Create a unit and unit group
from org .openlca .core .database .derby import DerbyDatabase
from java .io import File
import org .openlca .core .model as model
from org .openlca .core .database import UnitGroupDao , FlowPropertyDao
from java .util import UUID
# path to our database
folder = 'C:/Users/Besitzer/openLCA-data-1.4/databases/example_db1'
db = DerbyDatabase (File (folder ))
# unit and unit group
kg = model .Unit ()
kg .name = 'kg'
kg .conversionFactor = 1.0
mass_units = model .UnitGroup ()
mass_units .name = 'Units of mass'
mass_units .units .add (kg )
mass_units .referenceUnit = kg
mass_units .refId = UUID .randomUUID ().toString ()
# create a data access object and insert it in the database
dao = UnitGroupDao (db )
dao .insert (mass_units )
mass = model .FlowProperty ()
mass .name = 'Mass'
mass .unitGroup = mass_units
mass .flowPropertyType = model .FlowPropertyType .PHYSICAL
fpDao = FlowPropertyDao (db )
fpDao .insert (mass )
Create a flow with category
category = model .Category ()
category .refId = UUID .randomUUID ().toString ();
category .name = 'products'
category .modelType = model .ModelType .FLOW
CategoryDao (db ).insert (category )
flow = model .Flow ()
flow .name = 'Steel'
flow .category = category
flow .referenceFlowProperty = mass
fp_factor = FlowPropertyFactor ()
fp_factor .flowProperty = mass
fp_factor .conversionFactor = 1.0
flow .flowPropertyFactors .add (fp_factor )
FlowDao (db ).insert (flow )
flow = util .find_or_create (db , model .Flow , 'Steel' , create_flow )
flow .description = 'My first flow ' + str (Date ())
flow = util .update (db , flow )
Create generic database functions
from org .openlca .core .database import Daos
def insert (db , value ):
Daos .createBaseDao (db , value .getClass ()).insert (value )
def delete_all (db , clazz ):
dao = Daos .createBaseDao (db , clazz )
dao .deleteAll ()
def find (db , clazz , name ):
""" Find something by name"""
dao = Daos .createBaseDao (db , clazz )
for item in dao .getAll ():
if item .name == name :
return item
process = model .Process ()
process .name = 'Steel production'
steel_output = model .Exchange ()
steel_output .input = False
steel_output .flow = flow
steel_output .unit = kg
steel_output .amountValue = 1.0
steel_output .flowPropertyFactor = flow .getReferenceFactor ()
process .exchanges .add (steel_output )
process .quantitativeReference = steel_output
util .insert (db , process )
from org .openlca .core .database .derby import DerbyDatabase as Db
from java .io import File
from org .openlca .core .database import ProcessDao
if __name__ == '__main__' :
db_dir = File ('C:/Users/Besitzer/openLCA-data-1.4/databases/openlca_lcia_methods_1_5_5' )
db = Db (db_dir )
dao = ProcessDao (db )
p = dao .getForName ("p1" )[0 ]
p .description = 'Test 123'
dao .update (p )
db .close ()
create a parameter and insert it into a database
from org .openlca .core .database .derby import DerbyDatabase
from org .openlca .core .model import Parameter , ParameterScope
from java .io import File
from org .openlca .core .database import ParameterDao
if __name__ == '__main__' :
param = Parameter ()
param .scope = ParameterScope .GLOBAL
param .name = 'k_B'
param .inputParameter = True
param .value = 1.38064852e-23
db_dir = File ('C:/Users/Besitzer/openLCA-data-1.4/databases/ztest' )
db = DerbyDatabase (db_dir )
dao = ParameterDao (db )
dao .insert (param )
db .close ()
from java .io import File
from org .openlca .core .database .derby import DerbyDatabase
from org .openlca .core .database import ParameterDao
if __name__ == '__main__' :
db_dir = File ('C:/Users/Besitzer/openLCA-data-1.4/databases/ztest' )
db = DerbyDatabase (db_dir )
dao = ParameterDao (db )
param = dao .getForName ('k_B' )[0 ]
param .value = 42.0
dao .update (param )
db .close ()
connect to a database and load a product system
load the optimized, native libraries
calculate and print the result
from java .io import File
from org .openlca .core .database .derby import DerbyDatabase
from org .openlca .core .database import ProductSystemDao , EntityCache
from org .openlca .core .matrix .cache import MatrixCache
from org .openlca .eigen import NativeLibrary
from org .openlca .eigen .solvers import DenseSolver
from org .openlca .core .math import CalculationSetup , SystemCalculator
