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  • Yang Liu,Zhenyue Qin,Saeed Anwar,Pan Ji,Dongwoo Kim,Sabrina Caldwell,Tom Gedeon. "Invertible Denoising Network: A Light Solution for Real Noise Removal" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Bohan Wu,Suraj Nair,Roberto Martin-Martin,Li Fei-Fei,Chelsea Finn. "Greedy Hierarchical Variational Autoencoders for Large-Scale Video Prediction" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Roi Pony,Itay Naeh,Shie Mannor. "Over-the-Air Adversarial Flickering Attacks Against Video Recognition Networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Guang Feng,Zhiwei Hu,Lihe Zhang,Huchuan Lu. "Encoder Fusion Network With Co-Attention Embedding for Referring Image Segmentation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Seung-Hwan Baek,Felix Heide. "Polka Lines: Learning Structured Illumination and Reconstruction for Active Stereo" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Tengfei Wang,Hao Ouyang,Qifeng Chen. "Image Inpainting With External-Internal Learning and Monochromic Bottleneck" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Qunjie Zhou,Torsten Sattler,Laura Leal-Taixe. "Patch2Pix: Epipolar-Guided Pixel-Level Correspondences" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yulin Li,Jianfeng He,Tianzhu Zhang,Xiang Liu,Yongdong Zhang,Feng Wu. "Diverse Part Discovery: Occluded Person Re-Identification With Part-Aware Transformer" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Zhongqi Yue,Tan Wang,Qianru Sun,Xian-Sheng Hua,Hanwang Zhang. "Counterfactual Zero-Shot and Open-Set Visual Recognition" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yan Bai,Jile Jiao,Wang Ce,Jun Liu,Yihang Lou,Xuetao Feng,Ling-Yu Duan. "Person30K: A Dual-Meta Generalization Network for Person Re-Identification" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Stephen Hausler,Sourav Garg,Ming Xu,Michael Milford,Tobias Fischer. "Patch-NetVLAD: Multi-Scale Fusion of Locally-Global Descriptors for Place Recognition" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Xudong Xu,Hang Zhou,Ziwei Liu,Bo Dai,Xiaogang Wang,Dahua Lin. "Visually Informed Binaural Audio Generation without Binaural Audios" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yi Fang,Jiapeng Tang,Wang Shen,Wei Shen,Xiao Gu,Li Song,Guangtao Zhai. "Dual Attention Guided Gaze Target Detection in the Wild" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Marcel Geppert,Viktor Larsson,Pablo Speciale,Johannes L. Schonberger,Marc Pollefeys. "Privacy Preserving Localization and Mapping From Uncalibrated Cameras" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Wei Ji,Shuang Yu,Junde Wu,Kai Ma,Cheng Bian,Qi Bi,Jingjing Li,Hanruo Liu,Li Cheng,Yefeng Zheng. "Learning Calibrated Medical Image Segmentation via Multi-Rater Agreement Modeling" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Liangyu Chen,Tong Yang,Xiangyu Zhang,Wei Zhang,Jian Sun. "Points As Queries: Weakly Semi-Supervised Object Detection by Points" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ruicheng Feng,Chongyi Li,Huaijin Chen,Shuai Li,Chen Change Loy,Jinwei Gu. "Removing Diffraction Image Artifacts in Under-Display Camera via Dynamic Skip Connection Network" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Shifeng Zhang,Chen Zhang,Ning Kang,Zhenguo Li. "iVPF: Numerical Invertible Volume Preserving Flow for Efficient Lossless Compression" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ke Li,Shijie Wang,Xiang Zhang,Yifan Xu,Weijian Xu,Zhuowen Tu. "Pose Recognition With Cascade Transformers" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Zhenyu Wang,Yali Li,Ye Guo,Lu Fang,Shengjin Wang. "Data-Uncertainty Guided Multi-Phase Learning for Semi-Supervised Object Detection" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Hanjae Kim,Sunghun Joung,Ig-Jae Kim,Kwanghoon Sohn. "Prototype-Guided Saliency Feature Learning for Person Search" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Haiyan Wu,Yanyun Qu,Shaohui Lin,Jian Zhou,Ruizhi Qiao,Zhizhong Zhang,Yuan Xie,Lizhuang Ma. "Contrastive Learning for Compact Single Image Dehazing" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Chaoqi Chen,Zebiao Zheng,Yue Huang,Xinghao Ding,Yizhou Yu. "I3Net: Implicit Instance-Invariant Network for Adapting One-Stage Object Detectors" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jianfeng