A library to parse command line arguments for Java application.
This library provides the following functionalities:
- Supports POSIX & GNU like short and long options.
- This library supports
option. - This library doesn't support numeric short option.
- This library supports not
as an alternative to-o foo
for short option.
- This library supports
- Supports parsing with option configurations.
- Supports parsing with an object which stores option values and has annotations of fields.
- Is able to parse command line arguments including sub commands.
- Generates help text from option configurations.
This package can be installed from Maven Central Repository.
The examples of declaring that repository and the dependency on this package in Maven pom.xml
and Gradle build.gradle
are as follows:
repositories {
dependencies {
implementation 'io.github.sttk:cliargs:0.1.0'
This library provides the method CliArgs#parse
which parses command line arguments without configurations.
This method automatically divides command line arguments to options and command arguments.
Command line arguments starting with -
or --
are options, and others are command arguments.
If you want to specify a value to an option, follows "="
and the value after the option, like foo=123
All command line arguments after --
are command arguments, even they starts
with -
or --
var args = new String[]{"--foo-bar", "hoge", "--baz=1", "-z=2", "-xyz=3", "fuga"};
var cliargs = new CliArgs("path/to/app", args);
var result = cliargs.parse();
if (result.exception() != null) {
var cmd = result.cmd();
cmd.getName(); // "app"
cmd.getArgs(); // ["hoge", "fuga"]
cmd.hasOpt("foo-bar"); // true
cmd.hasOpt("baz"); // true
cmd.hasOpt("x"); // true
cmd.hasOpt("y"); // true
cmd.hasOpt("z"); // true
cmd.getOptArg("foo-bar"); // null
cmd.getOptArg("baz"); // "1"
cmd.getOptArg("x"); // null
cmd.getOptArg("y"); // null
cmd.getOptArg("z"); // "2"
cmd.getOptArgs("foo-bar"); // []
cmd.getOptArgs("baz"); // [1]
cmd.getOptArgs("x"); // []
cmd.getOptArgs("y"); // []
cmd.getOptArgs("z"); // ["2", "3"]
var args = new String[]{"--foo-bar", "hoge", "--baz", "1", "-z=2", "-xyz=3", "fuga"};
var cliargs = new CliArgs("path/to/app", args);
try {
var cmd = cliargs.parse().cmdOrThrow();
cmd.getName(); // "app"
cmd.getArgs(); // ["hoge", "fuga"]
cmd.hasOpt("foo-bar"); // true
// ...
} catch (ReasonedException e) {
This library provides the method CliArgs#parseWith
which parses command line arguments with configurations.
This method takes an array of option configurations: OptCfg[]
as the argument, and divides command line arguments to options and command arguments with this configurations.
And option cnfiguration has fields: storeKey
, names
, hasArg
, isArray
, type
, defaults
, decc
, argInHelp
, converter
, and postparser
field is specified the key name to store the option value in the option map.
If this field is not specified the first element of names
field is set instead.
field is a string array and specified the option names, that are both long options and short options.
The order of elements in this field is used in a help text.
If you want to prioritize the output of short option name first in the help text, like -f, --foo-bar
, but use the long option name as the key in the option map, write storekey
and names
fields as follows:
OptCfg(field("foo-bar", names("f", "foo-bar"))
field indicates the option requires one or more values.
field indicates the option can have multiple values.
field is set the data type of the option value(s).
field is an array which is used as default one or more values if the
option is not specified in command line arguments.
field is a description of the option for help text.
field is a text which is output after option name and aliases as an option value in help text.
field is a functional interface which converts an option argument string to the instance of the class specified by type
field is a functional interface which processes option argument(s) after parsing if this field is specified.
var args = new String[]{"--foo-bar", "hoge", "--baz", "1", "-z=2", "-x", "fuga"};
var cliargs = new CliArgs("path/to/app", args);
var optCfgs = new OptCfg[] {
new OptCfg(
desc("This is description of foo-bar.")
new OptCfg(
names("baz", "z"),
defaults(9, 8),
desc("This is description of baz."),
new OptCfg(
desc("(Any options are accepted)")
var result = cliargs.parseWith(optCfgs);
if (result.exception() != null) {
var cmd = result.cmd();
cmd.getName(); // "app"
cmd.getArgs(); // ["hoge", "fuga"]
cmd.hasOpt("FooBar"); // true
cmd.hasOpt("baz"); // true
cmd.hasOpt("x"); // true, due to "*" config
cmd.getOptArg("FooBar"); // null
cmd.getOptArg("baz"); // 1
cmd.getOptArg("x"); // null
cmd.getOptArgs("FooBar"); // []
cmd.getOptArgs("baz"); // [1, 2]
cmd.getOptArgs("x"); // []
This library provides Help
class which generates help text from an OptCfg
The following help text is generated from the above optCfgs
var help = new Help();
help.addText("This is the usage description.");
help.addOpts(optCfgs, 0, 2);
// (stdout)
// This is the usage description.
// --foo-bar, -f This is description of foo-bar.
// --baz, -z <text> This is description of baz.
