diff --git a/public/website/docs.html b/public/website/docs.html
index ead248c..0141340 100644
--- a/public/website/docs.html
+++ b/public/website/docs.html
@@ -1301,7 +1301,7 @@
const authToken = "change-me";
const to = "change-me"; // A phone number which will receive the call
const from = "change-me"; // This should exactly match the number configured in Step 2.
-const twiml = '<Response><Say>Hello World from the Somleng Chime Tutorial! How are you today?"</Say><Play>https://demo.twilio.com/docs/classic.mp3</Play></Response>'
+const twiml = "<Response><Say>Hello World from the Somleng Chime Tutorial! How are you today?</Say><Play>https://demo.twilio.com/docs/classic.mp3</Play></Response>"
const client = require('somleng')(accountSid, authToken);