Message brokers which allow for simple communication between Spectacles services.
- AMQP - An interface to connect to an AMQP-compliant server.
use std::env;
use futures::StreamExt;
use rustacles_brokers::amqp::{AmqpBroker, AmqpProperties};
async fn run() {
let amqp_uri = env::var("AMQP_URI").expect("No AMQP URL provided");
let broker = AmqpBroker::new(&amqp_uri, "foo".to_string(), None).await.expect("Failed to initialize broker");
let json = b"{'foo': 'bar'}";
match broker.publish("foobar", json.to_vec(), AmqpProperties::default()).await {
Ok(_) => println!("Message successfully published."),
Err(e) => panic!("Failed to publish message: {}", e)
More examples can be found in the [examples
] directory.