From 740b742aaec9ec3f77c7a01160f2c3a87bbcd99a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jose Luis Leon Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2024 18:42:27 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] chore(lint): Upgrade ESLint to v9 (#149) --- .eslintignore | 12 - .eslintrc.json | 261 ---- eslint.config.mjs | 304 +++++ example/{babel.config.js => babel.config.cjs} | 0 example/{metro.config.js => metro.config.cjs} | 0 ...tro.config.web.js => metro.config.web.cjs} | 0 ...tive.config.js => react-native.config.cjs} | 0 example/src/App.tsx | 29 +- example/src/DocsTooltip.tsx | 11 +- package.json | 25 +- package/src/lib/SpotlightTour.context.ts | 2 +- package/src/lib/SpotlightTour.provider.tsx | 4 +- .../attach-step/AttachStep.component.tsx | 2 +- .../tour-overlay/TourOverlay.component.tsx | 4 +- package/test/helpers/helper.ts | 16 +- package/test/hooks.ts | 1 - .../lib/AttachStep.component.test.tsx | 2 +- .../TourOverlay.component.test.tsx | 8 +- package/test/setup.ts | 1 - yarn.lock | 1130 ++++++++++------- 20 files changed, 1064 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["**/*.typetest.ts?(x)"], + rules: { + "@typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment": ["error", { "ts-expect-error": false }], + }, + }, +); diff --git a/example/babel.config.js b/example/babel.config.cjs similarity index 100% rename from example/babel.config.js rename to example/babel.config.cjs diff --git a/example/metro.config.js b/example/metro.config.cjs similarity index 100% rename from example/metro.config.js rename to example/metro.config.cjs diff --git a/example/metro.config.web.js b/example/metro.config.web.cjs similarity index 100% rename from example/metro.config.web.js rename to example/metro.config.web.cjs diff --git a/example/react-native.config.js b/example/react-native.config.cjs similarity index 100% rename from example/react-native.config.js rename to example/react-native.config.cjs diff --git a/example/src/App.tsx b/example/src/App.tsx index c9eeb31..e8a435f 100644 --- a/example/src/App.tsx +++ b/example/src/App.tsx @@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ import { Alert, Animated, Button, Dimensions, SafeAreaView, Text } from "react-n import { AttachStep, SpotlightTourProvider, + StopParams, TourBox, TourStep, - StopParams, } from "react-native-spotlight-tour"; import { @@ -37,8 +37,11 @@ export function App(): ReactElement { {"Tour: Intro section\n"} - {"This is the first step of tour example.\n"} - {"If you want to go to the next step, please press "}{"Next.\n"} + {dedent` + This is the first step of tour example. + If you want to go to the next step, please press \ + `} + {"Next.\n"}