Gradient accumulation is a technique to simulate large batch size training in memory-constrained and network-constrained system. Gradient accumulation is used in training situation where there’s not enough memory and/or network bandwidth to perform large batch size needed for optimal convergence.
When using gradient accumulation, instead of updating weights after each forward-backward pass of a mini-batch, we store and accumulate their gradients from forward-backward passes of several mini-batches, and update weights once. In this way, we could achieve a similar behavior of training with a larger batch size and might help loss convergence.
It's easy to use this technique in PyTorch by simply modifying several lines of a training loop.
A typical training loop:
for train_x, train_label in enumerate(train_loader):
# ...
output = t_model(train_x) # fwd
t_loss = loss_fn(output) # loss
t_loss.backward() # bwd
t_optimizer.step() # update
Use gradient accumulation:
for idx, (train_x, train_label) in enumerate(train_loader):
# ...
output = t_model(train_x) # fwd
t_loss = loss_fn(output) / accu_grad_steps # loss
t_loss.backward() # bwd
if idx % accu_grad_steps == 0: # update
Note that the modified loss has a scaling factor 1/accu_grad_steps
As can be seen from the following example, when using gradient accumulation, the only thing we need to do is adding another mark step after backward:
for idx, (train_x, train_label) in enumerate(train_loader):
# ...
output = t_model(train_x) # fwd
t_loss = loss_fn(output) / accu_grad_steps # loss
t_loss.backward() # bwd
lm.mark_step() # mark the fwd/bwd graph
if idx % accu_grad_steps == 0: # update
lm.mark_step() # mark optimizer graph
In this way, one training loop will be seperated into two computation graphs in backend, one for forward-backward pass and one for optimizer. The optimizer graph will be invoked per accu_grad_steps