+Copyright 2023 Sophos Ltd. All rights reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+permissions and limitations under the License.
+import os
+import re
+import requests
+import xmltodict
+from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
class SophosFirewallAPIError(Exception):
"""Error raised when an API operation fails"""
class SophosFirewallAuthFailure(Exception):
"""Error raised when authentication to firewall fails"""
class SophosFirewallZeroRecords(Exception):
"""Error raised when a get request returns zero records"""
class SophosFirewallOperatorError(Exception):
"""Error raised when an invalid operator is specified"""
class SophosFirewallInvalidArgument(Exception):
"""Error raised when an invalid argument is specified"""
class APIClient:
"""Class for making the requests to the firewall XML API."""
def __init__(self, username, password, hostname, port, verify):
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.hostname = hostname
self.port = port
self.url = f"https://{hostname}:{port}/webconsole/APIController"
self.verify = verify
def _dict_to_lower(self, target_dict):
"""Convert the keys of a dictionary to lower-case
target_dict (dict): Dictionary to be converted
dict: Dictionary with all keys converted to lower case
return {key.lower(): val for key, val in target_dict.items()}
def _error_check(self, api_response, xml_tag):
"""Check for errors in the API response and raise exception if present
api_response (Requests.response): The response object returned from the requests module
xml_tag (str): The XML tag being operated on
SophosFirewallZeroRecords: Error raised when there are no records matching the request parameters
SophosFirewallAPIError: Error raised when there is a problem with the request parameters
response = xmltodict.parse(api_response.content.decode())["Response"]
lower_response = self._dict_to_lower(response)
if xml_tag.lower() in lower_response:
resp_dict = lower_response[xml_tag.lower()]
if "Status" in resp_dict:
if (
resp_dict["Status"] == "Number of records Zero."
or resp_dict["Status"] == "No. of records Zero."
raise SophosFirewallZeroRecords(resp_dict["Status"])
if "@code" in resp_dict["Status"]:
if not resp_dict["Status"]["@code"].startswith("2"):
raise SophosFirewallAPIError(
f"{resp_dict['Status']['@code']}: {resp_dict['Status']['#text']}"
raise SophosFirewallAPIError(
def _post(self, xmldata: str) -> requests.Response:
"""Post XML request to the firewall returning response as a dict object
xmldata (str): XML payload
verify (bool): SSL certificate verification. Default=True.
requests.Response object
headers = {"Accept": "application/xml"}
resp = requests.post(
data={"reqxml": xmldata},
resp_dict = xmltodict.parse(resp.content.decode())["Response"]
if "Status" in resp_dict:
if resp_dict["Status"]["@code"] == "534":
# IP not allowed in API Access List
raise SophosFirewallAPIError(resp_dict["Status"]["#text"])
if resp_dict["Status"]["@code"] == "532":
# API access not enabled
raise SophosFirewallAPIError(resp_dict["Status"]["#text"])
if "Login" in resp_dict:
if resp_dict["Login"]["status"] == "Authentication Failure":
raise SophosFirewallAuthFailure("Login failed!")
return resp
def login(self, output_format):
"""Test login credentials.
output_format(str): Output format. Valid options are "dict" or "xml". Defaults to dict.
payload = f"""
resp = self._post(xmldata=payload)
if output_format == "xml":
return resp.content.decode()
return xmltodict.parse(resp.content.decode())
def submit_template(
filename: str,
template_vars: dict,
template_dir: str = None,
debug: bool = False,
) -> dict:
"""Submits XML payload stored as a Jinja2 file
filename (str): Jinja2 template filename. Place in "templates" directory or configure template_dir.
template_vars (dict): Dictionary of variables to inject into the template. Username and password are passed in by default.
template_dir (str): Directory to look for templates. Default is "./templates".
debug (bool, optional): Enable debug mode to display XML payload. Defaults to False.
