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File metadata and controls

61 lines (46 loc) · 1.69 KB


wtk-press is a command line tool for converting between the text and flatbuffer formats of the SIEVE IR. PRESS stands for Printout and Representation Exchange Software Suite.

wtk-press will open an input file, and read it as either a text or flatbuffer resource, then it will print it back out in the specified output format. (There is also a "nothing" printout for testing and debugging).

Command-line Arguments

wtk-press [options] <direction> <input-file?> <output-file?>
Table 1. Options

--help or -h

print out help instructions.

--version or -v

print out the version information.

Table 2. Directions


text to flatbuffer


flatbuffer to text


text to text


flatbuffer to flatbuffer


text to nothing


flatbuffer to nothing

Input File

The input file name (optional, defaults to stdin)

Output File

The output file name (optional, defaults to stdout)

Example Invocations

To convert a relation, public input stream, and private input stream from text to flatbuffer.

wtk-press t2f relation.txt relation.sieve
wtk-press t2f public_stream.txt public_stream.sieve
wtk-press t2f private_stream.txt private_stream.sieve

Or in reverse, from flatbuffer to text.

wtk-press f2t relation.sieve relation.txt
wtk-press f2t public_stream.sieve public_stream.txt
wtk-press f2t private_stream.sieve private_stream.txt

To convert a resource from text to flatbuffer in a pipeline.

first_command | wtk-press t2f | second_command

Flatbuffer to text cannot be piped, because flatbuffer parsing requires the mmap system call which is incompatible with stdin.