- Added
- Switched order of box mixins
- Added
to exports
- Added
components - Added
component - Added
component - Added
component - Added
component - Added
component - Added
- Added color types for
- Adjusted Alert text color
- Added export for theme color scales
- Updated and added additional prop documentation
- Moved icon button base style into theme
- The close button's icon can now be overridden
- Button line-height changed from
- Fixed modal positioning
- Fixed typos in types
- Added AvatarGroup component
- Added CloseButton component
- Added IconButton component
- Added Tooltip component
- New
prop for overriding component styles, prop has been added to most components
- Major rework of most components, interfaces may have changed significantly between versions
- Moved to using new
- Renamed Select prop
- Fixed select inner button submitting wrapping form components
- Breaking: replaced Select component with new Downshift based select component
- Migrated project to npm
- Fixed GitHub release script, package should publish correctly on release creation now
- Minor change to toast internals to fix type error
- Republish package to npm
- New Checkbox component
- New Radio component
- New Switch component
- New Toast component
- New Progress component
- Changed props of popover so that it's all 'opt in'
- Added transition to popover inner
- Added
size to theme - Added blackAlpha and whiteAlpha button colors to button story
- Changed unstyled button styles
- Fixed issue with popover component rendering out of view
- New Theme component
- Replaces the ThemeProvider.
- Replaces the CssReset component with a new
function which allows a consumer to restyle and extend their app's base CSS.
- Removed the following components
- ColorModeProvider (see below)
- CssReset (moved into Theme)
- Field (see below)
- SpicyProvider
- ThemeProvider
- Removed color mode implementations from all components
- Our intention is to provide an alternate dark theme instead of a provider + hook.
- Removed Field component
- Determined through implementations that this provider is best implemented by the consumer as different form libraries (formik, react-form-hook) call for different implementations and usages.
- Default theme now uses Tailwind CSS colors
- Component styles have been adjusted to use new theme colors
- Added CHANGELOG.md
- Fixed outline and ghost variants of the Button component not having transparent background colors
- Fixed issue with color prop on Text and Heading components
- Fixed height prop not being avaliable on Input, Select and TextArea components
- Fixed ref forwarding issue with Input, Select and TextArea components
- Fix for menu background
- Fix menu in dark mode
- New Avatar component
- New Popover component
- New Menu component
- Improvements to box shadows steps in theme
- Renamed Drawer and Modal props
- Fix for headers receiving default browser margin/padding
- Raise opacity on disabled elements
- Reduced x padding on inputs
- Black button consistency
- Dependencies update and React 17 fix
- Possible iOS button appearance fix
- Try to improve Link component again
- Change all component styles to be functions so they're used consistently when imported/extended
- Removed device-width padding from noscroll class
- Improved types for Box component and Link
- Modified when variants for components are called
- Other component changes
- Fixed tests not running
- Reworked theme system
- Aligned design choices with those found in Tailwind CSS
- Component styles are now found in
which allows for extending variants, colors, sizes etc. - Updated storybook to 6.0 beta
- Various improvements all over the library
- New Portal component
- New Modal component
- New Drawer component
- Various changes to component styles
- Split CssReset component out of the Theme component
- Implemented shouldForwardProp on styled components
- Various fixes to types, linting and component internals
- First publish of components