The base class for breadcrumb was broken since the release of 3.0.
It was missing the EditableBlockService
interface so it can be edited through
and the best way to implement it was to change the constructor
in order to inject the MenuBlockService
from the SonataBlockBundle
If you extend BaseBreacrumbMenuBlockService
you need to change your service definition file.
->set('my_custom_breadcrumb_block_service', MyCustomBreadcrumbBlockService::class)
new ReferenceConfigurator('twig'),
new ReferenceConfigurator('knp_menu.factory'),
->set('my_custom_breadcrumb_block_service', MyCustomBreadcrumbBlockService::class)
new ReferenceConfigurator('twig'),
new ReferenceConfigurator(''),
new ReferenceConfigurator('knp_menu.factory'),