diff --git a/.nojekyll b/.nojekyll new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e69de29bb2 diff --git a/1.x/interop-javapoet/images/anchor-copy-button.svg b/1.x/interop-javapoet/images/anchor-copy-button.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..34eb5b2741 --- /dev/null +++ b/1.x/interop-javapoet/images/anchor-copy-button.svg @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + diff --git a/1.x/interop-javapoet/images/copy-icon.svg b/1.x/interop-javapoet/images/copy-icon.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..abeb27e59d --- /dev/null +++ b/1.x/interop-javapoet/images/copy-icon.svg @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + diff --git a/1.x/interop-javapoet/images/copy-successful-icon.svg b/1.x/interop-javapoet/images/copy-successful-icon.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1b0ca522ef --- /dev/null +++ b/1.x/interop-javapoet/images/copy-successful-icon.svg @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + diff --git a/1.x/interop-javapoet/images/footer-go-to-link.svg b/1.x/interop-javapoet/images/footer-go-to-link.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c3199535a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/1.x/interop-javapoet/images/footer-go-to-link.svg @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + diff --git a/1.x/interop-javapoet/images/go-to-top-icon.svg b/1.x/interop-javapoet/images/go-to-top-icon.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2341ef26c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/1.x/interop-javapoet/images/go-to-top-icon.svg @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + diff --git a/1.x/interop-javapoet/images/logo-icon.svg b/1.x/interop-javapoet/images/logo-icon.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ea6f37ed06 --- /dev/null +++ b/1.x/interop-javapoet/images/logo-icon.svg @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ + + + diff --git a/1.x/interop-javapoet/index.html b/1.x/interop-javapoet/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cb0385d2e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/1.x/interop-javapoet/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ + + +
+ +Indicates that a given API is part of the experimental KotlinPoet JavaPoet support and is subject to API changes.
Indicates that a given API is part of the experimental KotlinPoet JavaPoet support and is subject to API changes.
{"use strict";var r=t(4376),o=t(3517),i=t(34),a=t(8227)("species"),l=Array;e.exports=function(e){var n;return r(e)&&(n=e.constructor,(o(n)&&(n===l||r(n.prototype))||i(n)&&null===(n=n[a]))&&(n=void 0)),void 0===n?l:n}},1469:(e,n,t)=>{"use strict";var r=t(7433);e.exports=function(e,n){return new(r(e))(0===n?0:n)}},6319:(e,n,t)=>{"use strict";var r=t(8551),o=t(9539);e.exports=function(e,n,t,i){try{return i?n(r(t)[0],t[1]):n(t)}catch(n){o(e,"throw",n)}}},4428:(e,n,t)=>{"use strict";var r=t(8227)("iterator"),o=!1;try{var i=0,a={next:function(){return{done:!!i++}},return:function(){o=!0}};a[r]=function(){return this},Array.from(a,(function(){throw 2}))}catch(e){}e.exports=function(e,n){try{if(!n&&!o)return!1}catch(e){return!1}var t=!1;try{var i={};i[r]=function(){return{next:function(){return{done:t=!0}}}},e(i)}catch(e){}return t}},4576:(e,n,t)=>{"use strict";var r=t(9504),o=r({}.toString),i=r("".slice);e.exports=function(e){return i(o(e),8,-1)}},6955:(e,n,t)=>{"use strict";var r=t(2140),o=t(4901),i=t(4576),a=t(8227)("toStringTag"),l=Object,c="Arguments"===i(function(){return arguments}());e.exports=r?i:function(e){var n,t,r;return void 0===e?"Undefined":null===e?"Null":"string"==typeof(t=function(e,n){try{return e[n]}catch(e){}}(n=l(e),a))?t:c?i(n):"Object"===(r=i(n))&&o(n.callee)?"Arguments":r}},6938:(e,n,t)=>{"use strict";var r=t(2360),o=t(2106),i=t(6279),a=t(6080),l=t(679),c=t(4117),u=t(2652),s=t(1088),f=t(2529),p=t(7633),d=t(3724),g=t(3451).fastKey,h=t(1181),v=h.set,b=h.getterFor;e.exports={getConstructor:function(e,n,t,s){var f=e((function(e,o){l(e,p),v(e,{type:n,index:r(null),first:void 0,last:void 0,size:0}),d||(e.size=0),c(o)||u(o,e[s],{that:e,AS_ENTRIES:t})})),p=f.prototype,h=b(n),A=function(e,n,t){var r,o,i=h(e),a=m(e,n);return a?a.value=t:(i.last=a={index:o=g(n,!0),key:n,value:t,previous:r=i.last,next:void 0,removed:!1},i.first||(i.first=a),r&&(r.next=a),d?i.size++:e.size++,"F"!