coverage stats
  • Some shader attributes are renamed for consistency:
Layer Old New
LineLayer instanceSourceTargetPositions64xyLow.xy instanceSourcePositions64xyLow instanceTargetPositions64xyLow
PathLayer instanceLeftStartPositions64xyLow.xy instanceLeftPositions64xyLow instanceStartPositions64xyLow
instanceEndRightPositions64xyLow.xy instanceEndPositions64xyLow instanceRightPositions64xyLow
ArcLayer instancePositions64Low instancePositions64xyLow
ScenegraphLayer instancePositions64xy instancePositions64xyLow
SimpleMeshLayer instancePositions64xy instancePositions64xyLow

  • Non-breaking Change: The _JSONConverter class has been renamed to JSONConverter (deprecated alias still available).
  • Non-breaking Change: The _JSONConverter.convertJson() method has been renamed to JSONConverter.convert() (deprecated stub still available).
  • Breaking Change: The _JSONConverter no longer automatically injects View classes and enumerations. If reqiured need to import and add these to your JSONConfiguration.
  • Removed: The JSONLayer is no longer included in this module. The code for this layer has been moved to an example in /test/apps/json-layer, and would need to be copied into applications to be used.

Upgrading from v7.1 to v7.2

Breaking Changes

Layer methods

Following Layer class methods have been removed :

Removed Alternate Comment
use64bitProjection use Fp64Extension details in fp64 prop section below
is64bitEnabled use Fp64Extension details in fp64 prop section below
updateAttributes _updateAttributes method is renamed
fp64 prop

The deprecated fp64 prop is removed. The current 32-bit projection is generally precise enough for almost all use cases. If you previously use this feature:

/// old
import {COORDINATE_SYSTEM} from '';

new ScatterplotLayer({
  fp64: true,

It can be changed to:

/// new
import {COORDINATE_SYSTEM} from '';
import {Fp64Extension} from '';

new ScatterplotLayer({
  extensions: [new Fp64Extension()],
Color Attributes and Uniforms

All core layer shaders now receive normalized color attributes and uniforms. If you were previously subclassing a core layer with custom vertex shaders, you should expect the color attributes to be in [0, 1] range instead of [0, 255].

project64 Shader Module

The project64 shader module is no longer registered by default. If you were previously using a custom layer that depends on this module:

getShaders() {
  return {vs, fs, modules: ['project64']};

It can be changed to:

import {project64} from '';

getShaders() {
  return {vs, fs, modules: [project64]};

CPU Grid layer and Hexagon layer updateTriggers

getElevationValue, getElevationWeight and getColorValue, getColorWeight are now compared using updateTriggers like other layer accessors. Update them without passing updateTriggers will no longer trigger layer update.


IE support is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release.

Upgrading from v7.0 to v7.1

Breaking Changes

  • Fixed a bug where coordinateOrigin's z is not applied in METER_OFFSETS and LNGLAT_OFFSETS coordinate systems.

  • If your application was subclassing GridLayer, you should now subclass CPUGridLayer instead, and either use it directly, or provide it as the sublayer class for GridLayer using _subLayerProps:

    class EnhancedCPUGridLayer extends CPUGridLayer {
    // enhancments
    // Code initilizing GridLayer
    const myGridLayer = new GridLayer({
      // props
      // Override sublayer type for 'CPU'
      _subLayerProps: {
        CPU: {
          type: EnhancedCPUGridLayer


  • getColor props in ColumnLayer and H3HexagonLayer are deprecated. Use getLineColor and getFillColor instead.

Upgrading from v6.4 to v7.0

Submodule Structure and Dependency Changes

  • is moved from dependencies to devDependencies for all submodules. This will reduce the runtime error caused by installing multiple copies of the core.
  • The master module now include all submodules except See list of submodules for details.
  • ContourLayer, GridLayer, HexagonLayer and ScreenGridLayer are moved from to No action is required if you are importing them from
  • is deprecated. Experimental layers will be exported from their respective modules with a _ prefix.
    • BitmapLayer is moved to
    • MeshLayer is renamed to SimpleMeshLayer and moved to
    • TileLayer and TripsLayer are moved to

Deck Class

Breaking Changes:

  • onLayerHover and onLayerClick props are replaced with onHover and onClick. The first argument passed to the callback will always be a valid picking info object, and the second argument is the pointer event. This change makes these two events behave consistently with other event callbacks.



