diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index d3bed6f..a106981 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -5866,6 +5866,7 @@ A total of 8 people contributed to this release. Thank you to the following cont
+- [`3772f8f`](https://github.com/stdlib-js/stdlib/commit/3772f8f53a07408b72cf4ec3e8334758f9aded0d) - **docs:** update namespace table of contents [(#5366)](https://github.com/stdlib-js/stdlib/pull/5366) _(by stdlib-bot, Philipp Burckhardt)_ - [`9789396`](https://github.com/stdlib-js/stdlib/commit/9789396bd5111e963f4662c57c6b4159d4166946) - **feat:** update namespace TypeScript declarations [(#5364)](https://github.com/stdlib-js/stdlib/pull/5364) _(by stdlib-bot)_ - [`2a23671`](https://github.com/stdlib-js/stdlib/commit/2a23671ce88a4b3fbfcf48b5edb8b73105463bdf) - **feat:** add various level 1 and level 2 routines to namespace _(by Athan Reines)_ - [`c1ac93f`](https://github.com/stdlib-js/stdlib/commit/c1ac93f393ce6fc122e388e2554d01b149b6fbc0) - **feat:** add `wasm` to namespace _(by Athan Reines)_ diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 3abd4b2..2ac2bf0 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ var o = blas; - [`zaxpy( N, za, zx, strideX, zy, strideY )`][@stdlib/blas/base/zaxpy]: scale a double-precision complex floating-point vector by a double-precision complex floating-point constant and add the result to a double-precision complex floating-point vector. - [`zcopy( N, x, strideX, y, strideY )`][@stdlib/blas/base/zcopy]: copy values from one complex double-precision floating-point vector to another complex double-precision floating-point vector. - [`zdrot( N, zx, strideX, zy, strideY, c, s )`][@stdlib/blas/base/zdrot]: applies a plane rotation. +- [`zdscal( N, da, zx, strideZX )`][@stdlib/blas/base/zdscal]: scale a double-precision complex floating-point vector by a double-precision floating-point constant. - [`zscal( N, alpha, x, strideX )`][@stdlib/blas/base/zscal]: scales a double-precision complex floating-point vector by a double-precision complex floating-point constant. - [`zswap( N, x, strideX, y, strideY )`][@stdlib/blas/base/zswap]: interchange two complex double-precision floating-point vectors. @@ -133,17 +134,22 @@ var o = blas;
+- [`dgemv( ord, trans, M, N, α, A, LDA, x, sx, β, y, sy )`][@stdlib/blas/base/dgemv]: perform one of the matrix-vector operations `y = α*A*x + β*y` or `y = α*A**T*x + β*y`. - [`dspmv( order, uplo, N, α, AP, x, sx, β, y, sy )`][@stdlib/blas/base/dspmv]: perform the matrix-vector operation `y = α*A*x + β*y` where `α` and `β` are scalars, `x` and `y` are `N` element vectors and, `A` is an `N` by `N` symmetric matrix supplied in packed form. +- [`dspr( order, uplo, N, α, x, sx, AP )`][@stdlib/blas/base/dspr]: perform the symmetric rank 1 operation `A = α*x*x^T + A`. - [`dsymv( order, uplo, N, α, A, LDA, x, sx, β, y, sy )`][@stdlib/blas/base/dsymv]: perform the matrix-vector operation `y = α*A*x + β*y` where `α` and `β` are scalars, `x` and `y` are `N` element vectors, and `A` is an `N` by `N` symmetric matrix. - [`dsyr( order, uplo, N, α, x, sx, A, LDA )`][@stdlib/blas/base/dsyr]: perform the symmetric rank 1 operation `A = α*x*x^T + A`. - [`dsyr2( order, uplo, N, α, x, sx, y, sy, A, LDA )`][@stdlib/blas/base/dsyr2]: perform the symmetric rank 2 operation `A = α*x*y^T + α*y*x^T + A`. - [`dtrmv( order, uplo, trans, diag, N, A, LDA, x, sx )`][@stdlib/blas/base/dtrmv]: perform one of the matrix-vector operations `x = A*x` or `x = A^T*x`. +- [`dtrsv( order, uplo, trans, diag, N, A, LDA, x, sx )`][@stdlib/blas/base/dtrsv]: solve one of the systems of equations `A*x = b` or `A^T*x = b`. - [`sgemv( ord, trans, M, N, α, A, LDA, x, sx, β, y, sy )`][@stdlib/blas/base/sgemv]: perform one of the matrix-vector operations `y = α*A*x + β*y` or `y = α*A^T*x + β*y`. - [`sspmv( order, uplo, N, α, AP, x, sx, β, y, sy )`][@stdlib/blas/base/sspmv]: perform the matrix-vector operation `y = α*A*x + β*y` where `α` and `β` are scalars, `x` and `y` are `N` element vectors and, `A` is an `N` by `N` symmetric matrix supplied in packed form. +- [`sspr( order, uplo, N, α, x, sx, AP )`][@stdlib/blas/base/sspr]: perform the symmetric rank 1 operation `A = α*x*x^T + A`. - [`ssymv( order, uplo, N, α, A, LDA, x, sx, β, y, sy )`][@stdlib/blas/base/ssymv]: perform the matrix-vector operation `y = α*A*x + β*y` where `α` and `β` are scalars, `x` and `y` are `N` element vectors, and `A` is an `N` by `N` symmetric matrix. - [`ssyr( order, uplo, N, α, x, sx, A, LDA )`][@stdlib/blas/base/ssyr]: perform the symmetric rank 1 operation `A = α*x*x**T + A`. - [`ssyr2( order, uplo, N, α, x, sx, y, sy, A, LDA )`][@stdlib/blas/base/ssyr2]: perform the symmetric rank 2 operation `A = α*x*y^T + α*y*x^T + A`. - [`strmv( order, uplo, trans, diag, N, A, LDA, x, sx )`][@stdlib/blas/base/strmv]: perform one of the matrix-vector operations `x = A*x` or `x = A^T*x`. +- [`strsv( order, uplo, trans, diag, N, A, LDA, x, sx )`][@stdlib/blas/base/strsv]: solve one of the systems of equations `A*x = b` or `A^T*x = b`.
