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Stacks Tutorial

So far, we've talked about Spack environments in the context of a unified user environment. But environments in Spack have much broader capabilities. In this tutorial we will consider how to use Spack environments to manage large deployments of software.

What usually differs between a typical environment for a single user, and an environment used to manage large deployments, is that in the latter case we often have a set of packages we want to install across a wide range of MPIs, LAPACKs or compilers.

In the following we'll mimic the creation of a software stack built onto a cross-product of different LAPACK and MPI libraries, with a compiler that is more recent than the one provided by the host system.

In the first part we'll focus on how to properly configure and install the software we want. We'll learn how to pin certain requirements, and how to write a cross product of specs in a compact, and expressive, way.

Then we'll consider how the software we install might be consumed by our users, and see the two main mechanisms that Spack provides for that: views and module files.


Before we start this hands-on, make sure the EDITOR environment variable is set to your preferred editor, for instance:

$ export EDITOR=emacs

Setup the compiler

The first step to build our stack is to setup the compiler we want to use later. This is, currently, an iterative process that can be done in two ways:

  1. Install the compiler first, then register it in the environment
  2. Use a second environment just for the compiler

In the following we'll use the first approach. For people interested, an example of the latter approach can be found at this link.

Let's start by creating an environment in a directory of our choice:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/setup-0.out
   :language: console

Now we can add from the command line a new compiler. We'll also disable the generation of views for the time being, as we'll come back to this topic later in the tutorial:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/setup-1.out
   :language: console

What you should see on screen now is the following spack.yaml file:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/examples/0.spack.stack.yaml
   :language: yaml
   :emphasize-lines: 8

The next step is to concretize and install our compiler:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/setup-2.out
   :language: console

Finally, let's register it as a new compiler in the environment:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/compiler-find-0.out
   :language: console

The spack location -i command returns the installation prefix for the spec being queried:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/compiler-find-1.out
   :language: console

This might be useful in general when scripting Spack commands, as the example above shows. Listing the compilers now shows the presence of [email protected]:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/compiler-list-0.out
   :language: console

The manifest file at this point looks like:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/examples/1.spack.stack.yaml
   :language: yaml

We are ready to build more software with our newly installed GCC!

Install a software stack

Now that we have a compiler ready, the next objective is to build software with it. We'll start by trying to add different versions of netlib-scalapack, linked against different MPI implementations:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/unify-0.out
   :language: console

If we try to concretize the environment, we'll get an error:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/unify-1.out
   :language: console

The error message is quite verbose, and admittedly complicated, but at the end it gives a useful hint:

You could consider setting `concretizer:unify` to `when_possible` or `false` to allow multiple versions of some packages.

Let's see what that means.

Tuning concretizer options for a stack

Whenever we concretize an environment with more than one root spec, we can configure Spack to be more or less strict with duplicate nodes in the sub-DAG obtained by following link and run edges starting from the roots. We usually call this sub-DAG the root unification set.

A diagram might help to better visualize the concept:

The image above represents the current environment, with our three root specs highlighted by a thicker dashed line. Any node that could be reached following a link or run edge is part of the root unification set. Pure build dependencies might fall outside of it.

The config option determining which nodes are allowed to be in the root unification set is concretizer:unify. Let's check its value:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/unify-2.out
   :language: console

concretizer:unify:true means that only a single configuration for each package can be present. This value is good for single project environments, since it ensures we can construct a view of all the software, with the usual structure expected on a Unix-ish system, and without risks of collisions between installations.

Clearly, we can't respect this requirement, since our roots already contain two different configurations of netlib-scalapack. Let's set the value to false, and try to re-concretize:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/unify-3.out
   :language: console

This time concretization succeeded. Setting concretizer:unify:false is effectively concretizing each root spec on its own, and then merging the results into the environment. This allows us to have the duplicates we need.


If the environment is expected to have only a few duplicate nodes, then there's another value we might consider:

$ spack config add concretizer:unify:when_possible

With this option Spack will try to unify the environment in an eager way, solving it in multiple rounds. The concretization at round n will contain all the specs that could not be unified at round n-1, and will consider all the specs from previous rounds for reuse.