  • ArcLayer and LineLayer's getStrokeWidth props are deprecated. Use getWidth instead.

Breaking Changes:

  • HexagonCellLayer is removed. Use ColumnLayer with diskResolution: 6 instead.
  • A bug in projecting elevation was fixed in HexagonLayer, GridLayer and GridCellLayer. The resulting heights of extruded grids/hexagons have changed. You may adjust them to match previous behavior by tweaking elevationScale.
  • The following former experimental layers' APIs are redesigned as they graduate to official layers. Refer to their documentations for details:


The old experimental prop lightSettings in many 3D layers is no longer supported. The new and improved settings are split into two places: a material prop for each 3D layer and a shared set of lights specified by LightingEffect with the effects prop of Deck. Check Using Lighting in developer guide for more details.


v7.0 includes major bug fixes for OrbitView and OrthographicView. Their APIs are also changed for better clarity and consistency.

Breaking Changes:

  • View state: zoom is now logarithmic in all View classes. zoom: 0 maps one unit in world space to one pixel in screen space.
  • View state: minZoom and maxZoom now default to no limit.
  • View state: offset (pixel-shift of the viewport center) is removed, use target (world position [x, y, z] of the viewport center) instead.
  • Constructor prop: added target to specify the viewport center in world position.
  • OrthographicView's constructor props left, right, top and bottom are removed. Use target to specify viewport center.
  • OrbitView's constructor prop distance and static method getDistance are removed. Use fovy and zoom instead.

project Shader Module


  • project_scale -> project_size
  • project_to_clipspace -> project_common_position_to_clipspace
  • project_to_clipspace_fp64 -> project_common_position_to_clipspace_fp64
  • project_pixel_to_clipspace -> project_pixel_size_to_clipspace


If you are using DeckGL with react-map-gl,^7.0.0 no longer works with react-map-gl v3.x.

Upgrading from v6.3 to v6.4


The experimental OrthographicView class has the following breaking changes:

  • zoom is reversed (larger value means zooming in) and switched to logarithmic scale.
  • Changed view state defaults:
    • zoom - 1 -> 0
    • offset - [0, 1] -> [0, 0]
    • minZoom - 0.1 -> -10
  • eye, lookAt and up are now set in the OrthographicView constructor instead of viewState.



  • outline is deprecated: use stroked instead.
  • strokeWidth is deprecated: use getLineWidth instead. Note that while strokeWidth is in pixels, line width is now pecified in meters. The old appearance can be achieved by using lineWidthMinPixels and/or lineWidthMaxPixels.
  • getColor is deprecated: use getFillColor and getLineColor instead.

Breaking changes:

  • outline / stroked no longer turns off fill. Use filled: false instead.


Breaking changes:

  • stroked, getLineWidth and getLineColor props now apply to point features (rendered with a ScatterplotLayer) in addition to polygon features. To revert to the old appearance, supply a _subLayerProps override:
new GeoJsonLayer({
  // ...other props
  stroked: true,
  _subLayerProps: {
    points: {stroked: false}

Upgrading from v6.2 to v6.3

GridLayer and HexagonLayer

Shallow changes in getColorValue and getElevationValue props are now ignored by default. To trigger an update, use the updateTriggers prop. This new behavior is aligned with other core layers and improves runtime performance.

