A german language Textbook on Web Development. Developed on github, published at http://web-development.github.io
https://github.com/getify/You-Dont-Know-JS - only Javascript, in English
Point your browser at http://web-development.github.io
Look at the source repository at
You can fork it on github, and browse to the folder content... you'll find all the texts there. Use githubs editing capability to fix typos, add clarifications.
Send me a pull request when you're done.
Same as before: fork the repository https://github.com/web-development/web-development-textbook
install nanoc on your computer.
run nanoc in the root folder like so:
nanoc view
in a second shell start the nanoc watcher:
nanoc watch
now edit the files in content/* and see the results at http://localhost:3000/
When you are content with your changes, push up to your own github repository, and send me a pull request.