This library provides the method CliArgs#parseFor
which takes an option store object as the argument, and puts option values by parsing command line arguments to it.
The @Opt
annotations are needed for the fields of the option store.
This @Opt
annotations can have the attributes: cfg
, desc
, and arg
can be specified the option name, aliases and default value(s).
The format of the cfg
attribute is as follows:
@Opt(cfg="name") // only name
@Opt(cfg="name,alias1,alias2") // with two aliases
@Opt(cfg="name=value") // with a default value
@Opt(cfg="name=[value1,value2]") // with default values for array
@Opt(cfg="name=:[value1:value2]") // with default values and separator is ':'
is what to specify a option description.
And arg
is what to specify a text for an option argument value in help text.
var args = new String[]{"--foo-bar", "hoge", "--baz", "1", "-z=2", "-x", "fuga"};
var cliargs = new CliArgs("path/to/app", args);
class Options {
@Opt(cfg="foo-bar", desc="This is description of foo-bar.")
boolean fooBar;
@Opt(cfg="baz,z=[9,8,7]" desc="This is description of baz."), arg="<num>")
int[] baz;
@Opt(cfg="qux,x=", desc="This is description of qux.")
boolean qux;
var options = new Options();
var result = cliargs.parseFor(options);
var cmd = result.cmd();
var optCfgs = result.optCfgs();
cmd.getName(); // "app"
cmd.getArgs(); // ["hoge", "fuga"]
cmd.hasOpt("FooBar"); // true
cmd.hasOpt("Baz"); // true
cmd.hasOpt("Qux"); // true
cmd.getOptArg("FooBar"); // null
cmd.getOptArg("Baz"); // 1
cmd.getOptArg("Qux"); // null
cmd.getOptArgs("FooBar"); // []
cmd.getOptArgs("Baz"); // [1, 2]
cmd.getOptArgs("Qux"); // []
options.fooBar; // true
options.baz; // [1, 2]
options.qux; // true
optCfgs; // OptCfg[] {
// OptCfg{
// storeKey: "fooBar"
// names: ["foo-bar"]
// hasArg: false
// isArray: false,
// type: null
// defaults: []
// desc: "This is description of foo-bar."
// argInHelp: ""
// },
// OptCfg{
// storeKey: "baz"
// names: ["baz", "z"]
// hasArg: true
// isArray: true,
// type: int.class
// defaults: [9, 8, 7]
// desc: "This is description of baz."
// argInHelp: "<num>"
// },
// OptCfg{
// storeKey: "qux"
// names: ["qux", "x"]
// hasArg: false
// isArray: false,
// type: null
// defaults: []
// desc: "This is description of qux."
// argInHelp: ""
// },
// }
The following help text is generated from the above optCfgs.
var help = new Help();
help.addText("This is the usage description.")
help.addOpts(optCfgs, 12, 1);
// (stdout)
// This is the usage description.
// --foo-bar This is description of foo-bar.
// --baz, -z <num>
// This is description of baz.
// --qux This is description of qux.
This library provides the static method CliArgs.findFirstArg
which returns the index of the first command argument.
If this index is negative, there is no command argument.
This static method enables to parse command line arguments with supporting sub
command, as follows:
var args = new String[]{"--foo-bar", "hoge", "--baz", "1", "-z=2", "-x", "abcd"};
int index = CliArgs.findFirstArg(args); // index => 1
if (index < 0) throws ...; // no sub command
var topArgs = Arrays.copyOf(args, index);
var subArgs = Arrays.copyOfRange(args, index + 1, args.length);
var cliargs = new CliArgs("app", topArgs);
var result = cliargs.parseFor(topOptions);
var topOptCfgs = result.optCfgs();
var topCmd = result.cmdOrThrow();
cliargs = new CliArgs(args.get(index), subArgs);
switch (args.get(index)) {
case "hoge":
result = cliargs.parseFor(hogeOptions);
var hogeOptCfgs = result.optCfgs();
var hogeCmd = result.cmdOrThrow();
case "fuga":
And the help text can be generated as follows:
var help = new Help();
help.addText("This is the usage of this command.");
help.addOpts(topOptCfgs, 12, 2);
help.addText("\nSUB COMMANDS:");
help.addText(String.format("%12s%s", "hoge", "The description of hoge sub-command.");
help.addOpts(hogeOpts, 12, 2);
help.addText(String.format("%12s%s", "fuga", "The description of fuga sub-command.");
help.addOpts(fugaOpts, 12, 2);
// (stdout)
// This is the usage of this command.
// --foo-bar The description of foo-bar option.
// ...
// hoge
// -z, --baz The description of baz option.
// -x The description of x option.
// ...
// fuga
// ...
This library supports native build with GraalVM.
See the following pages to setup native build environment on Linux/macOS or Windows.
And see the following pages to build native image with Maven or Gradle.
This framework supports JDK 21 or later.
- GraalVM CE 21.0.2+13.1 (openjdk version 21.0.2)
- GraalVM CE 22.0.1+8.1 (openjdk version 22.0.1)
Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Takayuki Sato
This program is free software under MIT License.
See the file LICENSE in this distribution for more details.