Zhang,Dongdong Yu,Jun Hao Liew,Xuecheng Nie,Jiashi Feng. "Body Meshes as Points" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Amit Raj,Michael Zollhofer,Tomas Simon,Jason Saragih,Shunsuke Saito,James Hays,Stephen Lombardi. "Pixel-Aligned Volumetric Avatars" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Mingyang Zhou,Luowei Zhou,Shuohang Wang,Yu Cheng,Linjie Li,Zhou Yu,Jingjing Liu. "UC2: Universal Cross-Lingual Cross-Modal Vision-and-Language Pre-Training" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jianwen Xie,Yifei Xu,Zilong Zheng,Song-Chun Zhu,Ying Nian Wu. "Generative PointNet: Deep Energy-Based Learning on Unordered Point Sets for 3D Generation, Reconstruction and Classification" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Takuhiro Kaneko,Tatsuya Harada. "Blur, Noise, and Compression Robust Generative Adversarial Networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Athena Sayles,Ashish Hooda,Mohit Gupta,Rahul Chatterjee,Earlence Fernandes. "Invisible Perturbations: Physical Adversarial Examples Exploiting the Rolling Shutter Effect" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Nasim Shafiee,Taskin Padir,Ehsan Elhamifar. "Introvert: Human Trajectory Prediction via Conditional 3D Attention" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Haiyang Mei,Ge-Peng Ji,Ziqi Wei,Xin Yang,Xiaopeng Wei,Deng-Ping Fan. "Camouflaged Object Segmentation With Distraction Mining" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yinyu Nie,Ji Hou,Xiaoguang Han,Matthias Niessner. "RfD-Net: Point Scene Understanding by Semantic Instance Reconstruction" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Nikolai Kalischek,Jan D. Wegner,Konrad Schindler. "In the Light of Feature Distributions: Moment Matching for Neural Style Transfer" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yu-Chao Gu,Li-Juan Wang,Yun Liu,Yi Yang,Yu-Huan Wu,Shao-Ping Lu,Ming-Ming Cheng. "DOTS: Decoupling Operation and Topology in Differentiable Architecture Search" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Seung Wook Kim,Jonah Philion,Antonio Torralba,Sanja Fidler. "DriveGAN: Towards a Controllable High-Quality Neural Simulation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jiaxin Cheng,Ayush Jaiswal,Yue Wu,Pradeep Natarajan,Prem Natarajan. "Style-Aware Normalized Loss for Improving Arbitrary Style Transfer" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yinlin Hu,Sebastien Speierer,Wenzel Jakob,Pascal Fua,Mathieu Salzmann. "Wide-Depth-Range 6D Object Pose Estimation in Space" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Chuming Lin,Chengming Xu,Donghao Luo,Yabiao Wang,Ying Tai,Chengjie Wang,Jilin Li,Feiyue Huang,Yanwei Fu. "Learning Salient Boundary Feature for Anchor-free Temporal Action Localization" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Julian Lienen,Eyke Hullermeier,Ralph Ewerth,Nils Nommensen. "Monocular Depth Estimation via Listwise Ranking Using the Plackett-Luce Model" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Cheng Zhang,Zhaopeng Cui,Yinda Zhang,Bing Zeng,Marc Pollefeys,Shuaicheng Liu. "Holistic 3D Scene Understanding From a Single Image With Implicit Representation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jiahui Huang,He Wang,Tolga Birdal,Minhyuk Sung,Federica Arrigoni,Shi-Min Hu,Leonidas J. Guibas. "MultiBodySync: Multi-Body Segmentation and Motion Estimation via 3D Scan Synchronization" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Shihao Jiang,Yao Lu,Hongdong Li,Richard Hartley. "Learning Optical Flow From a Few Matches" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yuan Liu,Lingjie Liu,Cheng Lin,Zhen Dong,Wenping Wang. "Learnable Motion Coherence for Correspondence Pruning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Kiana Ehsani,Winson Han,Alvaro Herrasti,Eli VanderBilt,Luca Weihs,Eric Kolve,Aniruddha Kembhavi,Roozbeh Mottaghi. "ManipulaTHOR: A Framework for Visual Object Manipulation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jiaxin Li,Gim Hee Lee. "DeepI2P: Image-to-Point Cloud Registration via Deep Classification" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Xiangru Lin,Guanbin Li,Yizhou Yu. "Scene-Intuitive Agent for Remote Embodied Visual Grounding" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Long Chen,Zhihong