@@ -153,6 +159,13 @@ var o = blas; +
+ +- [`dgemm( ord, ta, tb, M, N, K, α, A, lda, B, ldb, β, C, ldc )`][@stdlib/blas/base/dgemm]: perform the matrix-matrix operation `C = α*op(A)*op(B) + β*C` where `op(X)` is one of the `op(X) = X`, or `op(X) = X^T`. +- [`sgemm( ord, ta, tb, M, N, K, α, A, lda, B, ldb, β, C, ldc )`][@stdlib/blas/base/sgemm]: perform the matrix-matrix operation `C = α*op(A)*op(B) + β*C` where `op(X)` is one of the `op(X) = X`, or `op(X) = X^T`. + +
+ ### Scalar Operations @@ -372,8 +385,16 @@ Copyright © 2016-2025. The Stdlib [Authors][stdlib-authors]. [@stdlib/blas/base/scabs1]: https://github.com/stdlib-js/blas-base-scabs1 +[@stdlib/blas/base/dgemm]: https://github.com/stdlib-js/blas-base-dgemm + +[@stdlib/blas/base/sgemm]: https://github.com/stdlib-js/blas-base-sgemm + +[@stdlib/blas/base/dgemv]: https://github.com/stdlib-js/blas-base-dgemv + [@stdlib/blas/base/dspmv]: https://github.com/stdlib-js/blas-base-dspmv +[@stdlib/blas/base/dspr]: https://github.com/stdlib-js/blas-base-dspr + [@stdlib/blas/base/dsymv]: https://github.com/stdlib-js/blas-base-dsymv [@stdlib/blas/base/dsyr]: https://github.com/stdlib-js/blas-base-dsyr @@ -382,10 +403,14 @@ Copyright © 2016-2025. The Stdlib [Authors][stdlib-authors]. [@stdlib/blas/base/dtrmv]: https://github.com/stdlib-js/blas-base-dtrmv +[@stdlib/blas/base/dtrsv]: https://github.com/stdlib-js/blas-base-dtrsv + [@stdlib/blas/base/sgemv]: https://github.com/stdlib-js/blas-base-sgemv [@stdlib/blas/base/sspmv]: https://github.com/stdlib-js/blas-base-sspmv +[@stdlib/blas/base/sspr]: https://github.com/stdlib-js/blas-base-sspr + [@stdlib/blas/base/ssymv]: https://github.com/stdlib-js/blas-base-ssymv [@stdlib/blas/base/ssyr]: https://github.com/stdlib-js/blas-base-ssyr @@ -394,6 +419,8 @@ Copyright © 2016-2025. The Stdlib [Authors][stdlib-authors]. [@stdlib/blas/base/strmv]: https://github.com/stdlib-js/blas-base-strmv +[@stdlib/blas/base/strsv]: https://github.com/stdlib-js/blas-base-strsv + [@stdlib/blas/base/caxpy]: https://github.com/stdlib-js/blas-base-caxpy [@stdlib/blas/base/ccopy]: https://github.com/stdlib-js/blas-base-ccopy @@ -478,6 +505,8 @@ Copyright © 2016-2025. The Stdlib [Authors][stdlib-authors]. [@stdlib/blas/base/zdrot]: https://github.com/stdlib-js/blas-base-zdrot +[@stdlib/blas/base/zdscal]: https://github.com/stdlib-js/blas-base-zdscal + [@stdlib/blas/base/zscal]: https://github.com/stdlib-js/blas-base-zscal [@stdlib/blas/base/zswap]: https://github.com/stdlib-js/blas-base-zswap