- Fixed #162 sort hashes to avoid pseudo changes in relay-rules.conf
- Fixed #156 Non-deterministic web user and group
- Fixed #155 wrond name of package django-tagging
- add UDP listener support to Carbon Aggregator
- added kill command after stop_counter finished for carbon shutdown
- Configureable WSGI params
- Support installing via other methods than pip (like RPM)
- Logrotate filtering out .gz files
- enhance relay template to set all options
- fix usage and autodetect of apache 2.2 vs 2.4
- Debian: fix carbon restart script for multiple instances
- fix metadata dependency to work with librarian puppet
- first rspec tests
- usage of apache 2.2 vs 2.4 configs is autodetected now
This removes parameter
- change license from MPL 2.0 to Apache 2.0
- update metadata.json to meet puppetlabs requierements
- remove deprcated Modulefile
- allow creation of multiple cache, relay and aggregator instances
- adapt init script for multiple instances
- add several settings for
- new seperate init scripts for RedHat and Debian
- improvements for puppet future parser
- update package names for RedHat 7
- add parameters
- README examples for ldap
- init script restart waits until carbon-cache stop and start correctly
- add possibility to set web server user and group:
- add basic spec files for testing
- add blacklist and whitelist settings
- add parameters to set nginx read timeout
- allows default metric prefix ('carbon') to be changed.
- add parameters for cluster servers
- add parameters for ldap
- Debian: Disabling apache default vhost
- remove trailing comma in memcached hostlist
- Redhat: fix regex to recognize version 7
- you can set location for whisper files
- missing package pip is installed
- Debian: apache mod_headers is not reconfigure every run
- Debian: apache sets absolute path to wsgi_module
- Debian: package python-django-tagging is installed via pip
- pip allways reinstalled twisted and txamqp, which triggered service restarts
- remove duplicate function
- add libs for PostgreSQL support
- fix dependency problem with missing gcc on first puppet run
- remove package dependeny problem with python-zope on RedHat
- fix variablename for redhat releases in params.pp
- add support for Apache 2.4. See parameter
- add
to set flag in carbon.conf. Default is False. - add support for custom authentication using HTTP header
- complete refactoring of install process, to solve dependency hell on redhat. Update process tested on CentOS 6.5 and Debian 7 Wheezy
- package
is not required anymore - whisper, graphite-web, carbon are installed via pip now
- add support for LDAP config with
parameters gr_web_server
can be set to 'apache', 'nginx', 'wsgionly' or 'none'
- remove
. Usage of memcached is configured/enabled ifgr_memcache_hosts
is set. gr_memcache_hosts
changed from String to Array
- install txamqp correct on Debian
- allow Redhat based systems to use a different apache port correctly
- parameterize the install of ca-certificate on Debian distributions
- enable mod_headers on Debian apache if CORS is enabled
- fix install of txamqp for Debian 7.4
- some whitespace reformating
- add replication factor support
- added controls for handling cluster configuration in the web application
!!! Be aware that this module overwrites !!! carbon-aggregator and memcached configs now.
- allow to configure carbon aggregator
- allow to set vhost name web gui
- allow to configure memcached
- implementation of carbon-relay configuration
- complet refactoring to support graphit 0.9.12
- add support for dynamic storage schemas
- add support for django version > 1.4
- use mod_wsgi instead of mod_python
- fix some dependency issues
- new parameters to set listen port for webui
- download sources with curl instead of wget on redhat
- refactoring, so variables are used in class scope
- add Rdoc documentation for puppet doc
- refactoring to match http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/style_guide.html
- some minor fixes
- add cron to logrotate carbons logs
- add parameter to set timezone of dashboard
- optimize LSB configs in init script
- fix on djangodb creation
- add parameter to graphite class to allow tweaking of carbon.conf
- rewrite README
- minor fixes for debian
- set path for exec statements
- update README
- add package MySQL-python on rhel or MySQL support
- first commit