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Docker Imp

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Practice based Docker Documentation**

It includes Docker concepts, commands and important links to solve issues.

Install Docker: [TODO]

  • Installing docker 19.03 for all the latest updates. Bellow commands were tested on docker 19.03

Install Docker with gpu (cuda) and Tensorflow:

  • We can train deep learning models with gpu with docker itself
  • It is required when you wanted to train a network which requires different versions of DL libraries like different PyToch, tensorflow along with support of Cuda.
  • Why not create simple python virtual environment? Youcan create virtual enviroment for this kind of tasks but what if you have dependecies of Cuda driver version for a particular library say tensorflow does not work with cuda 10.1 (as on this date) and say you need pytorch 1.3.x requires cuda 10.1 for it run. At such situaltions docker with cuda support is required.
  • For docker with cuda support you need to install latest version of cuda drivers and then you will be able to use any version of cuDNN according to your code need. It is backward compatible.
  • For installation please follow this + this

Add user group to the docker: [TODO]

  • This helps to remove sudo dependencies for running docker command

Change path of default docker:

  • Since docker images eats up your system memory, you can decide which partition to use for docker say /mnt or /home etc.
  • This is required when you want to have more images which might take lot of your HW space.
  • There are 2 methods which is found till now link:

Method 1:

  • You can change Docker’s storage base directory (where container and images go) using the -g option when starting the Docker daemon. Ubuntu/Debian: edit your /etc/default/docker file with the -g option: DOCKER_OPTS="-dns -dns -g /mnt"

After a restart, (service docker restart) Docker should use the new directory.

Method 2: (This worked for me)

  • Using a symlink is another method to change image storage.


Stop docker: service docker stop. Verify no docker process is running ps faux

Double check docker really isn’t running. 
Take a look at the current docker directory: ls /var/lib/docker/

Make a backup - tar -zcC /var/lib docker > /mnt/pd0/var_lib_docker-backup-$(date +%s).tar.gz

Move the /var/lib/docker directory to your new partition: mv /var/lib/docker /mnt/pd0/docker

Make a symlink: ln -s /mnt/pd0/docker /var/lib/docker

Take a peek at the directory structure to make sure it looks like it did before the mv: ls /var/lib/docker/ (note the trailing slash to resolve the symlink)

Start docker back up service docker start

restart your containers

Adding correct dns setting for docker container

  • When you run a docker contianer inside that contianer you will not be able to install or download anything from web.
  • This is probably because of firewal on your Host PC.
  • This helps in soving issues related to apt-get update not working.
  • For this you need to provide correct dns setting for docker container to run.
sudo docker run -it --dns tensorflow/tensorflow:devel-gpu


sudo docker run -it --network=host tensorflow/tensorflow:devel-gpu 
  • Note: You might ned to find correct dns for your system

Creating shared folder between docker container and actual PC

  • Since docker creates its own virtual machine and space it might happen that once the image is deleted it will free-up all the space automatically.
  • To avoid this we can create a shared directory that even if docker image is deleted our saved stuff like trained models, result images etc. should still be with us.
  • Docker creates voulmes for sharing the data between Host PC and docker container. To know more about docker volumes read1 and read2
  • However the short answer is: use -v command
sudo docker run -it -v </absolute/path/of/Host PC>:</absolute/path/inside/container> tensorflow/tensorflow:devel-gpu bash

For example:

sudo docker run -it --dns -v /home/jyadavso/sourabh/Play_n_n_Learn:/home/jyadavso/sourabh/Play_n_n_Learn tensorflow/tensorflow:devel-gpu bash


  • When docker -v command sees a path which is already existing in your Host PC it does not creates a new voluume insde the docker/volume
  • But docker -v sees a non-exiting path then it creates new volume inside the docker/volume directory and later link that volume to container path For e.g.:
sudo docker run -it --dns -v docker_share:/home/jyadavso/sourabh/Play_n_n_Learn tensorflow/tensorflow:devel-gpu bash

The above command will create a new volume inside the docker/volume and which will be shared with given container path. To verify that you can sunn sudo docker volume list

Providing host IP to a docker container to watch the process from Host PC: [TODO]

  • With this we wont face internet connectivity problems when we are inside docker.
  • A typical scenario happens that we wont be able to connect with pip install or apt-get install as by default internet wont be working inside the docker container.

Install docker with Jupyter support:

  • We can rn docker with jupyter support on Host-PC browser
  • Following are the steps:
sudo docker run -it --gpus all --dns -p 8888:8888 --net=host  tensorflow/tensorflow:devel-gpu 

Here --net=host for providing the docker container mapped to host-pc. -p 8888:8888 provides the port for jupyter server to map on Host-PC. This is optional as by defualt it will map to 8888 port.

For more details on running jupyter running on docker you can look here and here

Container with display permissions:

  • Oftern it may happen that you will require to display images or other media inside the docker itself.
  • Say cv2.imshow(...), with default docker container you will face lot of related to X server or cannot connected to diplay etc.
  • To avoid this you need to provide permissions to docker container to use display. Following is the command tou can use it:
$ xhost +
$ sudo docker run -it --gpus all --network host -p 8888:8888 -v /home:/home -v /data:/data -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY --env QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 tensorflow/tensorflow:devel-gpu --name cont_siamese_mask_disp bash
  • xhost + provides access to your X server to be used by others
  • -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY --env QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 This command enables the permissions to use dispaly to the docker container. Rest all commands remains same.

Clean docker aqquired memory from the system

  • As docker images and containers takes lot of memory, here are few smart commands which can help you free up the space. docker image prune

Get a container ID from within the container
Once you are inside a docker container and if you might want to know the container ID to run same docker in different terminal. Following are the ways to can get those:

  1. The shell name itself might tell the container ID: root@<container id>@
    Howeverm sometimes it might be overriden by the Linux i.e. '''root@hostname#```. If this is the case check for below options.
  2. Try to print hostname echo $HOSTNAME
    This might also be overridden to PC hostname. Check out other option.
  3. Use this command to print get the docker container ID from inside docker container:
    head -1 /proc/self/cgroup|cut -d/ -f3
    The above command worked for me on the docker --version : Docker version 19.03.5, build 633a0ea838 on Ubuntu 16.04.
    For more details and alternate commands visit here or googlee it :P

Create docker image without image name or image name or tag name is :

  • Many times it may happen that the image name (REPOSITORY) and tag appears to be . In such case use -t <image id> along ith your docker run command.

$ sudo docker run -it <image id> --gpus all --network host -p 8888:8888 -v /home:/home bash ....