==o&&(i.index[o]=a)),e},m=function(e,n){var t,r=h(e),o=g(n);if("F"!==o)return r.index[o];for(t=r.first;t;t=t.next)if(t.key===n)return t};return i(p,{clear:function(){for(var e=h(this),n=e.first;n;)n.removed=!0,n.previous&&(n.previous=n.previous.next=void 0),n=n.next;e.first=e.last=void 0,e.index=r(null),d?e.size=0:this.size=0},delete:function(e){var n=this,t=h(n),r=m(n,e);if(r){var o=r.next,i=r.previous;delete t.index[r.index],r.removed=!0,i&&(i.next=o),o&&(o.previous=i),t.first===r&&(t.first=o),t.last===r&&(t.last=i),d?t.size--:n.size--}return!!r},forEach:function(e){for(var n,t=h(this),r=a(e,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0);n=n?n.next:t.first;)for(r(n.value,n.key,this);n&&n.removed;)n=n.previous},has:function(e){return!!m(this,e)}}),i(p,t?{get:function(e){var n=m(this,e);return n&&n.value},set:function(e,n){return A(this,0===e?0:e,n)}}:{add:function(e){return A(this,e=0===e?0:e,e)}}),d&&o(p,"size",{configurable:!0,get:function(){return h(this).size}}),f},setStrong:function(e,n,t){var r=n+" Iterator",o=b(n),i=b(r);s(e,n,(function(e,n){v(this,{type:r,target:e,state:o(e),kind:n,last:void 0})}),(function(){for(var e=i(this),n=e.kind,t=e.last;t&&t.removed;)t=t.previous;return e.target&&(e.last=t=t?t.next:e.state.first)?f("keys"===n?t.key:"values"===n?t.value:[t.key,t.value],!1):(e.target=void 0,f(void 0,!0))}),t?"entries":"values",!t,!0),p(n)}}},4006:(e,n,t)=>{"use strict";var r=t(9504),o=t(6279),i=t(3451).getWeakData,a=t(679),l=t(8551),c=t(4117),u=t(34),s=t(2652),f=t(9213),p=t(9297),d=t(1181),g=d.set,h=d.getterFor,v=f.find,b=f.findIndex,A=r([].splice),m=0,y=function(e){return e.frozen||(e.frozen=new E)},E=function(){this.entries=[]},C=function(e,n){return v(e.entries,(function(e){return e[0]===n}))};E.prototype={get:function(e){var n=C(this,e);if(n)return n[1]},has:function(e){return!!C(this,e)},set:function(e,n){var t=C(this,e);t?t[1]=n:this.entries.push([e,n])},delete:function(e){var n=b(this.entries,(function(n){return n[0]===e}));return~n&&A(this.entries,n,1),!!~n}},e.exports={getConstructor:function(e,n,t,r){var f=e((function(e,o){a(e,d),g(e,{type:n,id:m++,frozen:void 0}),c(o)||s(o,e[r],{that:e,AS_ENTRIES:t})})),d=f.prototype,v=h(n),b=function(e,n,t){var r=v(e),o=i(l(n),!0);return!0===o?y(r).set(n,t):o[r.id]=t,e};return o(d,{delete:function(e){var n=v(this);if(!u(e))return!1;var t=i(e);return!0===t?y(n).delete(e):t&&p(t,n.id)&&delete t[n.id]},has:function(e){var n=v(this);if(!u(e))return!1;var t=i(e);return!0===t?y(n).has(e):t&&p(t,n.id)}}),o(d,t?{get:function(e){var n=v(this);if(u(e)){var t=i(e);return!0===t?y(n).get(e):t?t[n.id]:void 0}},set:function(e,n){return b(this,e,n)}}:{add:function(e){return b(this,e,!0)}}),f}}},6468:(e,n,t)=>{"use strict";var r=t(6518),o=t(4475),i=t(9504),a=t(2796),l=t(6840),c=t(3451),u=t(2652),s=t(679),f=t(4901),p=t(4117),d=t(34),g=t(9039),h=t(4428),v=t(687),b=t(3167);e.exports=function(e,n,t){var A=-1!==e.indexOf("Map"),m=-1!==e.indexOf("Weak"),y=A?"set":"add",E=o[e],C=E&&E.prototype,w=E,_={},x=function(e){var n=i(C[e]);l(C,e,"add"===e?function(e){return n(this,0===e?0:e),this}:"delete"===e?function(e){return!(m&&!d(e))&&n(this,0===e?0:e)}:"get"===e?function(e){return m&&!d(e)?void 0:n(this,0===e?0:e)}:"has"===e?function(e){return!(m&&!d(e))&&n(this,0===e?0:e)}:function(e,t){return n(this,0===e?0:e,t),this})};if(a(e,!f(E)||!(m||C.forEach&&!g((function(){(new E).entries().next()})))))w=t.getConstructor(n,e,A,y),c.enable();else if(a(e,!0)){var S=new w,k=S[y](m?{}:-0,1)!==S,O=g((function(){S.has(1)})),B=h((function(e){new E(e)})),T=!m&&g((function(){for(var e=new E,n=5;n--;)e[y](n,n);return!e.has(-0)}));B||((w=n((function(e,n){s(e,C);var t=b(new E,e,w);return p(n)||u(n,t[y],{that:t,AS_ENTRIES:A}),t}))).prototype=C,C.constructor=w),(O||T)&&(x("delete"),x("has"),A&&x("get")),(T||k)&&x(y),m&&C.clear&&delete C.clear}return _[e]=w,r({global:!0,constructor:!0,forced:w!