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Releases: statamic/cms


26 Jun 21:22
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v3.0.0-beta.33 Pre-release

What's fixed

  • The spaceless modifier from v2 has finally arrived at to the party.
  • Tag Parameter class methods (not just get) will convert from Value objects.
  • Tag Context class gets a value method that converts from Value objects. This fixes an issue with the Glide tag.


25 Jun 18:35
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v3.0.0-beta.32 Pre-release

What's improved

  • Site variables are now available in templates in the site scope (site:name, site:locale, etc).
  • Tags, Modifiers, Fieldtypes, and Widgets now automatically register aliases in addons.
  • Collection (and similar tags - taxonomy, users, etc) now support combing the offset and pagination parameters with paginate="n".

What's fixed

  • Antlers code inside fields should now be more reliably left unparsed, unless you opt in on the field with antlers: true.
  • Parsing Antlers templates will return AntlersString instances rather than strings. This is technically a breaking change if you were explicitly checking for strings. In most cases it will be cast to a string automatically. #1944
  • Other unnamed bug fixes

What's breaking

  • The locale, locale_name, site_name, etc variables have been removed in favor of site, site:name, etc.


15 Jun 19:19
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v3.0.0-beta.31 Pre-release

What's new

  • Added support for Composer 2
  • Addons no longer need to be a statamic-addon Composer package type
  • Addons can run their code after Statamic boots
  • Added a new session:value tag

What's fixed

  • php artisan statamic:install can now be called with php please install
  • Squashed more little bugs. Don't feel bad for them, they weren't nice to you on the playground.


08 Jun 20:53
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v3.0.0-beta.30 Pre-release

What's improved

  • Container bindings are now easier to work with and overriding classes (like Entry) is much simpler.
  • Fieldtype shallow augmentation is now defined in the respective classes (like Entry) so developers can customize them more easily.

What's fixed

  • Killed some bugs.


01 Jun 19:16
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v3.0.0-beta.29 Pre-release

What's new

  • A separate password broker is used for account activations to allow you extend their token expiry times. #1879
  • {{ if errors }} may be used outside of specific tag pairs.
  • Added make:action command
  • Added docblocks to facades. Thanks Jonas!

What's improved

  • Translation and UI tweaks for the better

What's fixed

  • A handful of form related issues have been resolved (including the "Forms" feature itself, plus other form tags like user:login_form, etc).
  • Various, miscellaneous, and assorted bug fixes.

What's breaking

  • Removed show_published and show_unpublished collection tag params in favor of status:is="draft".


05 May 16:59
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v3.0.0-beta.28 Pre-release

What's new

  • Added taxonomy term entries API endpoint.

What's improved

  • Automatic taxonomy routes are now view driven. View exists? You get the route. Doesn't? It 404s.
  • Automatic collection-specific taxonomy route now looks in a subdirectory named after the collection. eg. blog/tags/index.antlers.html

What's fixed

  • Login form errors (that aren't just wrong password or missing fields) will show an error message in addition to just shaking.
  • Addon assets get published into public/vendor/package, without the vendor name subdirectory to be consistent with Laravel conventions.
  • Moved the glide cache into the statamic subdirectory.
  • A bunch of taxonomy related bug fixes.
  • Eloquent user related bug fixes.
  • More bug fixes.


23 Apr 17:58
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v3.0.0-beta.27 Pre-release

What's new

What's improved

  • Fieldsets now use the blueprint syntax so you can reference fields and import entire fieldsets into other fieldsets, just like you can with blueprints. [insert xzibit meme] (#1707)
  • Tailwind updated to 1.x (thanks Aryeh Raber!) (#1668)
  • Addon resources/views directories are now automatically registered.
  • Statamic middleware has been reorganized to prevent potential conflicts with your app's middleware. Addons can push to middleware groups. (#1546, #1704)

What's fixed

  • Bug fixes


14 Apr 18:58
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v3.0.0-beta.26 Pre-release

What's fixed

  • A regression if you have custom tags in your app directory.


14 Apr 18:25
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v3.0.0-beta.25 Pre-release

What's new

  • Laravel 7 support
  • Password reset throttling
  • Actions can be be excluded when using in bulk selections
  • Actions can perform redirect and trigger downloads
  • New Button Group fieldtype

What's fixed

  • Bugs. We fixed them.

What's breaking

  • Actions' filter method has been renamed to visibleTo
  • Actions' run method now requires a second argument.
  • Removed Laravel 5.x support.


10 Apr 16:10
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v3.0.0-beta.24 Pre-release

What's new

  • Added a contains_any field condition.

What's improved

  • Globals got their final pass of restructuring and improvements. They're ready to rock and roll. #1659
  • Actions can now perform redirects #1608
  • The Antlers parser received a lot of TLC, fixing bugs, improving performance, and cleaning up code.

What else

  • ArrayAccess has been removed from entries and other content classes.
  • Filled the release bucket full of bug fixes, translation adjustments, and UI improvements. 50+ closed issues worth of stuff.