Generates a release notes markdown file in the GitHub output format.
- Jira Server The Url of Jira server
- Project Id Issue tracker project ID
- Jql Jql query for closed issues
- Output File Specifies the file in which release notes are generated
- Username The username to authenticate to the JIRA server with
- Password The password to authenticate to the JIRA server with
- All Tags Specifies that all tags should be included in the release notes, if not specified then only the issues since the last tag are included
- Version Specifies the version to publish - i.e. The name of the Version you are publishing and want these release notes to be labelled as. (e.g. v1.2-beta)
- GitReleaseNotes - 0.6.0
The Exe tool in the GitReleaseNotes package is downloaded and run. See this repo for more information.