==E},_),v(w,e),m||t.setStrong(w,e,A),w}},7740:(e,n,t)=>{"use strict";var r=t(9297),o=t(5031),i=t(7347),a=t(4913);e.exports=function(e,n,t){for(var l=o(n),c=a.f,u=i.f,s=0;s an Elements-based implementation of ClassInspector. see docs on KotlinClassMetadata.readStrict and KotlinClassMetadata.readLenient for more details. Creates a new ContainerData instance for a given declarationContainer. the source KmDeclarationContainer to read from. the ClassName of the target class to to read from. the parent ClassName name if declarationContainer is nested, inner, or is a companion object. Looks up other declaration containers, such as for nested members. Note that this class would always be Kotlin, so Metadata can be relied on for this. the read KmDeclarationContainer from its metadata. If no class or facade file was found, this should throw an exception. The ClassName representation of the class. Looks up the enum entry on a given enum given its member name. the EnumEntryData The ClassName representation of the enum class. The simple member name. An Elements-based implementation of ClassInspector. Indicates if this ClassInspector supports AnnotationRetention.RUNTIME-retained annotations. This is used to indicate if manual inference of certain non-RUNTIME-retained annotations should be done, such as JvmName. Looks up other classes, such as for nested members. Note that this class would always be Kotlin, so Metadata can be relied on for this. Creates a new ContainerData instance for a given declarationContainer. Creates a new ContainerData instance for a given className. Looks up other declaration containers, such as for nested members. Note that this class would always be Kotlin, so Metadata can be relied on for this. Looks up the enum entry on a given enum given its member name. Looks up a class and returns whether or not it is an interface. Note that this class can be Java or Kotlin, so Metadata should not be relied on for this. Looks up if a given methodSignature within className exists. Looks up a class and returns whether or not it is an interface. Note that this class can be Java or Kotlin, so Metadata should not be relied on for this. whether or not it is an interface. The ClassName representation of the class. Looks up if a given methodSignature within className exists. whether or not the method exists. The ClassName representation of the class. The method signature to check. Indicates if this ClassInspector supports AnnotationRetention.RUNTIME-retained annotations. This is used to indicate if manual inference of certain non-RUNTIME-retained annotations should be done, such as JvmName. see docs on KotlinClassMetadata.readStrict and KotlinClassMetadata.readLenient for more details. Creates a new ContainerData instance for a given declarationContainer. the source KmDeclarationContainer to read from. the ClassName of the target class to to read from. the parent ClassName name if declarationContainer is nested, inner, or is a companion object. Looks up other declaration containers, such as for nested members. Note that this class would always be Kotlin, so Metadata can be relied on for this. the read KmDeclarationContainer from its metadata. If no class or facade file was found, this should throw an exception. The ClassName representation of the class. Looks up the enum entry on a given enum given its member name. the EnumEntryData The ClassName representation of the enum class. The simple member name. Indicates if this ClassInspector supports AnnotationRetention.RUNTIME-retained annotations. This is used to indicate if manual inference of certain non-RUNTIME-retained annotations should be done, such as JvmName. Looks up other classes, such as for nested members. Note that this class would always be Kotlin, so Metadata can be relied on for this. Creates a new ContainerData instance for a given declarationContainer. Creates a new ContainerData instance for a given className. Looks up