Spec matrices

Let's expand our stack further and consider also linking against different LAPACK providers. We could, of course, add new specs explicitly:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/unify-4.out
   :language: console

This way of proceeding, though, will become very tedious as soon as more software is requested. The best way to express a cross-product like this in Spack is instead through a matrix:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/examples/2.spack.stack.yaml
   :language: yaml
   :emphasize-lines: 8-12

Matrices will expand to the cross-product of their rows, so this matrix:

- matrix:
 - ["netlib-scalapack"]
 - ["^openmpi", "^mpich"]
 - ["^openblas", "^netlib-lapack"]
 - ["%gcc@12"]

is equivalent to this list of specs:

- "netlib-scalapack %gcc@12 ^openblas ^openmpi"
- "netlib-scalapack %gcc@12 ^openblas ^mpich"
- "netlib-scalapack %gcc@12 ^netlib-lapack ^openmpi"
- "netlib-scalapack %gcc@12 ^netlib-lapack ^mpich"

We are now ready to concretize and install the environment:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/concretize-0.out
   :language: console

Let's double check which specs we have installed so far:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/concretize-01.out
   :language: console

As we can see we have our four variations of netlib-scalapack installed.

Reusable definitions

So far, we have seen how we can use spec matrices to generate cross-product specs from rows containing a list of constraints. A common situation you will encounter with large deployments is the necessity to add multiple matrices to the list of specs, that possibly share some of those rows.

To reduce the amount of duplication needed in the manifest file, and thus the maintenance burden for people maintaining it, Spack allows to define lists of constraints under the definitions attribute, and expand them later when needed. Let's rewrite our manifest in that sense:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/examples/3.spack.stack.yaml
   :language: yaml
   :emphasize-lines: 6-10,14-18

And check that re-concretizing won't change the environment:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/concretize-1.out
   :language: console

Now we can use those definitions to add e.g. serial packages built against the LAPACK libraries. Let's try to do that by using py-scypy as an example:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/examples/4.spack.stack.yaml
   :language: yaml
   :emphasize-lines: 11,20-23

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/concretize-2.out
   :language: console

Another ability that is often useful, is that of excluding specific entries from a cross-product matrix. We can do that with the exclude keyword, in the same item as the matrix. Let's try to remove py-scipy ^netlib-lapack from our matrix:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/examples/4bis.spack.stack.yaml
   :language: yaml
   :emphasize-lines: 24-25

Let's concretize the environment and install the specs once again:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/concretize-3.out
   :language: console

At this point the environment contains only py-scipy ^openblas. Let's verify it:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/concretize-4.out
   :language: console

Conditional definitions

Spec list definitions can also be conditioned on a when clause. The when clause is a python conditional that is evaluated in a restricted environment. The variables available in when clauses are:

variable name value
platform The spack platform name for this machine
os The default spack os name and version string for this machine
target The default spack target string for this machine
architecture The default spack architecture string platform-os-target for this machine
arch Alias for architecture
env A dictionary representing the users environment variables
re The python re module for regex
hostname The hostname of this node

Let's say we only want to limit to just use mpich, unless the SPACK_STACK_USE_OPENMPI environment variable is set. To do so we could write the following spack.yaml:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/examples/5.spack.stack.yaml
   :language: yaml
   :emphasize-lines: 7-9

Different definitions of lists with the same name are concatenated, so we can define our MPI list in one place unconditionally, and then conditionally append one or more values to it.

Let's first check what happens when we concretize and don't set any environment variable:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/concretize-5.out
   :language: console

As we expected now we are only using mpich as an MPI provider. To get openmpi back we just need to set the appropriate environment variable:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/concretize-6.out
   :language: console

There is no need to install this time, since all the specs were still in the store.

Other useful features

Sometimes it might be useful to create a local source mirror for the specs installed in an environment. If the environment is active, this is as simple as:

$ spack mirror create --all -d ./stacks-mirror

This command fetches all the tarballs for the packages in the spack.lock file, and puts them in the directory passed as argument. Later you can move this mirror to e.g. an air-gapped machine and:

$ spack mirror add <name> <stacks-mirror>

to be able to re-build the specs from sources. If instead you want to create a buildcache you can:

$ spack gpg create <name> <e-mail>
$ spack buildcache push ./mirror

In that case, don't forget to set an appropriate value for the padding of the install tree, see how to setup relocation in our documentation.

By default, Spack installs one package at a time, using the -j option where it can. If you are installing a large environment, and have at disposal a beefy build node, you might need to start more installations in parallel to make an optimal use of the resources. This can be done by creating a depfile, when the environment is active:

$ spack env depfile -o Makefile

The result is a makefile that starts multiple Spack instances, and the resources are shared through the GNU jobserver. More information of this feature can be found in our documentation. This might cut down your build time by a fair amount, if you build frequently from sources.

