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In this directory you can find the articles for the documentation of the Quantum Development Kit. This directory contains:

  • Articles directories: contain the articles for each section of the documentation. In these directories you can find the following contents:

    • Every directory contains a toc.yml file to display the content of the directory in the main Table Of Contents (TOC).
    • Markdown articles that contain the documentation. These articles should follow the guidelines of the Microsoft Docs contributor guide.
    • Articles sub-directories. These sub-directories should also contain their own toc.yml file.

📝 Although it's possible to refer the *.md files directly in the parent TOC.yml file, to keep things ordered we only refer them from the toc.yml of their current directory.

  • Main table of contents (TOC) TOC.yml file: in this file the sections of the website TOC are listed together with the reference to the main toc.yml file of the directory of each section.
  • index.yml YAML with the configuration of the landing page of the documentation.
  • \media: A directory to store all the images used in the documentation. It contains a \media\src subdirectory to store source files of the images.
  • License files: files containing legal licenses
  • Technical files: files containing macros and metadata.


Some general guidelines about the organization of this directory for contributors:

  • Every directory or sub-directory should contain its own toc.yml file in which are referred the same-level articles or the toc.yml files of its child directories.
  • The organization of the directories of the repository should be as close as possible to the organization of the table of contents of the documentation website.
  • All the images should be stored in articles\media and not in the articles folder.
  • The titles of the articles, the names in the TOC and the uid of the metadata should be as close as possible among them and represent clearly the H1 header of the Markdown document.

Adding images

To have the images rendering properly in dark mode you must avoid transparencies.

  • For *.jpg files you don't need to do anything since the file format doesn't support transparent elements.
  • For *.png files you must add a white background or change the value of the alpha channel to 100. The easiest way to do this in Windows is by opening the file in Paint and saving, overwriting the original file.
  • For *.svg files you must add a white rectangle in the lowest layer. You can do this with Inkscape:
    • Open the *.svg file.
    • Select the square maker tool and draw a white rectangle on top of the original figure.
    • Select the tool "Select and transform objects" by clicking in the dark arrow or pressing F1.
    • While having the rectangle selected, click in the toolbar element "Lower selection to bottom (End)".
    • Adjust the rectangle with the mouse or the arrow keys.