other declaration containers, such as for nested members. Note that this class would always be Kotlin, so Metadata can be relied on for this. Looks up the enum entry on a given enum given its member name. Looks up a class and returns whether or not it is an interface. Note that this class can be Java or Kotlin, so Metadata should not be relied on for this. Looks up if a given methodSignature within className exists. Looks up a class and returns whether or not it is an interface. Note that this class can be Java or Kotlin, so Metadata should not be relied on for this. whether or not it is an interface. The ClassName representation of the class. Looks up if a given methodSignature within className exists. whether or not the method exists. The ClassName representation of the class. The method signature to check. Indicates if this ClassInspector supports AnnotationRetention.RUNTIME-retained annotations. This is used to indicate if manual inference of certain non-RUNTIME-retained annotations should be done, such as JvmName. An Elements-based implementation of ClassInspector. Represents relevant information on a Kotlin class used for ClassInspector. Can only ever be applied on a class and not file facades. declared annotations on this class. the mapping of declarationContainer's constructors to parsed ConstructorData. the KmClass as parsed from the class's @Metadata annotation. the mapping of declarationContainer's methods to parsed MethodData. the mapping of declarationContainer's properties to parsed PropertyData. Creates a new ContainerData instance for a given declarationContainer. the source KmDeclarationContainer to read from. the ClassName of the target class to to read from. the parent ClassName name if declarationContainer is nested, inner, or is a companion object. Looks up other declaration containers, such as for nested members. Note that this class would always be Kotlin, so Metadata can be relied on for this. the read KmDeclarationContainer from its metadata. If no class or facade file was found, this should throw an exception. The ClassName representation of the class. Looks up the enum entry on a given enum given its member name. the EnumEntryData The ClassName representation of the enum class. The simple member name. A basic interface for looking up JVM information about a given Class. Indicates if this ClassInspector supports AnnotationRetention.RUNTIME-retained annotations. This is used to indicate if manual inference of certain non-RUNTIME-retained annotations should be done, such as JvmName. Looks up other classes, such as for nested members. Note that this class would always be Kotlin, so Metadata can be relied on for this. Creates a new ContainerData instance for a given declarationContainer. Creates a new ContainerData instance for a given className. Looks up other declaration containers, such as for nested members. Note that this class would always be Kotlin, so Metadata can be relied on for this. Looks up the enum entry on a given enum given its member name. Looks up a class and returns whether or not it is an interface. Note that this class can be Java or Kotlin, so Metadata should not be relied on for this. Looks up if a given methodSignature within className exists. Looks up a class and returns whether or not it is an interface. Note that this class can be Java or Kotlin, so Metadata should not be relied on for this. whether or not it is an interface. The ClassName representation of the class. Looks up if a given methodSignature within className exists. whether or not the method exists. The ClassName representation of the class. The method signature to check. Indicates if this ClassInspector supports AnnotationRetention.RUNTIME-retained annotations. This is used to indicate if manual inference of certain non-RUNTIME-retained annotations should be done, such as JvmName. declared annotations on this constructor. A collection of all annotations on this constructor, including any derived from jvmModifiers, isSynthetic, and exceptions. Represents relevant information on