Jiang,Jun Xiao,Wei Liu. "Human-Like Controllable Image Captioning With Verb-Specific Semantic Roles" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Xiaosen Wang,Kun He. "Enhancing the Transferability of Adversarial Attacks Through Variance Tuning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Mahmoud Afifi,Marcus A. Brubaker,Michael S. Brown. "HistoGAN: Controlling Colors of GAN-Generated and Real Images via Color Histograms" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ruibing Hou,Hong Chang,Bingpeng Ma,Rui Huang,Shiguang Shan. "BiCnet-TKS: Learning Efficient Spatial-Temporal Representation for Video Person Re-Identification" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Xin Li,Deng-Ping Fan,Fan Yang,Ao Luo,Hong Cheng,Zicheng Liu. "Probabilistic Model Distillation for Semantic Correspondence" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Zhengqin Li,Ting-Wei Yu,Shen Sang,Sarah Wang,Meng Song,Yuhan Liu,Yu-Ying Yeh,Rui Zhu,Nitesh Gundavarapu,Jia Shi,Sai Bi,Hong-Xing Yu,Zexiang Xu,Kalyan Sunkavalli,Milos Hasan,Ravi Ramamoorthi,Manmohan Chandraker. "OpenRooms: An Open Framework for Photorealistic Indoor Scene Datasets" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Xudong Guo,Xun Guo,Yan Lu. "SSAN: Separable Self-Attention Network for Video Representation Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Mehmet Aygun,Aljosa Osep,Mark Weber,Maxim Maximov,Cyrill Stachniss,Jens Behley,Laura Leal-Taixe. "4D Panoptic LiDAR Segmentation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Shuhan Tan,Kelvin Wong,Shenlong Wang,Sivabalan Manivasagam,Mengye Ren,Raquel Urtasun. "SceneGen: Learning To Generate Realistic Traffic Scenes" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Dan Hendrycks,Kevin Zhao,Steven Basart,Jacob Steinhardt,Dawn Song. "Natural Adversarial Examples" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Mengyue Yang,Furui Liu,Zhitang Chen,Xinwei Shen,Jianye Hao,Jun Wang. "CausalVAE: Disentangled Representation Learning via Neural Structural Causal Models" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Tian Pan,Yibing Song,Tianyu Yang,Wenhao Jiang,Wei Liu. "VideoMoCo: Contrastive Video Representation Learning With Temporally Adversarial Examples" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ye Zheng,Jiahong Wu,Yongqiang Qin,Faen Zhang,Li Cui. "Zero-Shot Instance Segmentation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Julian Chibane,Aayush Bansal,Verica Lazova,Gerard Pons-Moll. "Stereo Radiance Fields (SRF): Learning View Synthesis for Sparse Views of Novel Scenes" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Erik Franz,Barbara Solenthaler,Nils Thuerey. "Global Transport for Fluid Reconstruction With Learned Self-Supervision" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Giovanni Pintore,Marco Agus,Eva Almansa,Jens Schneider,Enrico Gobbetti. "SliceNet: Deep Dense Depth Estimation From a Single Indoor Panorama Using a Slice-Based Representation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Charles R. Qi,Yin Zhou,Mahyar Najibi,Pei Sun,Khoa Vo,Boyang Deng,Dragomir Anguelov. "Offboard 3D Object Detection From Point Cloud Sequences" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Wentao Yuan,Zhaoyang Lv,Tanner Schmidt,Steven Lovegrove. "STaR: Self-Supervised Tracking and Reconstruction of Rigid Objects in Motion With Neural Rendering" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Prashant Pandey,Mrigank Raman,Sumanth Varambally,Prathosh AP. "Generalization on Unseen Domains via Inference-Time Label-Preserving Target Projections" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yunsong Zhou,Yuan He,Hongzi Zhu,Cheng Wang,Hongyang Li,Qinhong Jiang. "Monocular 3D Object Detection: An Extrinsic Parameter Free Approach" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Liuyihan Song,Kang Zhao,Pan Pan,Yu Liu,Yingya Zhang,Yinghui Xu,Rong Jin. "Communication Efficient SGD via Gradient Sampling With Bayes Prior" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Shariq Farooq Bhat,Ibraheem Alhashim,Peter Wonka. "AdaBins: Depth Estimation Using Adaptive Bins" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Wenyu Li,Tianchu Guo,Pengyu Li,Binghui Chen,Biao Wang,Wangmeng Zuo,Lei Zhang. "VirFace: Enhancing Face Recognition via Unlabeled Shallow Data" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Christoph