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Releases: statamic/cms


06 Oct 22:37
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What's new

What's improved

  • The locale method on the Entry class can accept a Site object.
  • The toggle fieldtype can understand 0 and 1 in your YAML files, rather than just true and false.
  • French translation has been updated. #2591

What's fixed

  • Entries are placed appropriately into a collection's structure when localizing them. #2471
  • The date method on the Entry class checks for Carbon\Carbon, rather than Illuminate\Support\Carbon.
  • The subrequest is passed along to the cascade in Live Preview, which fixes things like segment_x variables using the CP URL.


05 Oct 19:57
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What's new

  • Laravel 8 (The Ocho™) support! #2547

What's improved

  • You can override repositories using Statamic::repository() which stops service provider load order being a factor.
  • The entry repository uses a container binding for the query builder to make extending simpler.
  • Added a query builder contract which the parser will check for instead of a concrete class.
  • The Eloquent query builder is more consistent with other query builder classes.
  • Taxonomy related entry query builder methods have been extracted into a trait to ease reusability.
  • Improve performance related to noticing collection YAML file changes. #2572
  • Portuguese, Danish, and German translations have been updated. #2583 #2587 #2588

What's fixed

  • Fix handling of taxonomy routes when they have multiple words. #2273
  • Setting create: false on a terms field will actually prevent you from being able to enter new terms. #2453
  • Prevent seeing validation rules multiple times times. #2582
  • If you have permission to view form submissions, you have permission to export them. #2577
  • The unique slug validation rule works when your entry IDs are integers.
  • Pages can define entries by passing integer IDs, instead of just strings (UUIDs).


30 Sep 21:16
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What's improved

  • Prevent the asset browser's bulk action toolbar pushing everything down in grid mode.
  • You can define a fieldset's handle when creating it. #1717
  • Added a down method to the auth migration. #2546
  • Increase performance of blueprint lookups. #2552
  • Entry and Term static cache URLs will be invalidated when they're deleted. #2393
  • Fix the listings' "check all" checkbox position.
  • The user:forgot_password_form tag plays nicer with other forms on the page.
  • A bunch of translations have been updated.

What's fixed

  • Stop forcing the title field to the start. #2536
  • Fix position of Bard toolbar inside a Stack. #1911
  • The translator tool will no longer null out nested arrays. #2544
  • Fixed the success variable on the user:forgot_password_form tag. #1777
  • Fixed the mount variable in routes sometimes doubling up or being for the wrong site. #2569
  • Match the "discovered addon" color to Laravel's "discovered package" color in the statamic:install output.


25 Sep 16:30
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What's new

  • The partial tag now supports slots. Why didn't we ever add this before??

What's improved

  • Previewing SVGs in the asset editor now looks super dope
  • The get_content tag has been waxed and polished for a nice little performance boost
  • The UX for defining field conditions has been given some TLC (Tender Lettuce Caress)
  • French translations have been updated. #2504

What's fixed

  • Status icons update when saving entries without needing to refresh. #1822
  • Fixed entries in a structured collection (i.e. pages) ignoring content protection. #2526
  • A markdown field with no value will be treated that way, rather than as an empty string. #2503
  • Actions with redirects now actually redirect. #1946
  • Action confirmation modals remain open on failures. #1576
  • Bard will now render strikethrough elements. #2517
  • Bumped html-to-prosemirror and prosemirror-to-html packages.
  • Bumped lodash version #2089


22 Sep 21:24
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What's improved

  • Added labels to scaffolding checkboxes. #2488
  • French and Portuguese translations have been updated. #2493 #2474
  • Yo dawg, I heard you like HTML, so the HTML fieldtype gets an HTML field so you can write HTML to display as HTML.

What's fixed

  • Removed the handle field in the navigation edit form. #1959
  • Fixed the missing icons when you add new fields. #1959
  • Long links in Bard get wrapped. #1814
  • Asset upload instructions actually explain asset uploads. #1686
  • Invalid dates no longer cause an error. #2038
  • SVGs get rendered in the asset editor modal. #2484
  • Fixed some breadcrumb links. #2475
  • The YAML fieldtype is now actually read only when it needs to be, instead of just saying it is. #2082
  • Upgraded the Pickr library, which stops the color fieldtype dropping off the page. #2110
  • The Revealer fieldtype's label is hidden inside Replicator. #2468
  • The has method on data classes like entries will return true if it has a value of false or null.
  • The submission class sets its data and supplements properties to collections.