a constructor used for ClassInspector. Should only be associated with constructors of a ClassData. declared annotations on this constructor. A collection of all annotations on this constructor, including any derived from jvmModifiers, isSynthetic, and exceptions. list of exceptions thrown by this constructor. indicates if this constructor is synthetic or not. set of JvmMethodModifiers on this constructor. a mapping of parameter indices to annotations on them. Represents relevant information on a declaration container used for ClassInspector. Can only ever be applied on a Kotlin type (i.e. is annotated with Metadata). declared annotations on this class. the KmDeclarationContainer as parsed from the class's @Metadata annotation. the mapping of declarationContainer's methods to parsed MethodData. the mapping of declarationContainer's properties to parsed PropertyData. Represents relevant information on a Kotlin enum entry. the annotations for the entry the KmClass as parsed from the entry's @Metadata annotation. declared annotations on this field. A collection of all annotations on this method, including any derived from jvmModifiers and isSynthetic. Represents relevant information on a field used for ClassInspector. Should only be associated with a PropertyData. declared annotations on this field. A collection of all annotations on this method, including any derived from jvmModifiers and isSynthetic. indicates if this field is synthetic or not. set of JvmMethodModifiers on this field. Represents relevant information on a file facade used for ClassInspector. declared annotations on this class. the KmClass as parsed from the class's @Metadata annotation. the mapping of declarationContainer's methods to parsed MethodData. the mapping of declarationContainer's properties to parsed PropertyData. Returns a representation of an immutable list of all enum entries, in the order they're declared. This method may be used to iterate over the enum entries. Modifiers that are annotations in Kotlin but modifier keywords in bytecode. Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.) Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared. Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.) if this enum type has no constant with the specified name Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants. Returns a representation of an immutable list of all enum entries, in the order they're declared. This method may be used to iterate over the enum entries. Modifiers that are annotations or implicit in Kotlin but modifier keywords in bytecode. Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.) Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared. Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.) if this enum type has no constant with the specified name Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants. Represents a JVM modifier that is represented as an annotation in Kotlin but as a modifier in bytecode. Examples include annotations such as @JvmStatic or @JvmSynthetic. This API is considered read-only and should not be implemented outside of KotlinPoet. declared annotations on this method. A collection of all annotations on this method, including any derived from jvmModifiers, isSynthetic, and exceptions. an optional UseSiteTarget that all annotations on this method should use. an optional boolean indicating if any type parameters on this function are Represents relevant information on a method used for ClassInspector. Should only be associated with methods of a ClassData or PropertyData. declared annotations on this method. list of exceptions thrown by this method. indicates if this method overrides one in a supertype. indicates if this method is synthetic or not. set of JvmMethodModifiers on this method. a mapping of parameter indices to annotations on them. A collection of all annotations on this method, including any derived from jvmModifiers, isSynthetic, and exceptions. declared annotations on this property. A collection of all annotations on this property including declared