Lassner,Michael Zollhofer. "Pulsar: Efficient Sphere-Based Neural Rendering" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Peng Wang,Kai Han,Xiu-Shen Wei,Lei Zhang,Lei Wang. "Contrastive Learning Based Hybrid Networks for Long-Tailed Image Classification" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yunzhong Hou,Liang Zheng. "Visualizing Adapted Knowledge in Domain Transfer" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Wenxuan Wang,Bangjie Yin,Taiping Yao,Li Zhang,Yanwei Fu,Shouhong Ding,Jilin Li,Feiyue Huang,Xiangyang Xue. "Delving into Data: Effectively Substitute Training for Black-box Attack" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jan P. Klopp,Keng-Chi Liu,Liang-Gee Chen,Shao-Yi Chien. "How To Exploit the Transferability of Learned Image Compression to Conventional Codecs" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yiming Zeng,Yue Qian,Zhiyu Zhu,Junhui Hou,Hui Yuan,Ying He. "CorrNet3D: Unsupervised End-to-End Learning of Dense Correspondence for 3D Point Clouds" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yann Labbe,Justin Carpentier,Mathieu Aubry,Josef Sivic. "Single-View Robot Pose and Joint Angle Estimation via Render & Compare" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Dongkwon Jin,Wonhui Park,Seong-Gyun Jeong,Chang-Su Kim. "Harmonious Semantic Line Detection via Maximal Weight Clique Selection" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Zheng Hui,Jie Li,Xiumei Wang,Xinbo Gao. "Learning the Non-Differentiable Optimization for Blind Super-Resolution" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Xueyan Zou,Linjie Yang,Ding Liu,Yong Jae Lee. "Progressive Temporal Feature Alignment Network for Video Inpainting" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Aravind Srinivas,Tsung-Yi Lin,Niki Parmar,Jonathon Shlens,Pieter Abbeel,Ashish Vaswani. "Bottleneck Transformers for Visual Recognition" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Wei Ji,Jingjing Li,Shuang Yu,Miao Zhang,Yongri Piao,Shunyu Yao,Qi Bi,Kai Ma,Yefeng Zheng,Huchuan Lu,Li Cheng. "Calibrated RGB-D Salient Object Detection" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ze Yang,Shenlong Wang,Sivabalan Manivasagam,Zeng Huang,Wei-Chiu Ma,Xinchen Yan,Ersin Yumer,Raquel Urtasun. "S3: Neural Shape, Skeleton, and Skinning Fields for 3D Human Modeling" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Baris Gecer,Jiankang Deng,Stefanos Zafeiriou. "OSTeC: One-Shot Texture Completion" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Viresh Ranjan,Udbhav Sharma,Thu Nguyen,Minh Hoai. "Learning To Count Everything" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Chenghao Chen,Hao Li. "Robust Representation Learning With Feedback for Single Image Deraining" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Feng Liu,Luan Tran,Xiaoming Liu. "Fully Understanding Generic Objects: Modeling, Segmentation, and Reconstruction" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yichen Sheng,Jianming Zhang,Bedrich Benes. "SSN: Soft Shadow Network for Image Compositing" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jia-Chang Feng,Fa-Ting Hong,Wei-Shi Zheng. "MIST: Multiple Instance Self-Training Framework for Video Anomaly Detection" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Pengchuan Zhang,Xiujun Li,Xiaowei Hu,Jianwei Yang,Lei Zhang,Lijuan Wang,Yejin Choi,Jianfeng Gao. "VinVL: Revisiting Visual Representations in Vision-Language Models" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Zigang Geng,Ke Sun,Bin Xiao,Zhaoxiang Zhang,Jingdong Wang. "Bottom-Up Human Pose Estimation via Disentangled Keypoint Regression" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Fabio Pizzati,Pietro Cerri,Raoul de Charette. "CoMoGAN: Continuous Model-Guided Image-to-Image Translation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Shuyan Li,Xiu Li,Jiwen Lu,Jie Zhou. "Self-Supervised Video Hashing via Bidirectional Transformers" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Chen Li,Gim Hee Lee. "From Synthetic to Real: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Animal Pose Estimation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Peiyun Hu,Aaron Huang,John Dolan,David Held,Deva Ramanan. "Safe Local Motion Planning With Self-Supervised Freespace Forecasting" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Xingyu