This is the directory in which the GitVersion documentation hosted on ReadTheDocs resides.
Improvements to the documentation is highly welcomed and is as easy
as finding the .md
file you want to change and editing it directly within
GitHub's web interface.
If you want to do more elaborate changes, we would appreciate if you could test the documentation locally before submitting a pull request. This involves forking this repository and then serving up the documentation locally on your machine, clicking around in it to ensure that everything works as expected.
To serve up the documentation locally, you need to install MkDocs and then at the root of the GitVersion project write the following in a command line window:
mkdocs serve
After pressing enter, something similar to the following lines should appear:
INFO - Building documentation...
INFO - Cleaning site directory
[I 160810 10:48:18 server:281] Serving on
If it says Serving on
, you should be able to navigate
your favorite browser to
and browse the documentation
there. If you have any problems with this process, please consult the
MkDocs documentation.