ones and any derived from fieldData, getterData, setterData, and isJvmField. Represents relevant information on a property used for ClassInspector. Should only be associated with properties of a ClassData. declared annotations on this property. A collection of all annotations on this property including declared ones and any derived from fieldData, getterData, setterData, and isJvmField. associated getter (as MethodData) with this property, if any. indicates if this property should be treated as a jvm field. Indicates if this property overrides another from a supertype. associated setter (as MethodData) with this property, if any. Indicates if this property overrides another from a supertype. Looks up other classes, such as for nested members. Note that this class would always be Kotlin, so Metadata can be relied on for this. the read KmClass from its metadata. If no class was found, this should throw an exception. The ClassName representation of the class. Creates a new ContainerData instance for a given className. the ClassName of the target class to to read from. the parent ClassName name if className is nested, inner, or is a companion object. Represents relevant information on a Kotlin class used for ClassInspector. Can only ever be applied on a class and not file facades. A basic interface for looking up JVM information about a given Class. Represents relevant information on a constructor used for ClassInspector. Should only be associated with constructors of a ClassData. Represents relevant information on a declaration container used for ClassInspector. Can only ever be applied on a Kotlin type (i.e. is annotated with Metadata). Represents relevant information on a Kotlin enum entry. Represents relevant information on a field used for ClassInspector. Should only be associated with a PropertyData. Represents relevant information on a file facade used for ClassInspector. Modifiers that are annotations in Kotlin but modifier keywords in bytecode. Modifiers that are annotations or implicit in Kotlin but modifier keywords in bytecode. Represents a JVM modifier that is represented as an annotation in Kotlin but as a modifier in bytecode. Examples include annotations such as @JvmStatic or @JvmSynthetic. Represents relevant information on a method used for ClassInspector. Should only be associated with methods of a ClassData or PropertyData. Represents relevant information on a property used for ClassInspector. Should only be associated with properties of a ClassData. Looks up other classes, such as for nested members. Note that this class would always be Kotlin, so Metadata can be relied on for this. Creates a new ContainerData instance for a given className. See details: https://discuss.kotlinlang.org/t/announcing-kotlinx-metadata-jvm-library-for-reading-modifying-metadata-of-kotlin-jvm-class-files/7980/27 a FileSpec ABI representation of this KClass. see docs on KotlinClassMetadata.readStrict and KotlinClassMetadata.readLenient for more details. a FileSpec ABI representation of this TypeElement. see docs on KotlinClassMetadata.readStrict and KotlinClassMetadata.readLenient for more details. a FileSpec ABI representation of this KmClass. a FileSpec ABI representation of this KmPackage. a TypeSpec ABI representation of this KClass. see docs on KotlinClassMetadata.readStrict and KotlinClassMetadata.readLenient for more details. a TypeSpec ABI representation of this TypeElement. see docs on KotlinClassMetadata.readStrict and KotlinClassMetadata.readLenient for more details. a TypeSpec ABI representation of this KmClass. {"use strict";var r=t(4376),o=t(3517),i=t(34),a=t(8227)("species"),l=Array;e.exports=function(e){var n;return r(e)&&(n=e.constructor,(o(n)&&(n===l||r(n.prototype))||i(n)&&null===(n=n[a]))&&(n=void 0)),void 0===n?l:n}},1469:(e,n,t)=>{"use strict";var r=t(7433);e.exports=function(e,n){return new(r(e))(0===n?0:n)}},6319:(e,n,t)=>{"use strict";var r=t(8551),o=t(9539);e.exports=function(e,n,t,i){try{return i?n(r(t)[0],t[1]):n(t)}catch(n){o(e,"throw",n)}}},4428:(e,n,t)=>{"use