if not template_dir:
template_dir = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "templates"
environment = Environment(
template = environment.get_template(filename)
template_vars["username"] = self.username
template_vars["password"] = self.password
payload = template.render(**template_vars)
if debug:
print(f"REQUEST: {payload}")
resp = self._post(xmldata=payload)
resp_dict = xmltodict.parse(resp.content.decode())["Response"]
success_pattern = "2[0-9][0-9]"
for key in resp_dict:
if "Status" in resp_dict[key]:
if not re.search(success_pattern, resp_dict[key]["Status"]["@code"]):
raise SophosFirewallAPIError(resp_dict[key])
return xmltodict.parse(resp.content.decode())
def get_tag(self, xml_tag: str, output_format: str = "dict"):
"""Execute a get for a specified XML tag.
xml_tag (str): XML tag for the request
output_format(str): Output format. Valid options are "dict" or "xml". Defaults to dict.
payload = f"""
resp = self._post(xmldata=payload)
self._error_check(resp, xml_tag)
if output_format == "xml":
return resp.content.decode()
return xmltodict.parse(resp.content.decode())
def get_tag_with_filter(
xml_tag: str,
key: str,
value: str,
operator: str = "like",
output_format: str = dict,
"""Execute a get for a specified XML tag with filter criteria.
xml_tag (str): XML tag for the request.
key (str): Search key
value (str): Search value
operator (str, optional): Operator for search (“=”,”!=”,”like”). Defaults to "like".
output_format(str): Output format. Valid options are "dict" or "xml". Defaults to dict.
valid_operators = ["=", "!=", "like"]
if operator not in valid_operators:
raise SophosFirewallOperatorError(
f"Invalid operator '{operator}'! Supported operators: [ {', '.join(valid_operators)} ]"
payload = f"""
<key name="{key}" criteria="{operator}">{value}</key>
resp = self._post(xmldata=payload)
self._error_check(resp, xml_tag)
if output_format == "xml":
return resp.content.decode()
return xmltodict.parse(resp.content.decode())
def remove(self, xml_tag: str, name: str, key: str = "Name", output_format: str = "dict"):
"""Remove an object from the firewall.
xml_tag (str): The XML tag indicating the type of object to be removed.
name (str): The name of the object to be removed.
key (str): The primary XML key that is used to look up the object. Defaults to Name.
output_format (str): Output format. Valid options are "dict" or "xml". Defaults to dict.
payload = f"""
resp = self._post(xmldata=payload)
self._error_check(resp, xml_tag)
if output_format == "xml":
return resp.content.decode()
return xmltodict.parse(resp.content.decode())
def update(
xml_tag: str,
update_params: dict,
name: str = None,
output_format: str = "dict",
debug: bool = False,
"""Update an existing object on the firewall.
xml_tag (str): The XML tag indicating the type of object to be updated.
update_params (dict): Keys/values to be updated. Keys must match an existing XML key.
name (str, optional): The name of the object to be updated, if applicable.
output_format(str): Output format. Valid options are "dict" or "xml". Defaults to dict.
debug (bool): Displays the XML payload that was submitted
if name:
resp = self.get_tag_with_filter(
xml_tag=xml_tag, key="Name", value=name, operator="="
resp = self.get_tag(xml_tag=xml_tag)
for key in update_params:
resp["Response"][xml_tag][key] = update_params[key]
update_body = {}
update_body[xml_tag] = resp["Response"][xml_tag]
xml_update_body = xmltodict.unparse(update_body, pretty=True).lstrip(
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'
payload = f"""
<Set operation="update">
if debug:
resp = self._post(xmldata=payload)
self._error_check(resp, xml_tag)
if output_format == "xml":
return resp.content.decode()
return xmltodict.parse(resp.content.decode())
def validate_arg(self, arg_name, arg_value, valid_choices):
if not arg_value in valid_choices:
raise SophosFirewallInvalidArgument(
f"Invalid choice for {arg_name} argument, valid choices are {valid_choices}"