from org .openlca .core .results import ContributionResultProvider
if __name__ == '__main__' :
# load the product system
db_dir = File ('C:/Users/Besitzer/openLCA-data-1.4/databases/ei_3_3_apos_dbv4' )
db = DerbyDatabase (db_dir )
dao = ProductSystemDao (db )
system = dao .getForName ('rice production' )[0 ]
# caches, native lib., solver
m_cache = MatrixCache .createLazy (db )
e_cache = EntityCache .create (db )
NativeLibrary .loadFromDir (File ('../native' ))
solver = DenseSolver ()
# calculation
setup = CalculationSetup (system )
calculator = SystemCalculator (m_cache , solver )
result = calculator .calculateContributions (setup )
provider = ContributionResultProvider (result , e_cache )
for flow in provider .flowDescriptors :
print flow .getName (), provider .getTotalFlowResult (flow ).value
db .close ()
Using the formula interpreter
from org .openlca .expressions import FormulaInterpreter
if __name__ == '__main__' :
fi = FormulaInterpreter ()
gs = fi .getGlobalScope ()
gs .bind ('a' , '1+1' )
ls = fi .createScope (1 )
print ls .eval ('2*a' )
from java .io import File
from org .openlca .core .database .derby import DerbyDatabase
from org .openlca .core .database import ProductSystemDao , EntityCache ,\
ImpactMethodDao , NwSetDao
from org .openlca .core .matrix .cache import MatrixCache
from org .openlca .eigen import NativeLibrary
from org .openlca .eigen .solvers import DenseSolver
from org .openlca .core .math import CalculationSetup , SystemCalculator
from org .openlca .core .model .descriptors import Descriptors
from org .openlca .core .results import ContributionResultProvider
from org .openlca .core .matrix import NwSetTable
if __name__ == '__main__' :
# load the product system
db_dir = File ('C:/Users/Besitzer/openLCA-data-1.4/databases/openlca_lcia_methods_1_5_5' )
db = DerbyDatabase (db_dir )
dao = ProductSystemDao (db )
system = dao .getForName ('s1' )[0 ]
# caches, native lib., solver
m_cache = MatrixCache .createLazy (db )
e_cache = EntityCache .create (db )
NativeLibrary .loadFromDir (File ('../native' ))
solver = DenseSolver ()
# calculation
setup = CalculationSetup (system )
setup .withCosts = True
method_dao = ImpactMethodDao (db )
setup .impactMethod = Descriptors .toDescriptor (method_dao .getForName ('eco-indicator 99 (E)' )[0 ])
nwset_dao = NwSetDao (db )
setup .nwSet = Descriptors .toDescriptor (nwset_dao .getForName ('Europe EI 99 E/E [person/year]' )[0 ])
calculator = SystemCalculator (m_cache , solver )
result = calculator .calculateContributions (setup )
provider = ContributionResultProvider (result , e_cache )
for i in provider .getTotalImpactResults ():
if i .value != 0 :
print i .impactCategory .name , i .value
# weighting
nw_table = NwSetTable .build (db , setup .nwSet .id )
weighted = nw_table .applyWeighting (provider .getTotalImpactResults ())
for i in weighted :
if i .value != 0 :
print i .impactCategory .name , i .value
print provider .totalCostResult
db .close ()
Using the sequential solver
import org .openlca .core .math .CalculationSetup as Setup
import org .openlca .app .db .Cache as Cache
import org .openlca .core .math .SystemCalculator as Calculator
import org .openlca .core .results .ContributionResultProvider as Provider
import org .openlca .app .results .ResultEditorInput as EditorInput
import org .openlca .eigen .solvers .SequentialSolver as Solver
import org .openlca .app .util .Editors as Editors
solver = Solver (1e-12 , 1000000 )
solver .setBreak (0 , 1 )
system = olca .getSystem ('preparation' )
setup = Setup (system )
calculator = Calculator (Cache .getMatrixCache (), solver )
result = calculator .calculateContributions (setup )
provider = Provider (result , Cache .getEntityCache ())
input = EditorInput .create (setup , provider )
Editors .open (input , "QuickResultEditor" )
for i in solver .iterations :
print i
from org .openlca .core .database .derby import DerbyDatabase
from java .io import File
from org .openlca .core .database import NativeSql
folder = 'C:/Users/Besitzer/openLCA-data-1.4/databases/example_db1'
db = DerbyDatabase (File (folder ))
query = 'select * from tbl_unit_groups'
def fn (r ):
print r .getString ('REF_ID' )
return True
# see
NativeSql .on (db ).query (query , fn )