Prop Types in Custom Layers

Although the prop types system is largely backward-compatible, it is possible that some custom layers may stop updating when a certain prop changes. This is because the automatically deduced prop type from defaultProps does not match its desired usage. Switch to explicit descriptors will fix the issue, e.g. from:

MyLayer.defaultProps = {
  prop: 0


MyLayer.defaultProps = {
  prop: {type: 'number', value: 0, min: 0}

Upgrading from v6.1 to v6.2


The default coordinate system COORDINATE_SYSTEM.LNGLAT is upgraded to offer high-precision results in a way that is much faster and more cross-platform compatible. The fp64 layer prop is ignored when using this new coordinate system. You can get the old fp64 mode back by using coordinateSystem: COORDINATE_SYSTEM.LNGLAT_DEPRECATED with fp64: true.

Upgrading from v5.3 to v6.0 v6.0 v6.0 brings in v6.0 which is a major release with a few breaking changes. The change that is most likely to affect applications is probably that the way the GL constant is imported has changed. For details, see to the Upgrade Guide.

Pixel sizes

Pixel sizes in line, icon and text layers now match their HTML/SVG counterparts. To achieve the same rendering output as v5, you should use half the previous value in the following props:

  • ArcLayer.getStrokeWidth
  • LineLayer.getStrokeWidth
  • IconLayer.getSize or IconLayer.sizeScale
  • TextLayer.getSize or TextLayer.sizeScale
  • PointCloudLayer.radiusPixels


All layer accessors that support constant values have had their default values changed to constants. For example, ScatterplotLayer's default getRadius prop is changed from d => d.radius || 1 to 1. All dynamic attributes now must be explicitly specified. This change makes sure that using default values results in best performance.

Views and Controllers

  • (React only) Viewport constraint props: maxZoom, minZoom, maxPitch, minPitch are no longer supported by the DeckGL component. They must be specified as part of the viewState object.
  • (React only) ViewportController React component has been removed. The functionality is now built in to the Deck and DeckGL classes.
  • Deck.onViewportChange(viewport) etc callbacks are no longer supported. Use Deck.onViewStateChange({viewState})
  • DeckGL.viewport and DeckGL.viewports props are no longer supported. Use DeckGL.views.


minColor and maxColor props are deprecated. Use colorRange and colorDomain props.

Shader Modules

Some previously deprecated project_ module GLSL functions have now been removed.


isGeneric field of attribute object returned by AttributeManager's update callbacks is replaced by constant. For more details check attribute manager.

Upgrading from v5.2 to v5.3

Viewport classes

Continuing the changes that started in 5.2: while the base Viewport class will remain supported, the various Viewport subclasses are now deprecated. For now, if for projection purposes you need to create a Viewport instance matching one of your View instances you can use View.makeViewport:

new MapView().makeViewport({width, height, viewState: {longitude, latitude, zoom}});

Layer properties

Layer Removed Prop New Prop Comment
ArcLayer strokeWidth getStrokeWidth Can be set to constant value
LineLayer strokeWidth getStrokeWidth Can be set to constant value

Pure JS applications

Core layers are broken out from to a new submodule Non-React users of should now install both submodules:

npm install

And import layers from the new submodule instead of core:

import {ScatterplotLayer} from '';

Users of are not affected by this change.

Upgrading from v5.1 to v5.2

DeckGL component

  • DeckGL.viewports and DeckGL.viewport are deprecated and should be replaced with DeckGL.views.

Viewport classes

  • A number of Viewport subclasses have been deprecated. They should be replaced with their View counterparts.

Experimental Features

Some experimental exports have been removed:

  • The experimental React controller components (MapController and OrbitController) have been removed. These are now replaced with JavaScript classes that can be used with the Deck.controller / DeckGL.controller property.

Upgrading from v5 to v5.1


Upgrading from v4.1 to v5

Dependencies 4.1 requires as peer dependency, but 5.0 specifies it as a normal "dependency". This means that many applications no longer need to list in their package.json. Applications that do might get multiple copies of installed, which will not work. will detect this situation during run-time throwing an exception, but npm and yarn will not detect it during install time. Thus your build can look successful during upgrade but fail during runtime.

Layer Props

Coordinate system related props have been renamed for clarity. The old props are no longer supported and will generate errors when used.

