Become a sponsor to Yuki Yamazaki
I'm Yuki Yamazaki, or kamiazya. I am the leader of a team of data engineers building a CDP (Customer Data Platform). I use Python and BigQuery at work, and TypeScript and Graphviz for my hobby OSS activities.
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him
- 🌱 I'm currently learning about leadership and project management.
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with basic of computer science.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on iRidge
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on ts-graphviz.
- ⚡ Fun fact: Recruiters often recruit me as a front-end engineer. I am a data engineer.
- 💬 Ask me about TypeScript/Python/Graphviz/BigQuery.
Featured work
Markup and draw your system diagrams with React.
TypeScript 166 -
A plugin for TypeDoc that generates graphs for mermaid.js diagrams by @mermaid annotation.
TypeScript 31 -
Simple Graphviz library for TypeScript.
TypeScript 162 -
⚛︎ Graphviz-dot Renderer using React.
TypeScript 29 -
▶️ GitHub Action to set up Graphviz cross-platform(Linux, macOS, Windows).TypeScript 44 -
Ulauncher extension for launching Vivaldi using a chosen user profile.
Python 3
$1 a month
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Every little bit helps, and you'll get my thanks for whatever you can give.
$2 a month
SelectGets me 1 Energy Drink a month 😤
$3 a month
SelectGets me one coffee a month ☕️
$15 a month
SelectGets me one coffee a week ☕️
$30 a month
SelectGets me two coffees a week ☕️☕️
$100 a month
SelectGets me a coffee every day ☕️🔂