strict";var r=t(8227)("iterator"),o=!1;try{var i=0,a={next:function(){return{done:!!i++}},return:function(){o=!0}};a[r]=function(){return this},Array.from(a,(function(){throw 2}))}catch(e){}e.exports=function(e,n){try{if(!n&&!o)return!1}catch(e){return!1}var t=!1;try{var i={};i[r]=function(){return{next:function(){return{done:t=!0}}}},e(i)}catch(e){}return t}},4576:(e,n,t)=>{"use strict";var r=t(9504),o=r({}.toString),i=r("".slice);e.exports=function(e){return i(o(e),8,-1)}},6955:(e,n,t)=>{"use strict";var r=t(2140),o=t(4901),i=t(4576),a=t(8227)("toStringTag"),l=Object,c="Arguments"===i(function(){return arguments}());e.exports=r?i:function(e){var n,t,r;return void 0===e?"Undefined":null===e?"Null":"string"==typeof(t=function(e,n){try{return e[n]}catch(e){}}(n=l(e),a))?t:c?i(n):"Object"===(r=i(n))&&o(n.callee)?"Arguments":r}},6938:(e,n,t)=>{"use strict";var r=t(2360),o=t(2106),i=t(6279),a=t(6080),l=t(679),c=t(4117),u=t(2652),s=t(1088),f=t(2529),p=t(7633),d=t(3724),g=t(3451).fastKey,h=t(1181),v=h.set,b=h.getterFor;e.exports={getConstructor:function(e,n,t,s){var f=e((function(e,o){l(e,p),v(e,{type:n,index:r(null),first:void 0,last:void 0,size:0}),d||(e.size=0),c(o)||u(o,e[s],{that:e,AS_ENTRIES:t})})),p=f.prototype,h=b(n),A=function(e,n,t){var r,o,i=h(e),a=m(e,n);return a?a.value=t:(i.last=a={index:o=g(n,!0),key:n,value:t,previous:r=i.last,next:void 0,removed:!1},i.first||(i.first=a),r&&(r.next=a),d?i.size++:e.size++,"F"!==o&&(i.index[o]=a)),e},m=function(e,n){var t,r=h(e),o=g(n);if("F"!==o)return r.index[o];for(t=r.first;t;t=t.next)if(t.key===n)return t};return i(p,{clear:function(){for(var e=h(this),n=e.first;n;)n.removed=!0,n.previous&&(n.previous=n.previous.next=void 0),n=n.next;e.first=e.last=void 0,e.index=r(null),d?e.size=0:this.size=0},delete:function(e){var n=this,t=h(n),r=m(n,e);if(r){var o=r.next,i=r.previous;delete t.index[r.index],r.removed=!0,i&&(i.next=o),o&&(o.previous=i),t.first===r&&(t.first=o),t.last===r&&(t.last=i),d?t.size--:n.size--}return!!r},forEach:function(e){for(var n,t=h(this),r=a(e,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0);n=n?n.next:t.first;)for(r(n.value,n.key,this);n&&n.removed;)n=n.previous},has:function(e){return!!m(this,e)}}),i(p,t?{get:function(e){var n=m(this,e);return n&&n.value},set:function(e,n){return A(this,0===e?0:e,n)}}:{add:function(e){return A(this,e=0===e?0:e,e)}}),d&&o(p,"size",{configurable:!0,get:function(){return h(this).size}}),f},setStrong:function(e,n,t){var r=n+" Iterator",o=b(n),i=b(r);s(e,n,(function(e,n){v(this,{type:r,target:e,state:o(e),kind:n,last:void 0})}),(function(){for(var e=i(this),n=e.kind,t=e.last;t&&t.removed;)t=t.previous;return e.target&&(e.last=t=t?t.next:e.state.first)?f("keys"===n?t.key:"values"===n?t.value:[t.key,t.value],!1):(e.target=void 0,f(void 0,!0))}),t?"entries":"values",!t,!0),p(n)}}},4006:(e,n,t)=>{"use strict";var r=t(9504),o=t(6279),i=t(3451).getWeakData,a=t(679),l=t(8551),c=t(4117),u=t(34),s=t(2652),f=t(9213),p=t(9297),d=t(1181),g=d.set,h=d.getterFor,v=f.find,b=f.findIndex,A=r([].splice),m=0,y=function(e){return e.frozen||(e.frozen=new E)},E=function(){this.entries=[]},C=function(e,n){return v(e.entries,(function(e){return e[0]===n}))};E.prototype={get:function(e){var n=C(this,e);if(n)return n[1]},has:function(e){return!!C(this,e)},set:function(e,n){var t=C(this,e);t?t[1]=n:this.entries.push([e,n])},delete:function(e){var n=b(this.entries,(function(n){return n[0]===e}));return~n&&A(this.entries,n,1),!!~n}},e.exports={getConstructor:function(e,n,t,r){var f=e((function(e,o){a(e,d),g(e,{type:n,id:m++,frozen:void 0}),c(o)||s(o,e[r],{that:e,AS_ENTRIES:t})})),d=f.prototype,v=h(n),b=function(e,n,t){var r=v(e),o=i(l(n),!0);return!0===o?y(r).set(n,t):o[r.id]=t,e};return o(d,{delete:function(e){var n=v(this);if(!u(e))return!1;var t=i(e);return!0===t?y(n).delete(e):t&&p(t,n.id)&&delete t[n.id]},has:function(e){var n=v(this);if(!u(e))return!1;var t=i(e);return!0===t?y(n).has(e):t&&p(t,n.id)}}),o(d,t?