Layer Removed Prop New Prop Comment
Layer projectionMode coordinateSystem Any constant from COORDINATE_SYSTEM
Layer projectionOrigin coordinateOrigin [lng, lat]

Note; There is also an important semantical change in that using coordinateSystem instead of projectionMode causes the superimposed METER_OFFSET system's y-axis to point north instead of south. This was always the intention so in some sense this was regarded as a bug fix.

DeckGL component

Following methods and props have been renamed for clarity. The semantics are unchanged. The old props are still available but will generate a deprecation warning.

Old Method New Method Comment
queryObject pickObject These names were previously aligned with react-map-gl, but ended up confusing users. Since rest of the documentation talks extensively about "picking" it made sense to stay with that terminology.
queryVisibleObjects pickObjects The word "visible" was intended to remind the user that this function only selects the objects that are actually visible in at least one pixel, but again it confused more than it helped.

Removed picking Uniforms

Removed uniform Comment
renderPickingBuffer picking shader module
pickingEnabled picking shader module
selectedPickingColor picking shader module

The shader uniforms are used for implementing picking in custom shaders, these uniforms are no longer set by the Custom shaders can now use picking shader module.

Initial WebGL State

Following WebGL parameters are set during DeckGL component initialization.

WebGL State Value
depthTest true
depthFunc gl.LEQUAL

All our layers enable depth test so we are going set this state during initialization. We are also changing blend function for more appropriate rendering when multiple elements are blended.

For any custom needs, these parameters can be overwritten by updating them in onWebGLInitialized callback or by passing them in parameters object to drawLayer method of Layer class.


The assembleShaders function was moved to in v4.1 and is no longer re-exported from As described in v4.1 upgrade guide please use Model class instead or import it from

Removed Immutable support

ScatterplotLayer and PolygonLayer supported immutable/ES6 containers using get method, due to performance reasons this support has been dropped.

Upgrading from v4 to v4.1 v4.1 is a backward-compatible release. Most of the functionality and APIs remain unchanged but there are smaller changes that might requires developers' attention if they develop custom layers. Note that applications that are only using the provided layers should not need to make any changes issues.


Be aware that 4.1 bumps the peer dependency from 3.0 to 4.0. There have been instances where this was not detected by the installer during update.

Layer Life Cycle Optimization

  • shouldUpdateState - v4.1 contains additional optimizations of the layer lifecycle and layer diffing algorithms. Most of these changes are completely under the hood but one visible change is that the default implementation of Layer.shouldUpdate no longer returns true if only the viewport has changed. This means that layers that need to update state in response to changes in screen space (viewport) will need to redefine shouldUpdate:
  shouldUpdateState({changeFlags}) {
    return changeFlags.somethingChanged; // default is now changeFlags.propsOrDataChanged;

Note that this change has already been done in all the provided layers that are screen space based, including the ScreenGridLayer and the HexagonLayer. Model class API change

  • v4.1 bumps to from v3 to v4. This is major release that brings full WebGL2 enablement to This should not affect you if you are mainly using the provided layers but if you are writing your own layers using classes you may want to look at the upgrade guide of

The gl parameter is provided as a separate argument in v4, instead of part of the options object.

// v4
new Model(gl, {opts});
// v3
new Model({gl, ...opts});

Shader Assembly

Custom layers are no longer expected to call assembleShaders directly. Instead, the new Model class from v4 will take shaders and the modules they are using as parameters and assemble shaders automatically.

// v4
const model = new Model(gl, {
  modules: ['fp64', ...],
  shaderCache: this.context.shaderCache

// v3
const shaders = assembleShaders(gl, {
  modules: ['fp64', 'project64'],
  shaderCache: this.context.shaderCache
const model = new Model({
  vs: shaders.vs,
  fs: shaders.fs,

Removed Layers

Layer Status Replacement
ChoroplethLayer Removed GeoJsonLayer, PolygonLayer and PathLayer
ChoroplethLayer64 Removed GeoJsonLayer, PolygonLayer and PathLayer
ExtrudedChoroplethLayer Removed GeoJsonLayer, PolygonLayer and PathLayer
  • ChoroplethLayer, ChoroplethLayer64, ExtrudedChoroplethLayer

These set of layers were deprecated in v4, and are now removed in v5. You can still get same functionality using more unified, flexible and performant layers: GeoJsonLayer, PolygonLayer and PathLayer.

