diff --git a/ext/nokogiri/xml_xpath_context.c b/ext/nokogiri/xml_xpath_context.c
index 7b09f5272c..8f71c2e316 100644
--- a/ext/nokogiri/xml_xpath_context.c
+++ b/ext/nokogiri/xml_xpath_context.c
@@ -144,13 +144,6 @@ noko_xml_xpath_context_register_ns(VALUE rb_context, VALUE prefix, VALUE uri)
xmlXPathRegisterNs(c_context, (const xmlChar *)StringValueCStr(prefix), ns_uri);
- VALUE registered_namespaces = rb_iv_get(rb_context, "@registered_namespaces");
- if (NIL_P(uri)) {
- rb_hash_delete(registered_namespaces, prefix);
- } else {
- rb_hash_aset(registered_namespaces, prefix, Qtrue);
- }
return rb_context;
@@ -179,13 +172,6 @@ noko_xml_xpath_context_register_variable(VALUE rb_context, VALUE name, VALUE val
xmlXPathRegisterVariable(c_context, (const xmlChar *)StringValueCStr(name), xmlValue);
- VALUE registered_variables = rb_iv_get(rb_context, "@registered_variables");
- if (NIL_P(value)) {
- rb_hash_delete(registered_variables, name);
- } else {
- rb_hash_aset(registered_variables, name, Qtrue);
- }
return rb_context;
@@ -461,9 +447,6 @@ noko_xml_xpath_context_new(VALUE klass, VALUE rb_node)
rb_context = TypedData_Wrap_Struct(klass, &_noko_xml_xpath_context_type, c_context);
- rb_iv_set(rb_context, "@registered_namespaces", rb_hash_new());
- rb_iv_set(rb_context, "@registered_variables", rb_hash_new());
return rb_context;
diff --git a/lib/nokogiri/xml/searchable.rb b/lib/nokogiri/xml/searchable.rb
index 11c0532639..2985fa63d1 100644
--- a/lib/nokogiri/xml/searchable.rb
+++ b/lib/nokogiri/xml/searchable.rb
@@ -261,36 +261,13 @@ def xpath_internal(node, paths, handler, ns, binds)
def xpath_impl(node, path, handler, ns, binds)
- get_xpath_context(node) do |context|
- context.register_namespaces(ns)
- context.register_variables(binds)
+ context = XPathContext.new(node)
+ context.register_namespaces(ns)
+ context.register_variables(binds)
- path = path.gsub("xmlns:", " :") unless Nokogiri.uses_libxml?
+ path = path.gsub("xmlns:", " :") unless Nokogiri.uses_libxml?
- context.evaluate(path, handler)
- end
- end
- if Nokogiri.uses_libxml? && ENV["NOKOGIRI_DEOPTIMIZE_XPATH"].nil? # env var is an escape hatch
- # optimized path
- def get_xpath_context(node)
- context = Thread.current.thread_variable_get(:nokogiri_xpath_context)
- if context
- context.node = node
- else
- context = Thread.current.thread_variable_set(:nokogiri_xpath_context, XPathContext.new(node))
- end
- begin
- yield context
- ensure
- context.reset
- end
- end
- else
- def get_xpath_context(node)
- yield XPathContext.new(node)
- end
+ context.evaluate(path, handler)
diff --git a/lib/nokogiri/xml/xpath_context.rb b/lib/nokogiri/xml/xpath_context.rb
index 2078f40098..033af04b02 100644
--- a/lib/nokogiri/xml/xpath_context.rb
+++ b/lib/nokogiri/xml/xpath_context.rb
@@ -22,28 +22,6 @@ def register_variables(binds)
register_variable(key, value)
- if Nokogiri.uses_libxml?
- def reset
- return unless
- @registered_namespaces.each do |key, _|
- register_ns(key, nil)
- end
- unless @registered_namespaces.empty?
- warn "Nokogiri::XML::XPathContext#reset: unexpected registered namespaces: #{@registered_namespaces.keys}"
- @registered_namespaces.clear
- end
- @registered_variables.each do |key, _|
- register_variable(key, nil)
- end
- unless @registered_variables.empty?
- warn "Nokogiri::XML::XPathContext#reset: unexpected registered variables: #{@registered_variables.keys}"
- @registered_variables.clear
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/xml/test_xpath.rb b/test/xml/test_xpath.rb
index 790f0094d0..7948cac051 100644
--- a/test/xml/test_xpath.rb
+++ b/test/xml/test_xpath.rb
@@ -698,86 +698,6 @@ def collision(nodes)
assert_equal(3, doc.xpath("//self::*:child").length)
- describe "re-using XPathContext objects within a thread" do
- # see https://github.com/sparklemotion/nokogiri/issues/3266
- # this optimization is CRuby-only, but we run the tests on JRuby for consistency
- let(:doc) {
- Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse(<<~XML)
- default
- ns1
- }
- it "clears registered namespaces" do
- # make sure the thread-local XPathContext is initialized
- doc.xpath("//xmlns:child")
- # do namespaces behave the way we expect?
