Helm Named Templates - Call Template in Template Step-01: Introduction We can call one named template in other named template. Step-02: Update _helpers.tpl We will udpate the template helmbasics.labels with template-in-template as additional label by calling the named template helmbasics.resourceName {{/* Common Labels */}} {{- define "helmbasics.labels"}} app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: helm app: nginx chartname: {{ .Chart.Name }} template-in-template: {{ include "helmbasics.resourceName" . }} {{- end }} Step-03: Test the changes # Change to Chart Directory cd helmbasics # Helm Template Command helm template myapp1 . # Helm Install with dry-run command helm install myapp1 . --dry-run # Helm Install with --atomic flag helm install myapp1 . --atomic # Helm Uninstall helm uninstall myapp1