Chen,Yufeng Liu,Chongyang Ma,Jianlong Chang,Huayan Wang,Tian Chen,Xiaoyan Guo,Pengfei Wan,Wen Zheng. "Camera-Space Hand Mesh Recovery via Semantic Aggregation and Adaptive 2D-1D Registration" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Le Yang,Haojun Jiang,Ruojin Cai,Yulin Wang,Shiji Song,Gao Huang,Qi Tian. "CondenseNet V2: Sparse Feature Reactivation for Deep Networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Pallabi Ghosh,Nirat Saini,Larry S. Davis,Abhinav Shrivastava. "Learning Graphs for Knowledge Transfer With Limited Labels" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Seunghun Lee,Sunghyun Cho,Sunghoon Im. "DRANet: Disentangling Representation and Adaptation Networks for Unsupervised Cross-Domain Adaptation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Binbin Huang,Dongze Lian,Weixin Luo,Shenghua Gao. "Look Before You Leap: Learning Landmark Features for One-Stage Visual Grounding" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Gege Gao,Huaibo Huang,Chaoyou Fu,Zhaoyang Li,Ran He. "Information Bottleneck Disentanglement for Identity Swapping" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • HaiYang Zhang,XiMing Xing,Liang Liu. "DualGraph: A Graph-Based Method for Reasoning About Label Noise" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ali Tousi,Haedong Jeong,Jiyeon Han,Hwanil Choi,Jaesik Choi. "Automatic Correction of Internal Units in Generative Neural Networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Lvmin Zhang,Xinrui Wang,Qingnan Fan,Yi Ji,Chunping Liu. "Generating Manga From Illustrations via Mimicking Manga Creation Workflow" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yinglong Wang,Chao Ma,Bing Zeng. "Multi-Decoding Deraining Network and Quasi-Sparsity Based Training" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Alireza Zareian,Kevin Dela Rosa,Derek Hao Hu,Shih-Fu Chang. "Open-Vocabulary Object Detection Using Captions" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Xingjia Pan,Yingguo Gao,Zhiwen Lin,Fan Tang,Weiming Dong,Haolei Yuan,Feiyue Huang,Changsheng Xu. "Unveiling the Potential of Structure Preserving for Weakly Supervised Object Localization" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Francis Engelmann,Konstantinos Rematas,Bastian Leibe,Vittorio Ferrari. "From Points to Multi-Object 3D Reconstruction" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Bin Li,Yin Li,Kevin W. Eliceiri. "Dual-Stream Multiple Instance Learning Network for Whole Slide Image Classification With Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Junguang Jiang,Yifei Ji,Ximei Wang,Yufeng Liu,Jianmin Wang,Mingsheng Long. "Regressive Domain Adaptation for Unsupervised Keypoint Detection" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Qihang Yu,Jianming Zhang,He Zhang,Yilin Wang,Zhe Lin,Ning Xu,Yutong Bai,Alan Yuille. "Mask Guided Matting via Progressive Refinement Network" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Mallikarjun B R,Ayush Tewari,Tae-Hyun Oh,Tim Weyrich,Bernd Bickel,Hans-Peter Seidel,Hanspeter Pfister,Wojciech Matusik,Mohamed Elgharib,Christian Theobalt. "Monocular Reconstruction of Neural Face Reflectance Fields" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Xu Yang,Cheng Deng,Zhiyuan Dang,Kun Wei,Junchi Yan. "SelfSAGCN: Self-Supervised Semantic Alignment for Graph Convolution Network" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Chaofan Chen,Xiaoshan Yang,Changsheng Xu,Xuhui Huang,Zhe Ma. "ECKPN: Explicit Class Knowledge Propagation Network for Transductive Few-Shot Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Kumara Kahatapitiya,Michael S. Ryoo. "Coarse-Fine Networks for Temporal Activity Detection in Videos" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yapeng Tian,Chenliang Xu. "Can Audio-Visual Integration Strengthen Robustness Under Multimodal Attacks?" