Releases: songify-rocks/Songify
Youtube (Chrome) & Nightbot
Added the support for Youtube (Google Chrome)
- Only works if Chrome is not minimized
Added the support for NightBot
- Link your account in the settings window (just type in your Twitch name and hit link)
Added the ability to export and import the config (for example when you do a clean install of windows)
- Fixed a bug where the app wrote "Spotify Premium -" or "Spotify Free -" in the text file when custom pause is enabled.
Improved Text Splitting, Improved Telemetry & Config ex-/import
Whats new:
- Changed the default output to include {extra}
- Changed the way the String gets split in order to have a more reliable way to separate artist and track name.
- Changed the way the software checks for updates.
- Added the ability to export and import the config so you don't have to re-do all of the config on every update.
Telemetry, Custom Output and some design changes
Added light telemetry which is optional.
Data which gets transmitted:
● UUID (randomly generate identifier, nothing personalized)
● Current timestamp (to evaluate how frequent the software is used)
● If the software is running or not (this is transmitted on startup / shutdown of the software, no service running in the background!)
● Current software version
Custom Output:
In the settings window there is a new textbox in which you can set a custom output format.
Format is like this:
Pendulum - Tarantula - Original Mix
^ {artist} ^ {title} ^ {extra}
Kepp in mind that this can and probably will lead to weird text sometimes when the artist or the song has extra dashes (-) in the name!
Added custom pause text
Added the function to set a custom text when Spotify ist paused.
To do so: Enable it in the settings tab and set the text. Leave the text area blank or put a whitespace " " in there so it will be an emtpy text file.
Better updater, About Tab
- Added 'About' tab, opens with the "about" button in the top row
- Added Buttons for Donations, Discord and Github
- Added a list of third-party libraries
- Removed the "This is a test" string
- Configured the updater to work properly
- You'll now get a notification if there is an update available
- minor tweaks in the code
Songify Slim Initial Release!
Download the zip, unpack it and run the software!