diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 58e24ae..d1427d5 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -80,14 +80,14 @@ $ ./tmp/deploy/sdk/poky-glibc-x86_64-core-image-weston-aarch64-qemuarm64-toolcha
 The default build targets are fixed to Linux, Arm64, and the following Flutter Engine version in the config file.
-ENGINE_VERSION ?= "248290d6d50a1bf1a6a246544347c03acda867a5"
+ENGINE_VERSION ?= "0f359063c487ee70787e58b4b011cbb3c2f53fd6"
 When creating a Flutter project, you will need to use the following version of the Flutter SDK.
 | Engine version | Flutter SDK version |
 | :-------------: | :-------------: |
-| [248290d6d50a1bf1a6a246544347c03acda867a5](https://github.com/flutter/engine/commit/248290d6d50a1bf1a6a246544347c03acda867a5) | [3.7.3 (stable channel)](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/releases/tag/3.7.3) |
+| [0f359063c487ee70787e58b4b011cbb3c2f53fd6](https://github.com/flutter/engine/commit/0f359063c487ee70787e58b4b011cbb3c2f53fd6) | [3.7.5 (stable channel)](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/releases/tag/3.7.5) |
 If you want to change the version of the Flutter engine, change <engine_version> to the appropriate version of the Flutter SDK and add the following to `conf/local.conf`:
diff --git a/conf/flutter-engine.conf b/conf/flutter-engine.conf
index 8abfec0..26e9e53 100644
--- a/conf/flutter-engine.conf
+++ b/conf/flutter-engine.conf
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Flutter 3.7.3 (stable channel)
-ENGINE_VERSION ?= "248290d6d50a1bf1a6a246544347c03acda867a5"
+# Flutter 3.7.5 (stable channel)
+ENGINE_VERSION ?= "0f359063c487ee70787e58b4b011cbb3c2f53fd6"
 # Flutter Build Mode [debug-mode|profile-mode|release-mode]
 PACKAGECONFIG ?= "release-mode"