- node = doc.at_xpath("//ns:child", { "ns" => "http://nokogiri.org/ns1" })
- assert_equal("ns1", node.text)
- assert_raises(XPath::SyntaxError) {
- doc.at_xpath("//ns:child")
- }
- node = doc.at_xpath("//child")
- assert_nil(node)
- # make sure the nokogiri and nokogiri-builting namespaces are re-registered
- doc.xpath("//xmlns:child[nokogiri:thing(.)]", @handler)
- assert_equal(1, @handler.things.length)
- if Nokogiri.uses_libxml?
- nodes = doc.xpath("//xmlns:child[nokogiri-builtin:local-name-is('child')]")
- assert_equal(1, nodes.length)
- end
- end
- it "clears registered handlers and functions" do
- # make sure the thread-local XPathContext is initialized
- doc.xpath("//xmlns:child")
- doc.xpath("//xmlns:child[nokogiri:thing(.)]", @handler)
- assert_equal(1, @handler.things.length)
- assert_raises(XPath::SyntaxError) {
- doc.xpath("//xmlns:child[nokogiri:thing(.)]")
- }
- doc.xpath("//xmlns:child[nokogiri:thing(.)]", @handler)
- assert_equal(2, @handler.things.length)
- if Nokogiri.uses_libxml?
- nodes = doc.xpath("//xmlns:child[nokogiri-builtin:local-name-is('child')]")
- assert_equal(1, nodes.length)
- end
- end
- it "clears registered variables" do
- # make sure the thread-local XPathContext is initialized
- doc.xpath("//xmlns:child")
- nodes = @xml.xpath("//address[@domestic=$value]", nil, value: "Yes")
- assert_equal(4, nodes.length)
- assert_raises(XPath::SyntaxError) {
- @xml.xpath("//address[@domestic=$value]")
- }
- nodes = @xml.xpath("//address[@domestic=$value]", nil, value: "Qwerty")
- assert_empty(nodes)
- assert_raises(XPath::SyntaxError) {
- @xml.xpath("//address[@domestic=$value]")
- }
- nodes = @xml.xpath("//address[@domestic=$value]", nil, value: "Yes")
- assert_equal(4, nodes.length)
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/xml/test_xpath_context.rb b/test/xml/test_xpath_context.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa1d88a55c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/xml/test_xpath_context.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "helper"
+module Nokogiri
+ module XML
+ describe XPathContext do
+ it "can register and deregister namespaces" do
+ doc = Document.parse(<<~XML)
+ default
+ ns1
+ xc = XPathContext.new(doc)
+ assert_raises(XPath::SyntaxError) do
+ xc.evaluate("//xmlns:child")
+ end
+ xc.register_namespaces({ "xmlns" => "http://nokogiri.org/default" })
+ assert_pattern do
+ xc.evaluate("//xmlns:child") => [
+ { name: "child", namespace: { href: "http://nokogiri.org/default" } }
+ ]
+ end
+ xc.register_namespaces({ "xmlns" => nil })
+ assert_raises(XPath::SyntaxError) do
+ xc.evaluate("//xmlns:child")
+ end
+ end
+ it "can register and deregister variables" do
+ doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(File.read(TestBase::XML_FILE), TestBase::XML_FILE)
+ xc = XPathContext.new(doc)
+ assert_raises(XPath::SyntaxError) do
+ xc.evaluate("//address[@domestic=$value]")
+ end
+ xc.register_variables({ "value" => "Yes" })
+ nodes = xc.evaluate("//address[@domestic=$value]")
+ assert_equal(4, nodes.length)
+ xc.register_variables({ "value" => "Qwerty" })
+ nodes = xc.evaluate("//address[@domestic=$value]")
+ assert_empty(nodes)
+ xc.register_variables({ "value" => nil })
+ assert_raises(XPath::SyntaxError) do
+ xc.evaluate("//address[@domestic=$value]")
+ end
+ end
+ it "#node=" do
+ doc = Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse(<<~XML)
+ one
+ two
+ three
+ xc = XPathContext.new(doc)
+ results = xc.evaluate(".//foo")
+ assert_equal(3, results.length)
+ xc.node = doc.root.elements[0]
+ assert_pattern { xc.evaluate(".//foo") => [{ name: "foo", inner_html: "one" }] }
+ xc.node = doc.root.elements[1]
+ assert_pattern { xc.evaluate(".//foo") => [{ name: "foo", inner_html: "two" }] }
+ end
+ end
+ end