{get:function(e){var n=v(this);if(u(e)){var t=i(e);return!0===t?y(n).get(e):t?t[n.id]:void 0}},set:function(e,n){return b(this,e,n)}}:{add:function(e){return b(this,e,!0)}}),f}}},6468:(e,n,t)=>{"use strict";var r=t(6518),o=t(4475),i=t(9504),a=t(2796),l=t(6840),c=t(3451),u=t(2652),s=t(679),f=t(4901),p=t(4117),d=t(34),g=t(9039),h=t(4428),v=t(687),b=t(3167);e.exports=function(e,n,t){var A=-1!==e.indexOf("Map"),m=-1!==e.indexOf("Weak"),y=A?"set":"add",E=o[e],C=E&&E.prototype,w=E,_={},x=function(e){var n=i(C[e]);l(C,e,"add"===e?function(e){return n(this,0===e?0:e),this}:"delete"===e?function(e){return!(m&&!d(e))&&n(this,0===e?0:e)}:"get"===e?function(e){return m&&!d(e)?void 0:n(this,0===e?0:e)}:"has"===e?function(e){return!(m&&!d(e))&&n(this,0===e?0:e)}:function(e,t){return n(this,0===e?0:e,t),this})};if(a(e,!f(E)||!(m||C.forEach&&!g((function(){(new E).entries().next()})))))w=t.getConstructor(n,e,A,y),c.enable();else if(a(e,!0)){var S=new w,k=S[y](m?{}:-0,1)!==S,O=g((function(){S.has(1)})),B=h((function(e){new E(e)})),T=!m&&g((function(){for(var e=new E,n=5;n--;)e[y](n,n);return!e.has(-0)}));B||((w=n((function(e,n){s(e,C);var t=b(new E,e,w);return p(n)||u(n,t[y],{that:t,AS_ENTRIES:A}),t}))).prototype=C,C.constructor=w),(O||T)&&(x("delete"),x("has"),A&&x("get")),(T||k)&&x(y),m&&C.clear&&delete C.clear}return _[e]=w,r({global:!0,constructor:!0,forced:w!==E},_),v(w,e),m||t.setStrong(w,e,A),w}},7740:(e,n,t)=>{"use strict";var r=t(9297),o=t(5031),i=t(7347),a=t(4913);e.exports=function(e,n,t){for(var 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tags for new lines inside blocks and it works visually,
+ * but it causes prism.js to incorrectly parse some tags (such as inline comments)
+ *
+ * This can be removed if there are no `
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+ * if there still are - DO NOT remove this hook when upading prism.js to a newer version
+ */
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e4446a09c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.x/interop-javapoet/scripts/sourceset_dependencies.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/1.x/interop-javapoet/scripts/symbol-parameters-wrapper_deferred.js b/1.x/interop-javapoet/scripts/symbol-parameters-wrapper_deferred.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31fbc2d1af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.x/interop-javapoet/scripts/symbol-parameters-wrapper_deferred.js
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ * Copyright 2014-2024 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
+ */
+// helps with some corner cases where create
+ Return
+ Parameters
+ Return
+ Return
+ Properties
+ Functions
+ is
+ Return
+ Return
+ create
+ Parameters
+ container
+ Parameters
+ Return
+ Return
+ Properties
+ Functions
+ is
+ Return
+ Return
+ Package-level declarations
+ Types
+ Class
+ annotations
+ class
+ constructors
+ declaration
+ Class
+ Constructors
+ Properties
+ methods
+ properties
+ container
+ Parameters
+ Return
+ Return
+ Inheritors
+ Functions
+ is
+ Return
+ Return
+ Companion
+ Constructor
+ Parameters
+ exceptions
+ Constructor
+ Parameters
+ Properties
+ is
+ jvm
+ parameter
+ annotations
+ declaration
+ Container
+ Inheritors
+ methods
+ properties
+ Enum
+ annotations
+ declaration
+ Enum
+ Properties
+ Field
+ Parameters
+ constant
+ Field
+ Parameters
+ Properties
+ is
+ jvm
+ File
+ annotations
+ class
+ declaration
+ File
+ Constructors
+ Properties
+ methods
+ properties
+ annotation
+ annotation
+ annotation
+ entries
+ Jvm
+ Entries
+ Properties
+ Functions
+ value
+ Throws
+ annotation
+ annotation
+ entries
+ Jvm
+ Properties
+ Functions
+ value
+ Throws
+ annotation
+ Jvm
+ Inheritors
+ Companion
+ Method
+ Parameters
+ Parameters
, which are implicitly synthetic.exceptions
+ Method
+ Parameters
+ Properties
+ Functions
+ is
+ is
+ jvm
+ parameter
+ Property
+ Parameters
+ getter
+ Property
+ Parameters
+ Properties
+ is
+ is
+ setter
+ class
+ Return
+ Parameters
Package-level declarations
+ Types
+ Properties
+ Functions
+ is
+ true
if this is an extension type (i.e. String.() -> Unit vs (String) -> Unit).to
+ Return
+ Return