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Jean Chassoul edited this page Jun 24, 2019 · 350 revisions

"An object is really a function that has no name and that gets its argument a message and then look at that message and decide what to do next." — Richard P. Gabriel

This guide is product of the efforts of many people too numerous to list here and the unique environment of our open-source community.

The work presented here confines itself primarily to the stabler parts of the system, and does not address the window system, user interface or application programming interfaces at all.

We are an open-source research & development community that conducts multidisciplinary work on distributed systems, artificial intelligence and high-performance computing.

There are countless different kinds of use of all the things we call "signs", "words", "sentences". And this diversity is not something fixed, given once for all; but new types of language-games come into existence and others become obsolete and get forgotten.

Our Mission: provide tools inside a simple workspace for play, work and science!

Our Goal: a distributed AI toolkit and workspace environment for machines of all ages.

We offer a custom Debian stable release and a set of Singularity Linux® containers with native support for Python 3, Lua and Erlang ecosystems unified within a quasi-opportunistic blackboard system; installation, consulting and support is also available from community members.

Core ideas

  • Functions are a form of objects.
  • Message passing and function calling are analogous.
  • Asynchronous message passing is necessary for non-blocking systems.
  • Selective receive allow to ignore messages uninteresting now.

Getting started

Please make sure that your Debian system have the latest release of Erlang, LuaJIT (with luarocks) and Singularity installed.


Then run this command:

luarocks install package

For help using Spacebeam's package, including a list of commands, run:

$ pkg --help

Congratulations, you are jacked up and good to go!

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