The source code is widely documented, so you will find all the specifications for the methods in it. Also, here is API of Ball.js. Please try the demos on my site and the HTML5/Javascript Game I made : Topheman Bombs
##Files to include : To use Ball.js, you only have to include Vector2D.js (a js implementation of the java class) and my own class : Ball.js :
<script src="../Vector2D.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="../Ball.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
##Constructor parameters :
- x
- y
- radius
- mass
(default 1) - gravity
(default 1) - elasticity
(default 1) - friction
(default 0.8) - color
(hexa code) - lifeTime
) - options
- aging
will activate aging mode - growing and shrinking balls at their construct and destruct) - borningRate
number of frames to grow to radius (if aging = true, at the construct of the ball) - dyingRate
number of frames to shrink from radius (when the ball is dying or .toDeath() is triggered) - bouncingAlpha
(true will activate alpha mode when the ball bounces against something) - bouncingColor
(string color hexa code will activate the bounce color mode : the ball chnages color when bouncing against something) - bouncingRate
number of frames the bounce effects will last - glowingColor
(string color hexa code will allow to use glow() ant stopGlow() functions) - glowingRate
(fps) number of frames the glowing effects will last - blinkingColor
(string color hexa code will allow to use blink() ant stopBlink() functions) - blinkingRate
(fps) number of frames the blinking effects will last - explodingAlpha
(true will fade the ball when .explode() is triggered) - explodingColor
(string color hexa code) - explodingRadius
- explodingRate
##Primary methods :
- .move(
dx <Number>
,dy <Number>
) (this method must be called so that your ball will be updated (coordinate as well as display) - .checkBallCollision(
ball <Ball>
) - .resolveBallCollision(
ball <Ball>
,callback <Function>
) - .manageStageBorderCollision(
stageWidth <Int>
,stageHeight <Int>
,callback <Function>
) - .setRandomPositionAndSpeedInBounds(
stageWidth <Int>
,stageHeight <Int>
##Rendering methods :
- .draw(
CanvasRenderingContext2D ctx
) - .renderHtml()
##Getters / Setters methods :
- .getX() / .setX(
) - .getY() / .setY(
) - .getVelocityX() / .setVelocityX(
) - .getVelocityY() / .setVelocityY(
) - .getRadius() / .setRadius(
) - .getMass() / .setMass(
) - .getGravity() / .setGravity(
) - .getElasticity() / .setElasticity(
) - .getFriction() / .setFriction(
) - .getColor() / .setColor(
) - .getAlpha() / .setAlpha(
) - .getLifeTime() / .setLifeTime(
) - .getBouncingColor()
- .getGlowingColor() / .setGlowingColor(
) - .getGlowingRate() / .setGlowingRate(
) - .getBlinkingColor() / .setBlinkingColor(
) - .getBlinkingRate() / .setBlinkingRate(
) - .getExplodingAlpha() / .setExplodingAlpha(
) - .getExplodingRadius() / .setExplodingRadius(
) - .getExplodingRate() / .setExplodingRate(
) - .getExplodingColor() / .setExplodingColor(
) - .getDyingRate() / .setDyingRate(
##Comportment methods :
- .glow() / .stopGlow()
- .blink() / .stopBlink()
- .explode()
- .toDeath()
- .die()
##Tests comportment methods :
- .isDead()
- .isDying()
- .isGlowing()
- .isBouncing()
- .isBlinking()
- .isExploding()