Upgrading from v3 to v4

Changed Import: The DeckGL React component

A small but breaking change that will affect all applications is that the '' import is no longer available. As of v4.0, the app is required to import as follows:

// V4
import DeckGL from '';
// V3
import DeckGL from '';

While it would have been preferable to avoid this change, a significant modernization of the build process and preparations for "tree-shaking" support combined to make it impractical to keep supporting the old import style.

Deprecated/Removed Layers

Layer Status Replacement
ChoroplethLayer Deprecated GeoJsonLayer, PolygonLayer and PathLayer
ChoroplethLayer64 Deprecated GeoJsonLayer, PolygonLayer and PathLayer
ExtrudedChoroplethLayer Deprecated GeoJsonLayer, PolygonLayer and PathLayer
EnhancedChoroplethLayer Moved to examples PathLayer
  • ChoroplethLayer, ChoroplethLayer64, ExtrudedChoroplethLayer

These set of layers are deprecated in v4, with their functionality completely substituted by more unified, flexible and performant new layers: GeoJsonLayer, PolygonLayer and PathLayer.

Developers should be able to just supply the same geojson data that are used with ChoroplethLayers to the new GeoJsonLayer. The props of the GeoJsonLayer are a bit different from the old ChoroplethLayer, so proper testing is recommended to achieve satisfactory result.

  • EnhancedChoroplethLayer

This was a a sample layer in v3 and has now been moved to a stand-alone example and is no longer exported from the npm module.

Developers can either copy this layer from the example folder into their application's source tree, or consider using the new PathLayer which also handles wide lines albeit in a slightly different way.

Removed, Changed and Deprecated Layer Properties

Layer Old Prop New Prop Comment
Layer dataIterator N/A Prop was not functional in v3
ScatterplotLayer radius radiusScale Default has changed from 30 to 1
ScatterplotLayer drawOutline outline
ScreenGridLayer unitWidth cellSizePixels
ScreenGridLayer unitHeight cellSizePixels

Note about strokeWidth props

All line based layers (LineLayer and ArcLayerand theScatterplotLayerin outline mode) now use use shaders to render an exact pixel thickness on lines, instead of using theGL.LINE` drawing mode.

This particular change was caused by browsers dropping support for this feature (Chrome and Firefox).

Also GL.LINE mode rendering always had signficant limitations in terms of lack of support for mitering, unreliable support for anti-aliasing and platform dependent line width limits so this should represent an improvement in visual quality and consistency for these layers.

Removed prop: Layer.dataIterator

This prop has been removed in v4. Note that it was not functioning as documented in v3.

Renamed Props: The ...Scale suffix

Props that have their name end of Scale is a set of props that multiply some existing value for all objects in the layers. These props usually correspond to WebGL shader uniforms that "scaling" all values of specific attributes simultaneously.

For API consistency reasons these have all been renamed with the suffix ..Scale. See the property table above.

Removed lifecycle method: Layer.willReceiveProps

This lifecycle was deprecated in v3 and is now removed in v4. Use Layer.updateState instead.

Changes to updateTriggers

Update triggers can now be specified by referring to the name of the accessor, instead of the name of the actual WebGL attribute.

Note that this is supported on all layers supplied by v4, but if you are using older layers, they need a small addition to their attribute definitions to specify the name of the accessor.

AttributeManager changes

Removed method: AttributeManager.setLogFunctions

Use the new static function AttributeManager.setDefaultLogFunctions to set loggers for all AttributeManagers (i.e. for all layers).

Removed method: AttributeManager.addDynamic

This method has been deprecated since version 2.5 and is now removed in v4. Use AttributeManager.add() instead.