Releases: sprehn/openhab-addons
Connectsdk Binding 2.1.0 snapshot 201705261008 (RC1)
Removed unusable channels: external, Program
Removed experimental channels and made functionality available as actions: youtube, hulu, netflix, browser
void showToast(String deviceId, String text)
//Sends a toast message to a web os device with openhab icon.
void showToast(String deviceId, String icon, String text)
//Sends a toast message to a web os device with custom icon. The icon parameter has to be provided as a url.
void launchBrowser(String deviceId, String url)
//Opens the given URL in the TV's browser app.
void launchApplication(String deviceId, String appId)
//Opens the application with given appId. To find out what appId constant matches which app, bind the
appLauncher channel to a String item and turn the TV to the desired application.
Fixed utf-8 encoding in DE i18n package
1.0 release of connect sdk core lib
moved from snapshot to release version of websocket lib
Connectsdk Binding 2.1.0 snapshot 201703262307
showToast action e.g. showToast("", "Hello World")
Connectsdk Binding 2.1.0 snapshot 201703111715
fixed exception with missing youtube and hulu channel definition
Connectsdk Binding 2.1.0 snapshot 201703110036
fixed issue with manual configuration of localIP
added ability to start URL in browser and start a netflix movie
Connectsdk Binding 2.1.0 snapshot 2017022600021
Externalized connect sdk classes into repo Connect-SDK-Java-Core forked from ConnectSDK/Connect-SDK-Android-Core. Removed all android mock classes. More than 180 high findbugs findings fixed in connect sdk.
Application Launcher feature added.
Connectsdk Binding 2.0.0 snapshot 201603250427
Initial draft of opnehab 2 version of this binding.