This is just a list of Linux files that I have and want a backup copy of as it makes reinstalls easier than rewriting them from scratch.
I have also include a few scripts that made (or found in the case of a couple). The python scripts are mainly designed for parsing Cisco Syslogs in one way or another (I am working on adding additional ones as well as compiling them into one script so I can parse them different ways with just the one).
The background changer scripts (wallpaper.old is one of them) are designed to change the wallpaper set up in the crontab. Currently works on Fedora (20-24) with cinnamon (edits may be needed for other environments but a simple check to see which you are on should suffice).
I need to go in and comment the why I made these and what they do in some of the old ones.
The color test scripts are in order to check wheter the terminal is using 256 color or not.
The tmux config is my general layout so that I can have the things I use most often. The only one to change would be the VPN but it is mostly for work.
The items in .config are for a for redhat based systems it seems.
This was mostly intended to be a back up of config files. I have found it neccessary to also start adding some scripts and so once I remove any unwanted info from them I will be backing those up as well.