Step 1: Installing VScode
- Go to the Visual Studio Code website: and follow the steps provided to install the software on the device you're using. Download the right version for your computer's operating system.
- Once installed, open VScode on the device you're using
- You should be able to open a window such as the one pictured below:
Step 2: Remotely Connecting
- The following instructions will show how to use VScode/terminal to connect to a remote server over the internet
- Make sure that Git is installed for Windows. Go to to download.
- Follow the steps on the following post to set your default terminal to use git bash in VScode:
- Open the terminal (Ctrl or Command + `, or use the Terminal -> New Terminal menu option). You should see the name of your course-specific account and (if this is your first time connecting to this server) you may see
⤇ ssh [email protected]
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:ksruYwhnYH+sySHnHAtLUHngrPEyZTDl/1x99wUQcec.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?
- Type yes and press enter. Then give your course-specific account password. You should see this message after sharing your password and logging in:
# Now on remote server
Last login: Sun Jan 2 14:03:05 2022 from
quota: No filesystem specified.
Hello cs15lwi23zz, you are currently logged into
You are using 0% CPU on this system
Cluster Status
Hostname Time #Users Load Averages
ieng6-201 23:25:01 0 0.08, 0.17, 0.11
ieng6-202 23:25:01 1 0.09, 0.15, 0.11
ieng6-203 23:25:01 1 0.08, 0.15, 0.11
Sun Jan 02, 2022 11:28pm - Prepping cs15lwi23
As a picture (specific to you, Stephanie):
Your terminal is now officially connected to a computer in the CSE basement. Your computer is called the "client" and the cse basement computer is known as the "server".
Step 3: Trying Some Commands
- Try typing the commands cd, ls, pwd, mkdir, and cp into the terminal in VScode.
*Some specific commands to try:
- cd ~
- cd
- ls -lat
- ls -a
- ls where is /home/linux/ieng6/cs15lwi23/cs15lwi23abc, where the abc is one of the other group members’ username
- cp /home/linux/ieng6/cs15lwi23/public/hello.txt ~/
- cat /home/linux/ieng6/cs15lwi23/public/hello.txt
- Type the following in your terminal to log out of the remote server:
- Ctrl-D
- Run the command exit