Make the software stack easy to use

Now that the software stack has been installed, we need to focus on how it can be used by our customers. We'll first see how we can configure views to project a subset of the specs we installed onto a filesystem folder with the usual Unix structure. Then we'll have a similar discussion for module files. Which of the two approaches is better depends strongly on the use case at hand.

View descriptors

At the beginning, we configured Spack not to create a view for this stack because simple views won't work with stacks. We've been concretizing multiple packages of the same name, and they would conflict if linked into the same view.

What we can do is create multiple views, using view descriptors. This would allows us to define which packages are linked into the view, and how. Let's edit our spack.yaml file again.

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/examples/6.spack.stack.yaml
   :language: yaml
   :emphasize-lines: 44-54

In the configuration above we created two views, named default and full. The default view consists of all the packages that are compiled with gcc@12, but do not depend on either mpich or netlib-lapack. As we can see, we can both include and exclude specs using constrains.

The full view contains a more complex projection, so to put each spec into an appropriate subdirectory, according to the first constraint that the spec matches. all is the default projection, and has always the lowest priority, independent of the order in which it appears. To avoid confusion, we advise to always keep it last in projections.

Let's concretize to regenerate the views, and check their structure:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/view-0.out
   :language: console

The view descriptor also contains a link key. The default behavior, as we have seen, is to link all packages, including implicit link and run dependencies, into the view. If we set the option to "roots", Spack links only the root packages into the view.

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/examples/7.spack.stack.yaml
   :language: yaml
   :emphasize-lines: 49

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/view-1.out
   :language: console

Now we see only the root libraries in the default view. The rest are hidden, but are still available in the full view. The complete documentation on view can be found here.

Module files

Module files are another very popular way to use software on HPC systems. In this section we'll show how to configure and generate a hierarchical module structure, suitable for lmod.

A more in-depth tutorial, focused only on module files, can be found at :ref:`modules-tutorial`. There we discuss the general architecture of module file generation in Spack and we highlight differences between environment-modules and lmod that won't be covered in this section.

So, let's start by adding lmod to the software installed with the system compiler:

$ spack add lmod%gcc@11
$ spack concretize
$ spack install

Once that is done, let's add the module command to our shell like this:

$ . $(spack location -i lmod)/lmod/lmod/init/bash

If everything worked out correctly you should now have the module command available in you shell:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/modules-1.out
   :language: console

The next step is to add some basic configuration to our spack.yaml to generate module files:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/examples/8.spack.stack.yaml
   :language: yaml
   :emphasize-lines: 45-54

In these few lines of additional configuration we told Spack to generate lmod module files in a subdirectory named modules, using a hierarchy comprising both lapack and mpi.

We can generate the module files and use them with the following commands:

$ spack module lmod refresh -y
$ module use $PWD/stacks/modules/linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64/Core

Now we should be able to see the module files that have been generated:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/modules-2.out
   :language: console

The sets of modules is already usable, and the hierarchy already works. For instance we can load the gcc compiler and check that we have gcc in out path and we have a lot more modules available - all the ones compiled with [email protected]:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/modules-3.out
   :language: console

There are a few issues though. For once, we have a lot of modules generated from dependencies of gcc that are cluttering the view, and won't likely be needed directly by users. Then, module names contain hashes, which go against users being able to reuse the same script in similar, but not equal, environments.

Also, some of the modules might need to set custom environment variables, which are specific to the deployment aspects that don't enter the hash - for instance a policy at the deploying site.

To address all these needs we can complicate out modules configuration a bit more:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/examples/9.spack.stack.yaml
   :language: yaml
   :emphasize-lines: 55-70

Let's regenerate the modules once again:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/modules-4.out
   :language: console

Now we have a set of module files without hashes, with a correct hierarchy, and with all our custom modifications:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/stacks/modules-5.out
   :language: console

This concludes the quick tour of module file generation, and the tutorial on stacks.


In this tutorial, we configured Spack to install a stack of software built on a cross-product of different MPI and LAPACK libraries. We used the spec matrix syntax to express in a compact way the specs to be installed, and spec list definitions to reuse the same matrix rows in different places. Then, we discussed how to make the software easy to use, leveraging either filesystem views or module files.