I am not currently maintaining this application. There is a plugin for Kibana for managing elastalert that works great and that I reccomend. It is available at https://github.com/bitsensor/elastalert-kibana-plugin. If you are interested in taking over the maintenance of this, please contact me. Thanks.
A UI for Elastalert
- Currently only supports email notifications
- Currently only supports elasticsearch query string queries
Clone this repo
Make sure the prerequistes above are installed
To enable email notifications, add an smtp_auth.yaml file to the elastalert directory. This file should be formatted as follows
user: [email protected] password: "MyPa33word"
Specify this file when you create an email notification in the UI. For more information see the elastalert docs
In the directory where you cloned this repo, run the following to start the server
docker-compose up -d
Create the elastalert_status index
- Get the container ID of the elasticsearch container by executing
docker ps
- Once you have the container ID, run the following to create the index
docker exec -it {CONTAINER ID} bash -c "cd /opt/elastalert && elastalert-create-index"
On your local machine make sure you have node and npm installed.
Change to the client directory
cd client
- Install angular-cli
npm install -g @angular/cli
- Start the client
npm start
- You should now see the app running on http://localhost:4200 in your browser. The API server is running at http://localhost:3000. All calls to /api are proxied to localhost:3000 by angular cli.
Start with production settings
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.prod.yml up -d
- ensure you have node 8.x and npm installed.
- Change es_host in config.yaml in elastalert to the host where your Elastic Search instance is running, for example localhost.
- Change the elastalertDir value in server/config for the appropriate environment (development.js and/or production.js) to the location of your elastalert files. To use the elastalert bundled with this repository, this value would be '../elastalert'.
- Ensure the elastalert_status index is created in your Elasticsearch instance. If you have not already created this index you can do so now by running the create index script. In the elastalert directory specified in the step above, run the following command
- In the client directory run the following to compile the client Angular application:
ng build
- Run the following from the server directory to install the npm modules, compile the server, and start the application:
npm install
gulp server:compile
npm start
- Start in production mode:
NODE_ENV=production npm start
To enable email notifications, add an smtp_auth.yaml file to the elastalert directory specifiec above. This file should be formatted as follows
user: [email protected] password: "MyPa33word"
Specify this file when you create an email notification in the UI. For more information see the elastalert docs
The UI will be available at http://localhost:3000/index.html