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Shuang Xu,Jiangshe Zhang,Zixiang Zhao,Kai Sun,Junmin Liu,Chunxia Zhang. "Deep Gradient Projection Networks for Pan-sharpening" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yixing Xu,Yunhe Wang,Kai Han,Yehui Tang,Shangling Jui,Chunjing Xu,Chang Xu. "ReNAS: Relativistic Evaluation of Neural Architecture Search" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jiahang Wang,Sheng Jin,Wentao Liu,Weizhong Liu,Chen Qian,Ping Luo. "When Human Pose Estimation Meets Robustness: Adversarial Algorithms and Benchmarks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jie Cao,Luanxuan Hou,Ming-Hsuan Yang,Ran He,Zhenan Sun. "ReMix: Towards Image-to-Image Translation With Limited Data" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Zhengqin Xu,Rui He,Shoulie Xie,Shiqian Wu. "Adaptive Rank Estimate in Robust Principal Component Analysis" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Riccardo Volpi,Diane Larlus,Gregory Rogez. "Continual Adaptation of Visual Representations via Domain Randomization and Meta-Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Kaihua Zhang,Mingliang Dong,Bo Liu,Xiao-Tong Yuan,Qingshan Liu. "DeepACG: Co-Saliency Detection via Semantic-Aware Contrast Gromov-Wasserstein Distance" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Thibault Maho,Teddy Furon,Erwan Le Merrer. "SurFree: A Fast Surrogate-Free Black-Box Attack" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Kranti Kumar Parida,Siddharth Srivastava,Gaurav Sharma. "Beyond Image to Depth: Improving Depth Prediction Using Echoes" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yilin Wang,Junjie Ke,Hossein Talebi,Joong Gon Yim,Neil Birkbeck,Balu Adsumilli,Peyman Milanfar,Feng Yang. "Rich Features for Perceptual Quality Assessment of UGC Videos" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Razvan Caramalau,Binod Bhattarai,Tae-Kyun Kim. "Sequential Graph Convolutional Network for Active Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Radek Mackowiak,Lynton Ardizzone,Ullrich Kothe,Carsten Rother. "Generative Classifiers as a Basis for Trustworthy Image Classification" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yang Jiao,Trac D. Tran,Guangming Shi. "EffiScene: Efficient Per-Pixel Rigidity Inference for Unsupervised Joint Learning of Optical Flow, Depth, Camera Pose and Motion Segmentation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Honglie Chen,Weidi Xie,Triantafyllos Afouras,Arsha Nagrani,Andrea Vedaldi,Andrew Zisserman. "Localizing Visual Sounds the Hard Way" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Arghya Pal,Raphael C.-W. Phan,KokSheik Wong. "Synthesize-It-Classifier: Learning a Generative Classifier Through Recurrent Self-Analysis" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ruibo Li,Guosheng Lin,Lihua Xie. "Self-Point-Flow: Self-Supervised Scene Flow Estimation From Point Clouds With Optimal Transport and Random Walk" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yunhang Shen,Liujuan Cao,Zhiwei Chen,Feihong Lian,Baochang Zhang,Chi Su,Yongjian Wu,Feiyue Huang,Rongrong Ji. "Toward Joint Thing-and-Stuff Mining for Weakly Supervised Panoptic Segmentation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yiyue Luo,Yunzhu Li,Michael Foshey,Wan Shou,Pratyusha Sharma,Tomas Palacios,Antonio Torralba,Wojciech Matusik. "Intelligent Carpet: Inferring 3D Human Pose From Tactile Signals" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Seungho Lee,Minhyun Lee,Jongwuk Lee,Hyunjung Shim. "Railroad Is Not a Train: Saliency As Pseudo-Pixel Supervision for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Gernot Riegler,Vladlen Koltun. "Stable View Synthesis" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jianyuan Wang,Yiran Zhong,Yuchao Dai,Stan Birchfield,Kaihao Zhang,Nikolai Smolyanskiy,Hongdong Li. "Deep Two-View Structure-From-Motion Revisited" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Dmytro Kotovenko,Matthias Wright,Arthur Heimbrecht,Bjorn Ommer. "Rethinking Style Transfer: From Pixels to Parameterized Brushstrokes" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Rui Gong,Yuhua Chen,Danda Pani Paudel,Yawei Li,Ajad Chhatkuli,Wen Li,Dengxin Dai,Luc Van Gool. "Cluster, Split, Fuse, and Update: Meta-Learning for Open Compound Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Xitong Yang,Haoqi Fan,Lorenzo Torresani,Larry S. Davis,Heng Wang. "Beyond Short Clips: End-to-End Video-Level Learning With Collaborative Memories" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Xuyang Bai,Zixin Luo,Lei Zhou,Hongkai Chen,Lei Li,Zeyu Hu,Hongbo Fu,Chiew-Lan Tai. "PointDSC: Robust Point Cloud Registration Using Deep Spatial Consistency" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

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