21 Sep 22:11
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What's new

  • Ability to remove a blueprint section programmatically. #2491
  • You can pass a variable into the nav tag's from parameter and it will make sure it has a slash, allowing you to do :from="segment_1".

What's fixed

  • Fixed a protection related error on taxonomy URLs. #2472 #2481
  • Relationship tags filter out invalid IDs when augmenting. #1752
  • The nav:breadcrumbs tag supports multi-site. #1807 #2487
  • Prevent nav from="/" returning nothing. #1683 #1542
  • Fixed pluralisation issue. #1695
  • Fixed an error when adding a Bard set. #1718
  • Entries' order variables are available in templates.


18 Sep 17:06
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What's improved

  • German, French, and Portuguese translations have been updated. #2445 #2444 #2458
  • When an asset search returns no results it says "No results" instead of "This container is empty".
  • Asset container handle are generated using snake_case as you type the title.
  • The "and" the sentence_list modifier is translated. #2463

What's fixed

  • Actions that don't want to be confirmed... won't be. #1497 #2446
  • Assets can be searched in grid mode. #2318 #2442
  • User avatars can be output in templates. #2017
  • The glide:generate tag uses the appropriate generation methods.
  • Resolved an error in a taxonomy term listing when using a terms field on another term. #2307
  • Fix an issue where the sort modifier would output nothing. #2450
  • Prevent the tree from disappearing when switching from list view. #2408

What's removed

  • "Angle brackets can now be used in modifiers" from 3.0.9 has been reverted for now. #2022


16 Sep 19:25
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What's new

  • Antlers now supports dynamic array access with a brand new (to Antlers) square bracket syntax. #1983 (thanks @morhi!)
  • The cache tag can be now disabled. #2328
  • You can now set a separate database connection for users. #2416
  • Form emails now have full access to all global variables. #2411
  • Form fields in templates get placeholder attributes. #2354

What's improved

  • The Spanish, Dutch, and French translations have been updated. #2440, #2435, #2434
  • When creating a field, the fieldtype title is used instead of uppercasing the handle. #1662
  • Improved the asset uploader drop zone. #2358
  • You now get a more helpful exception when using a non-existent collection in the entries fieldtype. #2422
  • We now prevent options from showing in the collection listing dropdown if you don't have permission to do the things. #2412
  • The Mail config utility area now looks better. #2380

What's fixed

  • Fixed a password reset related error. #1973
  • Angle brackets can now be used in modifiers. #2022
  • The Markdown fieldtype's dark mode preview text is no longer dark on dark. {insert another Tom Haverford reference} #2185
  • Bard's fixed toolbar is now shown when fullscreen and source are disabled, as you'd expect. #2280
  • Fixed the asset rename warning translation. #2329
  • Fixed the "Pro Mode" text in the Getting Started widget. #2433
  • Prevent an error on the entry list when you reference a non-existent user. #2410
  • Passing a zero into a tag parameter that expects a number will now use the zero instead of falling back to a one. Weird one. Or weird zero I guess.


15 Sep 15:25
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What's new

  • The Save/Publish button now supports "After Saving" options! You can choose to go to back to the listing, stay and edit, or create another and it will remember your last chosen option next time. #675

What's improved

  • The Getting Started widget now explains Pro Mode, and no longer references the beta. #2402
  • The French and German translations have been updated.
  • The Select field now supports max items. #1771
  • The Range field has a smarter, configurable default that accounts for the step option. #2328
  • The Replicator field now looks better when underneath a Section field. #2375

What's fixed

  • Bard's floating toolbar no longer keeps the table icons in the dark. Dark mode is one thing, but dark on dark is Tom Haverford-level silly. #2189
  • Bard's overaggressive focus outlines on Safari have been surgically removed. #2188
  • The publish sidebar will no longer collapse like a bully shoving a skinny kid into their locker.
  • Section fieldtypes are no longer included in listings. #2425
  • Global search shows the collection/taxonomy name again. Sorry about that regression — at least it was cosmetic! #2332


08 Sep 20:13
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What's fixed

  • Fix more instances of the rascally #2369
  • The scope modifier now supports collections, not just arrays.
  • Pagination in tags now re-keys the values. Fixes an issue where you might get no results when you aren't on the first page.