A minimal static build of Qt:
A static build of zlib is now also included and used instead of the bundled Qt version (does not apply to msvc builds)
Get the latest versions here:
- linux (clang 18 / Ubuntu 20.04): sme_deps_qt_linux.tgz
- osx (Xcode 14.3 / macOS 13 / MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET 11): sme_deps_qt_osx.tgz
- osx-arm64 (Xcode 15.3 / macOS 14): sme_deps_qt_osx-arm64.tgz
- win64-mingw (mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc 14): sme_deps_qt_win64-mingw.tgz
- win32-msvc (VC++ 2015 Toolset): sme_deps_qt_win32-msvc.tgz
- win64-msvc (VC++ 2015 Toolset): sme_deps_qt_win64-msvc.tgz
See https://github.com/spatial-model-editor/spatial-model-editor for an example of use