This is very much a work in progress
This is a collection of tools which can be used by a programmer to help manage personal finance. I started this activity becuase commercial tools lack the flexibility I was looking for. The approach is to leverage standard tools like Excel, Jupyter. This is not intended for conusmers. It is intended for developers who want a flexible tool to manage their own personal finances. This was written in Julia, because its my favorite language.- Budget Analysis
- Investment Analsis
- Retirement Planning
Allows any combination of Expenses, Income, Assets and Liabilities. Each may be inflated or grown using separate factors. Includes rules for zeroGrowth (cash), fixedGrowth, fixedLoan. Handles loan payoff
Technology usage: Julia, Excel, Jupyter
- Download JPPF
- pkg> dev JPPF
- Enter the model configuration, planned expenses, income, assets and liabilties in the spreadsheet
- change directory to JPPF
- julia --project ./src/Retirement.jl [-D] [--save savePath] [inputPath]
- Note: savePath defaults to output/RetirementRun(now).xlsx and inputPath is data/Retirement.xlsx
- change directory to JPPF
- julia --project
- using IJulia
- notebook(dir="./src")
- open Retirement.ipynb
- Update the runFile variable to point to the analysis file
- Run the cells
- TODO Add investments to lookup list
- TODO create a cron job to update list on a schedule