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listen command

Kenneth Auchenberg edited this page Oct 31, 2019 · 2 revisions

The listen command establishes a direct connection with Stripe, delivering webhook events to your computer directly. Stripe will forward all webhooks tied to the Stripe account for the a given API key.

Note: You do not need to configure any webhook endpoints in your Dashboard to receive webhooks with the CLI.

By default, listen accepts all webhook events displays them in your terminal. To forward events to your local app, use the --forward-to flag with the location:

  • --forward-to localhost:3000
  • --forward-to

Using --forward-to will return a webhook signing secret, which you can add to your application's configuration:

$ stripe listen --forward-to
> Ready! Your webhook signing secret is whsec_oZ8nus9PHnoltEtWZ3pGITZdeHWHoqnL (^C to quit)

The webhook signing secret provided will not change between restarts to the listen command.

You can specify which events you want to listen to using --events with a comma-separated list of Stripe events.

$ stripe listen --events=payment_intent.created,payment_intent.succeeded

You may have webhook endpoints you've already configured with specific Stripe events in your Dashboard. The Stripe CLI can automatically listen to those events with the --load-from-webhooks-api flag, used alongside the --forward-to flag. This will read any endpoints configured in test mode for your account and forward associated events to the provided URL:

$ stripe listen --load-from-webhooks-api --forward-to

Note: You will receive events for all interactions on your Stripe account. There is currently no way to limit events to only those that a specific user created.

Should you need to also listen to connect events for all connected accounts, you can use the separate --forward-connect-to flag:

$ stripe listen --forward-to localhost:3000/webhook --forward-connect-to localhost:3000/connect_webhook